Censorship Gotta Stop

The top two trending threads were taking down this morning concerning the based Moelis MD who btfo'd a white dude pretending to be a girl. WTF!? This censorship has got to stop, or I'll stop buying your WSO Modeling Courses (this is a real threat). I'm restarting the thread here.



There was 0 confirmation of any of the details in the story except for random DMs from employees of the assailant to a meme page. Why don’t you wait until details are actually verified before jumping straight to transphobia and praising violence.


Whats more believable. A random highly successful and rich banker deciding to throw haymakers at random people during a pride protest for no reason, or a Jewish banker was subject to anti semitic verbal and physical assault by palestinian protestors and subsequently responded

Pretty sure the story was that he confronted them.  And got assaulted as a result.  Which changes the story quite a bit.

Arrogant Jewish banker decides to confront a bunch of pro-Palestinian protestors in an obnoxious way and finds himself in a physical altercation makes more sense than either of your hypotheticals.  And while I don't have sympathy for either side in that scenario, aren't Moelis bankers supposed to be intelligent?  Anyone stupid enough to mouth off in that situation should be fired on general principles.


Well that's ironic.  The initial posting of the video is clearly an attempt to take down Kaye's career while blocking access to any context around it.  He's already mid-punch when the clip begins.

So naturally people are going to ask the only question that a smart person would ask: what's the rest of the story?


The real irony is my comment is posing that exact question and it still went over your head. Neither the tweet trying to get Kaye fired nor the WSO posters praising violence have the facts to support their claims. Not sure you know what the word irony means.


Women want equality in this world and part of that means getting punched for harrasing men.  No more "wrong to hit a girl" in 2024. Gender is a construct.


Pussies like you are why this once great nation is fucked. If there’s ever a war and people like you are drafted, we’re finished (that is if you don’t evade the draft as I’m sure you’d likely try to). 


Same thing happened with a mandatory draft registration for illegals thread where folks were discussing about a potential of currency reset given the insurmountable national debts and countries appearing to be gearing up for war.

You cannot discuss anything real anymore, but I keep seeing idiotic posts like how silly_goose pleasured himself on a conference call.


Patrick should at least offer a reason for the taking-down of the thread.  He's done a decent job in the past of communicating why he needs to balance open dialogue with content regulation.   But it's necessary to keep doing that.  

Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas

Patrick should at least offer a reason for the taking-down of the thread.  He's done a decent job in the past of communicating why he needs to balance open dialogue with content regulation.   But it's necessary to keep doing that.  

I agree, and this isn't the first time this has happened in recent months. There are valid reasons for content moderation, and I completely understand the pitfalls of the BofA Associate situation. However, this instance didn't warrant removal. Maybe adding a note or providing more context would have been sufficient. Without a doubt, many people had already found longer videos, articles, and texts that showed context, so what was the point of taking it down? The whole purpose of this forum is to have unfiltered access to information about the industry, and it's given with the understanding that not everything will be accurate and we know half the people here are college kids. So, what are you going to do - take everything down that you don't like, but leave the rest of the stupid stuff? It makes no sense. There needs to be some guidelines on what is acceptable and what isn't, and in what cases it needs to be taken down, along with the process. It seems like Patrick and wso are doing what is convenient for them. if they keep this up Elon might just swope in and make a new xwso duplicate


elon buying wso and students on here working for free, peak finance.

next summer: lEaD aNaLySt iN tAkEoVeR oF mUlTiMiLiOn dOlLaR dEaL fOr tHe rIChEsT mAn iN tHe wOrLd.


But my opinion is the only one that matters and the rest of yours are offensive.


 based Moelis MD who btfo'd a white dude pretending to be a girl

Hold the phone, it was a transgender? Is this confirmed? That makes both his reaction more reasonable and the whole situation even funnier hahaha

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Jesus guys, of course it was taken down. First rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.

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"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

100%. I am unable to comment in off-topic threads sometimes because "I demonstrate tendency to debate/argue" based on MSs I got. This forum turns into reddit where people get banned if they disagree with common opinions. Sad to see this.

You’re unable to comment? That’s crazy are you forreal…

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

It makes sense that some public interest threads are taken down. You’ve got to think of it from WSO’s perspective of liability - potential damage from a legal challenge in the event that someone is wrongly accused etc, particularly as social media has made it possible for morsels of information to be shared at a time which won’t convey the entire story (leading people to jump to conclusions).

I think the guys here do a pretty good job of trying to get as close as possible to the line of allowing free discussion without risking legal impact.


Section 230 protects them from liability if they're not putting their finger on the scale like those clowns were doing at Twitter before Elon took over.

I understand not wanting to entirely rely on the law to protect you.  Small organization and all.  But when the law is clearly on their side they should be careful about removing stuff.


It doesn’t really matter what Section 230 says. It’s a potential legal challenge which can end up very costly to defend. It’s also a reputation risk.

Imagine the hypothetical scenario of a banker being wrongly accused of something in the public eye, and he’s found out later to be innocent after it’s investigated, but has suffered serious damage to his daily life as a result of the publicity. Now imagine the impact a hypothetical headline of “worker’s life ruined by rumours on Wall Street oasis forum proven to be untrue” would have on the site.

Any manager worth his salt at all realises the risk is high here, and the reward is what? Letting people gossip?


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Nemo velit doloremque dignissimos voluptas excepturi eaque. Praesentium qui voluptatum aut libero consectetur dignissimos. Sed voluptas non praesentium aut iste. Illum praesentium quam fugiat. Laboriosam nihil velit beatae omnis. Facilis rem recusandae qui eos itaque voluptatibus. Autem impedit veritatis delectus distinctio harum et corrupti.

Non neque sit eos aut maxime aut. Voluptate culpa sapiente voluptas illum voluptas aut. Soluta dolorem aut nostrum. Qui est doloremque nam voluptates dolores sed consequatur et.

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