+123 Don’t be an asshole. He’s just an intern, and he’s clearly taking initiative to meet people. It’s not like he’s sitting at his desk watching TV all day. Dolla Bill Stern
+107 I'm pretty sure 25% of 120 is 30, not 40...speaking of technical blunders S9P8ACE
+87 All of my friends that actually exited to corp dev are exceedingly happy with their decision and seem to be loving life. It sounds objectively better in every way except money. Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+82 Sir I just wanted to know if you were ok with 2% milk in your latte Intern in PE - LBOs
+77 Circle back to me once you get some bitches on your dick Analyst 1 in IB - DCM
+70 people like this are just unhappy and need to shit on others to feel better about themselves. Take comfort knowing they are probably just bitter and sad   YellowCucumber
+64 Beast. Bro must be shitting 24/7 from all the caffeine he is digesting Intern in PE - LBOs
+62 We move fast here, London boy. Remember that time y’all blew a 13 colony lead? VP in PE - LBOs
+51 I understand this feeling more than you know. At the end of the day you have to reflect and realize you are in a spot ppl would die to be in. We’re not in the real world yet, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Intern in IB - Gen
+51 Kid, this isn't your far left college campus safe space where calling someone "racist" and "transphobic" (lol, just lol at how lame of a person you must be IRL) automatically makes you win an argument. Partner in PE - LBOs
+50 Lots of confusion on here as to how laws work in New York. It's actually very straightforward. I'm attaching a helpful guide, particularly for interns worried about their time in New York: Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+49 Whats more believable. Intern in IB - Gen
+48 Clearly I do if I asked the damn question 💀 Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+44 least insane Stern kid Prospect in IB-M&A
+42 Half is a lot especially from a first-year analyst bonus, but it is a great idea to get them something nice. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+41 You can't physically attack anyone and not have consequences? Actually this happens all the time in NYC. You're just not allowed to defend yourself apparently. JulianRobertson
+41 Niggas invited? Southern SemiTarget_student
+41 Biden was bad in the debate, but Trump didn't answer a single question coherently, avoided most follow-ups, and kept rambling on for no reason. ffffml
+38 My argument or the strawman you're responding to? Can minors make "legally enforceable contracts"? Didn't I mention "genuinely compelling" exceptions? ShooterMcGavin11
+37 haha_what let's make it happen. a real legend  Thanks bro. thebrofessor is close too. Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+36 I stg I saw this exact hypothetical in an online situational assessment before Dave's Mildest Chicken
+34 I think it became super clear once I was finishing up my second year of work. All the people I ever thought I was “competing with”, all the people I was “behind” or “ahead of”, we are all just varying degrees of mediocre. Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+33 Wdym “what determines”. Like idk, there isn’t a GAAP principle for rating cars. It’s how u like the car, and if u had fun or not. Ferisio
+33 Wym bro? I took a BNY Mellon investment management offer over D1/Viking cuz they had more aum Intern in IB - Gen
+33 If you've ever met him, you'd know he's also a great guy. Intern in IB-M&A
+33 certified lover boy? certified pedophile Investment Analyst in PE - LBOs
+31 I mean if he is getting his work done on time, let the man network no? thefrontofficegeezer
+31 Everyone who decides to do this job knows what to expect it’s regularly spoken about and even in my super day for IB my MD mentioned the incredible work load and sleepless nights. monkeyliciousMM
+31 Make sure you’re not in NY or else the HATER and LOSER so-called “district attorney” will come after you. Sad! VP in PE - LBOs
+30 Amazing that in LMM they are dividing total revenue by average number of paying customers !! VP in IB - Gen
+29 No, in fact you have a pretty good shot at becoming President apparently.  PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+29 The thing about this guy is that beyond being a respected rainmaker, he’s a really good person and takes good care of his team and analysts at Moelis (e.g., actually enforces protected weekends). Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+29 SonicGiggles could've sworn like a year ago he was at 69,420. Idk why he dropped so much or if WSO changed their grading system.  Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+29 This sounds too autistic to be satire Analyst 2 in RE - Comm
+29 Rising: Tobin and Co - about to go on a generational run UBS - hyper focused on IB right now Evercore - improving talent through diversity hiring Incoming Analyst in IB - Cov
+28 Will assume good intent here. Jewish people traditionally were allowed to work in lending and many gravitated toward that. IBASO
+28 Stop talking to far left chicks who use that word  PEshill
+27 How about you share what trends you are seeing first buddy Risk Weighted Ass
+27 From what I've seen, these types of people are VERY happy and have learned to take pleasure in denigrating anyone farther down the social ladder. UFOinsider
+27 It’s an elite club of people who desperately need better hobbies. He’s earned his place.  CRE
+27 It seems like you’re behind already based on this post. Analyst 1 in IB - Restr
+26 The amount of fun you have while driving it greyarea23
+26 Know that you getting a top BB SA from your starting point is a far better achievement than those guys getting it. Intern in IB - Gen
+26 You are not looking at this correctly imo ShooterMcGavin11
+26 It wasn’t a black woman. It was a white man (dressed as a woman lol). Funny how you just read an article and believe it’s 100% true, when you can clearly see the facts for yourself in the video Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+26 How do all of you gen-z reddit weirdos keep finding WSO? VP in PE - LBOs
+25 You're aware of the facts of this case. I don't know why you're choosing to be deliberately dishonest. JulianRobertson
+25 I'd probably characterize myself as an "average" PM in my sector, but given that since I've joined around half of the PMs have departed, if you factor in survivorship bias I'm probably closer to the 75-80th percentile. PM in HF - RelVal
+25 All the diversity spots allocated for Hispanics are snatched up by either the whitest Greenwich nepo babies you’ve ever seen or white-passing Latinos that own the means of production in their shit country. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+25 Stop stressing and go enjoy life. Touch grass.  Intern in IB - Cov
+24 Congrats on deerfield CIM Merchant
+23 $2.5k in lower Manhattan. If you don’t live in Manhattan during your analyst years, you’re a fucking squid Analyst 2 in IB - Gen
+23 MfckngChimp
+23 What are these random story arc’s you’re making on your own  Prospect in IB-M&A
+23 Analyst heading out to interview just asked me what IRR is. I think that sums up the state of on cycle Teller in CB
+23 Time that your parents have alive is never promised. If you feel like you can gift them the vacation without straining your finances, then I’d say you should go for it. Random Monkey Man
+23 COVID really stunted an entire cohort socially and intellectually. VP in PE - LBOs
+23 Super Target🤓🤓 Nancy.Pelosi
+23 1. Open up a draft email and add the file attachment. (DO NOT SEND DRAFT) 2. Go home, log into work email from personnel computer 3. Go to your draft and then download the file from the draft Intern in IB-M&A
+23 Fuckin mahatma gandhi over here Assistant in Non-profit
+22 Great post OP - as someone in their early 30s with 10+ yrs now of IB/PE experience, for me personally that revelation hit about five or six years in. falconeagle
+22 Congrats on Blackrock! Prospect in IB - ECM
+22 These people at pride winge about equal rights then complain when they finally get one lol. PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+21 Cant believe im going to miss the WSO Rizz party CheetahsInCities
+21 CRE Republicans have spent the last four years claiming Biden can barely complete a thought, and the past month deceptively editing videos, effectively setting the bar so l bawstin
+21 Anybody else sitting around twiddling thumbs with no interview inbounds Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+20 You absolutely should reject the offer if the seniors you’d work for expressed their interest and want for you to join their team such that they conducted such an efficient and not frustrating interview process instead of touchinggrass
+20 My background is in management consulting and corporate finance. Mostly in the defense industry. But, my parents are currently near death and I’m helping to take care of them. Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+20 Lol not to hijack, but I do infra investing with a focus on renewables and its even worse than traditional PE which is what you do...In infra, we primarily compete on cost of capital when entering auctions / competitive pr Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+20 Good on you for breaking stereotypes, most ppl think it takes intelligence to be a PE associate Drage987
+20 Bump. Wondering when On-Cycle 2027 starts? Don’t want to fall behind the curve Prospect in IB - Gen
+19 Why does it matter? Less than half a percent of the NBA is asian, but no one is complaining about that. Hiring should be merit-based in all industries. buddy50
+19 Eight figures in investment banking is a) head of IB or head of a very large and profitable group at non GS BB; b) the top third of Goldman IB partners; c) the top 25% of the top boutiques; d) major producers at the MM fir Managing Director in IB-M&A
+19 It’s just a “coincidence” bro  D-JR
+19 Nobody values Dartmouth. They are shit.  Firms use them to do grunt work and leg work.  Lockwood
+19 i was once an average pm but now fit your “star pm” persona…though the only people who think im a star are my daughters…certainly don’t feel like one…certainly not on the golf course today :( Partner in HF - EquityHedge
+19 ive been doing this probably as long as you’ve been alive…and have hired/fired many 2+2 people…9x / 10, the scrappy fmr i-banking / sellside guy ends up being the better analyst. Partner in HF - EquityHedge
+19 Is the model in the room with us Intern in IB - Gen
+18 Username checks out Investment Analyst in HF - Event
+18 Lmaoooo Girl = diversity Sorry to break the news to you, hopefully you’re hot and provide some eye candy to the office Investment Analyst in IB - Gen
+18 this is a troll right? margin_calls
+18 nightmares work pretty well for me actually, hope this helps x haha_what
+18 My ringtone is “gunshot sound effect” and that works well. Best regards seekinthealpha1
+17 wait until the estrogen, overweight, mouth breather, nerd, associate conduct your technical interview Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+17 Get the return offer, accept the return offer, leverage it for what you want. Do NOT reject the offer. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+17 Ye it seems the MD I spoke to was full of shit/ did not exist / I made it up 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪No way oncycle can start in June fr fr🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 Like most analysts aren’t even in NY yet 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 sincere apologies for all the stress it c Intern in PE - LBOs
+17 Run her last name across the executives and senior MDs directory. This is trust fund baby behavior. Intern in AM - Equities
+16 I've seen enough. Give him Jon Jones differentbrained
+16 You’re a trash leader look inward Associate 1 in IB - Gen
+16 He did not get his offer pulled. He chose to leave CVP to pursue his own ventures and as he should. BulgeBoutique
+16 lol are they making you create a data pack on a Sunday ? VP in PE - LBOs
+16 Me Incoming Analyst in IB-M&A
+16 No, it was Penn State. Penn-Fucking-State. sioca
+16 VP in IB - Gen
+16 And her post history is asking to choose SA between Jefferies and Rothschild. And she’s giving advice on how she got top EB/BB. VP in IB-M&A
+16 actually burst into tears reading this. thank you  Summer Associate in IB-M&A
+16 Short answer: no Longer answer: noooooooooo Monkey.D.
+15 Will give you the advice you need, regardless of the ensuing backlash. Man up. Associate 1 in PE - Other
+15 PM me your name so I can have you excluded in any future surgeries I have. Imagine having some room temp IQ surgeon mf operating on you HelloWorld8
+15 Can't just blame the kids, have to blame the awful recruitment process and the terrible decisions being made on the other end as well. Analyst 2 in IB - Gen