Feel like every WSO talking point in the immediate aftermath of the incident has been debunked.

  • Victim was a transgender white man (?) -> turns out she was an actual black woman with a wig (fairly common in black communities) 
  • Victim didn't press charges/go to the police b/c she knew court of public opinion would be more favorable -> Jonathan Kaye arrested 
  • Victim threw acid/dangerous liquid on Mr. Kaye -> she threw water on him

Regardless of your views on self defense, reacting to having water thrown at you by punching a woman 2/3 your size is absolute pussy behavior. Looking forward to seeing Mr. Kaye picking up trash as part of his community service sentence.


His post of his “injuries” was one of the wildest things I’ve ever seen.

From a PR perspective, I get why he posted that. Not blaming him for trying to get in front of the media narrative and defend his side of the story.

But like come on man, his “injuries” looked like some playground wounds that were posted on Nextdoor by some Karen LOL.


This website isnt for the critical thinkers. Its for the MAGA sheep / the (Im fiscally conservative but "socially liberal) crowd that hasnt read objective journalism or learned something new since Poli Sci 101. Not surprised.


Crazy by the New York DA. Typical of a DA notorious for political cases and moves. Clearly a move to pander to the more Liberal media. 

He won't get convicted, especially since an unedited version of that video will be required in evidence and I can imagine the unedited video is not as one sided.

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Most Helpful

Lots of confusion on here as to how laws work in New York. It's actually very straightforward. I'm attaching a helpful guide, particularly for interns worried about their time in New York:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Immigrate illegally and stab someone? We all make mistakes.

Beat up Jews for their religion? Resistance takes many forms.

Vandalize? Stores have insurance. What's important is the cause!

Steal from Stores? Wealth redistribution!

Be Republican? Straight to prison, fascist!

Stand up for yourself? Not in this city, bucko! Allow yourself to get beat up in the name of a free Palestine, or face justice!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Lots of confusion on here as to how laws work in New York. It's actually very straightforward. I'm attaching a helpful guide, particularly for interns worried about their time in New York:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Immigrate illegally and stab someone? We all make mistakes.

Beat up Jews for their religion? Resistance takes many forms.

Vandalize? Stores have insurance. What's important is the cause!

Steal from Stores? Wealth redistribution!

Be Republican? Straight to prison, fascist!

Stand up for yourself? Not in this city, bucko! Allow yourself to get beat up in the name of a free Palestine, or face justice!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

It's like an episode of the Simpsons lmao

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Israel (and the Jewish people) are the only country/group that are expected to “tone it down,” when attacked. If Kaye was from an ethnic minority and had punched someone in response to being called racial epithets, I guarantee you the outcome would be different. For decades, Jews have stood beside the oppressed, and this is how we are treated in return. Am Yisrael Chai.


Amen to that. Imagine the group with more hate crimes per capita committed against it than any other group (by far), and facing more persecution throughout history than any other group, and people still deny it or act like Jews don't have self-determination. It's not a competition, but you can't deny the facts or act like constant open season on the Jewish people is acceptable. Am yisrael chai


Israel (and the Jewish people) are the only country/group that are expected to “tone it down,” when attacked. If Kaye was from an ethnic minority and had punched someone in response to being called racial epithets, I guarantee you the outcome would be different. For decades, Jews have stood beside the oppressed, and this is how we are treated in return. Am Yisrael Chai.

I am proud to say we have stood by the oppressed and that we have become the most successful and wealthiest ethic group in the United States.  I am not proud that an unhinged 52 year Jewish investment banker slugged someone in the street.  The spontaneous instinct to deck someone should go away once you graduate from junior high school


Are you blind? The video starts with water being thrown on him, but there is NO ONE attacking him. The first guy he encounters in the green scarf tries to actually help him by holding him back. However, Kaye shoves this guy. Notice how this is when the red liquid is thrown, probably to prevent Kaye from advancing further towards the group. They then have an argument and the liquid is thrown again. Kaye then proceeds to throw a terrible punch and fall over on the concrete - this is where his injuries turn out to be self inflicted. He then gets up and gets in the face and shoves the second guy in red trying to hold him back and help him. Kaye can’t get past the guy in red despite trying to physically move him. So he decides to go sideways and shove the woman next to him onto the ground. After shoving the previous lady, he then punches another woman.  

By the time all is said and done, Kaye has some liquids thrown on him but is the first person to shove or punch a handful of others. He is also able to move towards the group as they are backing away. This last part here can sum up why his self-defense excuse is not viable.

Did this water and red liquid threaten him? Were the liquids antisemitic? Just curious how you think HIS ESCALATION of the situation gives him the right to assault people. He had plenty of chances to just stop and walk away with his dignity and job intact. 


This lunatic pushes away the “it’s not worth it bro” white knight and proceeds to yeet some pudgy, bohemian androgyne, whose head almost makes contact with the wheels of a moving car…

There is no place for bigotry and racism, but having some libtard insults and a couple of Big Gulps thrown at you should not permit you to act like a madman.


Normal person: Sees political group you disagree with walking down the street. You ignore them, and you continue on with your day.

Jonathan Kaye: Sees political group you disagree with walking down the street. You tell them "they are on the wrong side". You engage in an argument with them. It escalates. They throw water you which is infuriating as hell, but is not life threatening. You try to fight them. A guy holds you back and tries to de-escalate. Another person throws a drink at you. You break through the group and push a person to the ground, falling down in the process. Then you get back up and punch another person in the face.


Per the extended CCTV recording, Kaye was walking down the street when these people started shouting things at him. He ignored them, and kept walking, at which  point a third member of the group walked past him and intensified whatever it was they were saying, enough to make him confront them. It’s not like he approached a political group he disagreed with at random, they engaged with him. He was then surrounded by a group of around six people who continued saying things to him, and then threw drinks in his face and hit him with a bottle (assault under NY State law if the drinks cause harm or put the target they were thrown at in fear of harm). Now, it could be argued that he had what’s known as a “duty to retreat,” in this situation, but, seeing as he was surrounded, that may have been difficult. Bearing in mind the current climate and Kaye’s surroundings at the time (a dark night in NYC, surrounded by a group of antisemitic protestors, who then escalated the situation by throwing the liquid and hitting him with the bottle), I think it’s reasonable to assume that Kaye was afraid of being harmed, which led him to react the way he did. That’s the point I’m trying to make here. Could Kaye have walked away while the interaction was only verbal? Sure, it’s probably what I would’ve done in the interest of preserving my livelihood. But as someone whose family endured the Shoah, and who currently has relatives in Israel, I understand why Kaye felt the need to verbally confront them. These are the same protests where people are screaming that Hitler was right, and that they wish he was still alive. I’ve heard that Kaye’s a father, and he could’ve easily been thinking about his children as he was hearing the slurs, which, by the way, were still being shouted at him as he was leaving the courthouse with his attorney, where someone tried to stab him with a set of keys. I, and many other people, have been on edge this past year. I have had conversations with friends and family, who tell me they feel like they know what it was like to be alive during the pogroms, or in Germany in the 1930s, when groups of antisemitic demonstrators intimidated Jews in Germany, the rest of Europe, and in America in certain cases. It’s been an emotionally draining year. That’s my take on the situation. Do I condone hitting women, or abusing women, or anyone? Emphatically not. Do I also understand that Kaye may have felt he was acting in self-defense? Yes. I’ll add, it’s not as if he incited the protesters. For all of the arguments that Kaye should have walked away, I don’t understand how anyone is not questioning why the protestors felt the need to accost someone walking down the street, and why that sort of behavior is being tolerated. This isn’t exactly a one-sided situation where Kaye aggressively incited them. 

The Daily Mail article I’m including has screenshots of the CCTV recording of the situation, and is pretty detailed in its description of what happened. Read the entire article, look at the pictures, and then judge the situation for yourself. 



Anti-Semitic slurs hurled? Undoubtedly wrong and potentially criminal. Kaye's outrage? Justified. But does verbal assault warrant physical retaliation? Absolutely not. We can't morally equate words with fists. Hate speech may violate federal law, yet violent response remains equally illegal. A society permitting vigilante justice invites chaos. Kaye's reaction? Grossly disproportionate. The path forward? Accountability for both sides. Protesters should face consequences too. But Kaye's firing? That's a step too far. Words wound, but violence solves nothing.


Hate speech is not illegal

Is it not? I thought there were laws regarding it. I am pretty sure if you commit a crime based on race, you can be charged for it as a hate crime. And it wasn't just "speech" – they did throw water here, which, let's be honest, is both provocative and assault to some degree in New York State even if it is just water


I'm not excusing anyone. Protesters should face consequences. Hurling anti-Semitic slurs is never okay, regardless of reason. They should be equally held accountable for hate crimes. Even though I agree with their underlying motive, I still think their actions are not okay and give a bad name to people who care about these issues but aren't so reckless. I don't get why it's even allowed (First Amendment seems odd sometimes). Both are accountable for different things. I agree that only one person is being targeted and held accountable, but he's being held accountable for something he did do. The key difference is that the others aren't being held accountable at all. It'd be better if both were charged.


We need to see the full video, but unless she had done something insane to him before, there's no reason he should have hit her with a haymaker like that. I don't care if she said something "mean". You should have something in your head that blocks you from punching most people like that, much less a woman. That was not self-defense. 


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Repellendus aspernatur consequatur debitis ab sint sint tenetur. Consectetur amet architecto deserunt quos. Sit debitis nobis sed nobis. Accusamus optio nihil quam recusandae. Aliquam beatae laudantium qui ex eum vel assumenda repellendus. Ut autem voluptatibus quis officiis laudantium accusamus sed. Odit qui qui ut id vel accusantium cupiditate consequatur.

Veritatis quo molestiae debitis necessitatibus itaque. Et omnis adipisci corporis eveniet quisquam nihil. Ratione voluptas consequatur fugiat autem. Eos voluptatum necessitatibus pariatur debitis quis reprehenderit voluptas. Qui aut fuga sunt alias totam aut. Nihil ducimus in aut nisi laudantium et ut.

Natus debitis et quo necessitatibus. Ex praesentium rem id similique animi nisi ipsam. Sequi a nostrum nam error recusandae ea. Est necessitatibus earum voluptatem necessitatibus deleniti in voluptates. Autem at maiores impedit dolorem alias. Sint est praesentium quia possimus. Quas vel voluptatem maxime reiciendis iste.

Quod ut animi deserunt voluptas vel omnis laboriosam. Praesentium inventore voluptatibus eaque libero. Repellendus aut doloremque aut aspernatur. Autem itaque rerum vitae aut hic.


Soluta consequatur quia nobis repellendus rerum. Et est aliquam quod. Repellat magnam optio aut aperiam laboriosam temporibus ducimus suscipit. Aliquam rerum eos qui itaque vel distinctio est. Et unde aspernatur perspiciatis eos atque.

Eligendi facere unde totam ipsam voluptatum. Quasi temporibus ad eius neque blanditiis. Libero eligendi nostrum ratione delectus quo excepturi. Ex sit a sit.

Molestias sapiente quaerat ut nobis dolores. In architecto consequatur et itaque natus. Minus sunt cupiditate maxime quo quia iusto blanditiis culpa. Corporis nihil minima quia ullam et aut aspernatur et. Dolorem quibusdam et ut.

In ut ullam omnis. Consequatur quis tempora error incidunt consectetur ex odio eos.

[Comment removed by mod team]

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