+15 Will give you the advice you need, regardless of the ensuing backlash. Man up. Associate 1 in PE - Other
+15 40/44 of Trump’s former cabinet members have refused to support his current bid. The people he will put in charge of major arms of government are going to be morons and grifters.    CRE
+15 Can confirm… Was very difficult to hold on to the Evercore guy behind me and ended up getting dinged. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+15 PM me your name so I can have you excluded in any future surgeries I have. Imagine having some room temp IQ surgeon mf operating on you HelloWorld8
+15 Brother this is a bot Intern in IB - Gen
+15 Pretty much ya regret a lot of my career. I’ve been unemployed for nearly a year even though I have a stellar resume, due to some missteps that are really anything remotely like a screwup. Research Analyst in S&T - Equities
+14 Ensure your models are clean, updated and easy to understand Analyst 3+ in HF - EquityHedge
+14 Smartest college sophomore absolutely wasted on the MF kool-aid Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+14 I think you missed the memo, but he's going to Australia. Far away from this inexorable hardship. Far away from being made fun of. Far away from trauma. And hopefully far away from the LinkedIn post button Prospect in IB - Gen
+14 Same exact scenario you were in, now at a different gig making somehow more than I did in banking (about 220k all in) and working 8 am to 7pm. Not bad at all. Things I did to finesse were: Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+14 I, personally, have never claimed that RE necessarily makes more money than other industries from a W2 perspective. Fred Fredburger
+14 All the traders I knew at Stratton Oakmont did major drugs. Investment Analyst in HF - Other
+14 Striking out from Princeton is wild work. Southern SemiTarget_student
+14 As someone who did this, the number one piece of advice I can give you is to change your entire mentality / approach to deals. brosephstalin
+14 Prioritise getting your independence however you possibly can, then break all communication with them and forget they even existed. Pave your own way. Godspeed brother thefrontofficegeezer
+14 You should ask during your final round interview capexprss
+14 Did you speak to the kid about him losing his offer? If not shut the fuck up and stop spreading misinformation. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+14 Are you in the US? You're eligible for 12 weeks of leave under FMLA. Mental health is covered. Don't need to tell your team specifics if you don't want to, just say there was an urgent health issue in your family.  Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+13 Moelis needs some bad press from this. I would like to see Ackman and others blow up their spot for not standing behind their man. JulianRobertson
+13 You can’t think of PE like this and make tiers like you can for banking. Different people are maximizing for different things, and there are factors that are key for a career in PE that this forum doesn’t even consider. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+13 Much worse list than OP’s. If you’re ranking schools by prestige just use USNews lol: Investment Analyst in HF - EquityHedge
+13 Here's what I do - I compartmentalize into building blocks, because reading a CIM without a clear direction of what you're looking for is a total time waste. chihayafull
+13 This is a great gesture and shows you have a lot of maturity at your age - not many people understand and appreciate the hard work and sacrifices their parents make for them until it's too late. Zpoet
+13 PUSH brother PUSH. It’s 10 weeks, then you have months of doing nothing / fuck hookers  Associate 1 in IB - Gen
+13 The responses to this thread are the reason no change has been made. Just a bunch of corporate bots programmed to believe sacrificing all their time, values, and morals is normal. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+13 guys I think he wants to know what the joke you told was demibabs
+13 “No thanks - I don’t drink alcohol” Lioncor
+13 People like you are the problem in our industry  Analyst 1 in HF - Other
+13 It's just losers fucking around to troll other losers.  No one actually gives a shit.  Don't think about it. - a Non-Target  CharlesCheese
+13 . Intern in IB - Gen
+13 I was at Citadel in 2008. Fund was down 55% that year. 1) Subprime mortgage took a bit hit. We had recently bought the mortgage portfolio from ETrade and that took a huge loss. morgantire
+13 I think you are splitting hairs or don't understand exaggeration. Fred Fredburger
+13 Jim Donovan patriziobatimonne
+13 jesus brother. heres a clean joke. how does a penguin build its house? it glues (igloos) it together. burliestmeat1037
+13 sweetie if you cant give a concise answer that sounds like a skill issue haha_what
+12 For sure, they are also just college students at the end of the day. true_sternie
+12 Cringe, but this is bullying. I wouldn't post about it on a forum to ridicule this person. Clearly he's got problems and this isn't productive or nice.  Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+12 OP tried to warn yall and yall just ignored everything 😭 Intern in IB-M&A
+12 Banks want equality..well this is it.  Black woman are now fair game to get clocked.  Just wait until a Higgins boat full of strong black women get to charge Omaha Beach first wave Associate 3 in IB - Gen
+12 No way you’re asking what to wear to the gym…. Gtfo this site Analyst 1 in IB - DCM
+12 If I were you I would decline the offer and let me know which bank the opening is at Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+12 holy macaroni Intern in HF - Macro
+12 Couple pretty technical rounds (paper LBO, LBO questions, vertical specific questions, accounting etc) and a behavioral round (why this firm, why this strategy, what makes a good investment, what portco do you like, pitch Prospect in IB-M&A
+12 You literally read all his blogs and talk shit on him and say he didn’t grind his ass off. You’re the fucking loser man. Kid got CVP and turned it down to go take a risk which is something you will never do.  Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+12 I'll humor you, but as someone who left finance to start a company, I'm incredibly biased. So I'll take the other side and tell you why you should be a Centerview Analyst. Determined
+12 Damn the comments from US bankers are depressing. It's two weeks go live your life. MA95
+12 Sound psychopathic but people tended to be more willing to follow up / go through with my ask if i mirrored them in conversation, maybe because I seemed easier to relate to. You’re upbeat and talking a mile a minute? Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+12 I cant access the posts what the fuck. Can someone leak it? I have to pay to see it? Analyst 1 in Consulting
+12 This guy really asking if he should take the SAT for PE recruitment. This is a new low 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ millerbruce554
+11 The world doesn’t need more engineers, it needs more investment bankers Incoming Analyst in IB - Cov
+11 I wouldn't worry about it - you're going to make far bigger mistakes through your career.  Not trolling, the stakes get higher and even top MDs make mistakes but theirs is more like 'why did I take this buyside mandate tha Director in IB - Gen
+11 U seem like a good kid man. And trust me, setting up coffee chats with university students as a highschool student is entirely possible. Ferisio
+11 STFU you alcoholic bastard MfckngChimp
+11 Yeah but he didn't have Sky TV as a child man, cmon Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+11 You are definitely going to prison. capexprss
+11 Met this chap on a SW. He is clearly on the spectrum, I wouldn't go too hard on him anonf0fty
+11 Sounds like you were too lazy or dumb or awkward to figure it all out. 5 superdays with no offers is quite the achievement. Gotta know when it’s time to hang em up and move on. Assistant PM in HF - EquityHedge
+11 I think everything is in framing. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+11 I feel like you’re limiting your options if you go to UPitt. You mention the better life sciences and how there are life sciences VC’s in the area. Ferisio
+11 Can most definitely blame the kids, why are they sitting there consistently reaching out to the few alumni that their schools have, just to show up with the planned agenda being an awful attempt at shooting the shit. Drakes Favorite Minor
+11 Couple of pointers below: Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+11 I’m not sure about your specific question, but I can tell you the compensation market is much more favorable to tech than finance these days. Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+11 Friendly reminder to those in the industry: you have orders of magnitude more to lose than random scumbags on the street provoking you. VP in PE - LBOs
+11 Sounds pretty shit, I would quit if I were you, and maybe send me the name of the company Nancy.Pelosi
+11 If you want to do "buy-side" work and keep similar hours and comp, you have a very easy and simple answer in front of you...corporate development. Strategy is one side of the coin; M&A is the other side. Senior VP in CorpDev
+11 Yes, NYC is where ~60-80% of Investment Banking roles are in the US. PetFro
+11 See, the thing about the American political system is that it has all of its citizens strapped with horse blinkers whilst hooked up to an IV drip of whataboutism. Blue9
+11 y=10x+30, this would be a dope book name for something about dating advice lmfao Ferisio
+11 I had people make time for me when I was trying to get in to IB, the least I can do is make time for other people Engineer Monke
+11 If I find my kid acting like that I'm sending them to Latin America with no cash for a year.  Fuck that.  I'm with you, the world has enough rich assholes, I will not enable that. UFOinsider
+11 Would rather be at RBC right now compared to Barc/UBS/DB. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+11 If you haven't been forced to catch a stress-induced mid-day beat in the handicap stall you are simply not working hard enough. Principal in CorpStrat
+11 Drake once said jealously is love and hate at the same time. And clearly you are one hating ass racist piece of shit. You are insecure about what are 20 year old is doing as a 2nd year analyst fucking loser. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+11 This is the wrong mentality. Find what you enjoy what you see long term and work towards it. Analyst 3+ in PE - Other
+11 How long until this thread gets censored too? Teller in Non-profit
+11 You're getting MS OP but it's a valid question. The answer is that Hispanics have the lowest college attainment of any racial group in the US (21%, compared to 41% for white, 28% for Black, and 59% for Asian). terabyte
+11 lol I’ve never met any PM that would classify themselves as “average” Brightcake
+11 You’re fine, don’t be disheartened. As cited above, the compensation report from Heidrick actually supports your comp levels (note Heidrick lumps together experienced associates as well as senior associates). CompBanker
+11 WSO just has a lot of conservatives. When browsing WSO it's important to note which comments to take seriously vs. which comments to not. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+11 When I was an intern I was regularly working 16 hour days. VP in PE - Other
+11 ffffml Biden was bad in the debate, but Trump didn't answer a single question coherently, avoided most follow-ups, and kept rambling on for no reason. NYMetsFan
+11 White collar crime is prestigious. Respect.  Fast and Fiduciary
+11 Managing Director in IB-M&A
+10 Hard to even call UBC quality these days, can't help but look at all the failures happening here as well. I could easily rip into PMF and the downfall it has had, but that has happened enough times on these forums. BossBabyy
+10 Then what’s the point of even being anywhere else? What's the point of living if we're all going to die one day? VP in IB-M&A
+10 I graduated from there and has been a game changer for me. If you are already on a great path and solely looking for a master's degree it's likely a waste of money. terra879
+10 get an IB job Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+10 Control + Shift + Alt + Windows + L opens LinkedIn lmao Dawg13
+10 GT3 RS euwdiamond
+10 6’3 only 225 bench? -10000 aura Intern in Non-profit
+10 Unfortunately, fact of the matter is no one is reading your life story when your CV arrives on their table. All they see is: non target uni, no finance experience. You are not being overlooked or undervalued. nutmegger189
+10 Congrats on Ducera. Engineer in AM - Equities
+10 To me, this is a simple decision. If you went into this wanting to do M&A, or at least understand that M&A opens more doors, you should definitely renege. Howard Hughes
+10 Normal person: Sees political group you disagree with walking down the street. You ignore them, and you continue on with your day. Ash Ketchum
+10 I chalk this up to, as much as people from these backgrounds who get into ID "think" they work hard, they know they didn't work that hard, and also, they know that you know that they didn't work hard.  ironman32
+10 Thanks for letting us know that you did one year at a BB, really crucial to the post. Intern in PE - Other
+10 Bump.     My daughter is starting preschool this fall (top target).  Should we be worried we haven’t been contacted for on cycle?  Hearing rumors of a Blackstone playgroup coming up soon. Investment Analyst in HF - Event
+10 A HORNY and HAIRY situation comes to mind when I hear “Viking privates” Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+10 Early on-cycle recruiting is the dumbest shit ever. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+10 ‘How did you know I work in wealth management?’ Associate 2 in IB-M&A