+112 65 4d
+96 60 3d
+55 30 2w
+19 The MBA Tour Spotlight On Women: Harvard, Berkeley Haas, Yale, Duke, & More Want To Meet You! September 14th, 2023 1 10mo
+35 WSO Hall of Fame: Business School and GMAT Forum 6 1y
+3 USC or Indiana University for MBA? 3 28m
+13 Which MSF for the best value? Low GPA, non-financial background 5 40m
+8 LBS MFA or HEC MIF 5 47m
+22 Financial Modeling Courses - Best Options & Discount 27 4h
+21 University of Amsterdam vs VU amsterdam vs University of Groningen. 5 4h
+10 Fordham or UCSB? 10 5h
+3 LBS GMiM - same as regular MiM? 9 5h
+12 Which MS program should I accept? (Duke, Georgetown, Fordham) 1 5h
+6 What are my chances for Harvard/Stanford? 3 6h
0 Should I use my personal or school email for cold emails/applications? 1 7h
+28 Imperial or St-Gallen Graduate 10 9h
+9 Barcelona School of Economics worth it (Econ Master) 5 13h
+6 LBS MiM or Imperial’s MSc Management 7 15h
+7 MBA Admissions Consulting 3 18h
0 LinkedIn profile 1 21h
+9 Weighing Options: MSF, MBA and Europe to US 2 21h
+19 Which MSF Programs Should I Apply For This Fall? 5 1d
+19 International Management Bocconi vs MiM ESCP 14 1d
0 College Transfer Help 1 1d
+9 Resign in first month and go to B-School? 2 1d
+6 Bayes / Cass 6 1d
+10 Johnson(Cornell) MBA no post-MBA Private Equity Recruitment? 3 1d
+9 Is private credit worth it for an M7 MBA? 3 1d
+35 UK Target University Rankings 34 2d
+9 Baruch College 5 2d
+18 Western Ivey vs. UK Unis 3 2d
0 LA Firms with Best MBA Placement 3 2d
+10 Grad role or MSc Finance 5 2d
+11 Got admitted to Mannheim University, now what? 3 2d
+9 Should I pivot to MBB or IB post MBA - is IB realistic? 1 2d
+5 Master vs. Bachelor 8 2d
+17 Learning technicals for club interviews at target 9 2d
+9 My school (non target) offers a fast track MBA, 12 months right after undergrad. Bad move? 4 3d
+112 College Rankings - Ease of Placement 65 4d
+3 Post MBA Associate - Timing a move from NYC to LA 1 4d
+6 Breaking into Megafund REPE Post M7 MBA 2 4d
+9 Dual degree usyd and SciencesPo or LSE for IB 1 4d
+15 HEC Paris or Cambridge 5 5d
+21 Rotterdam School of Management vs Erasmus School of Economics vs ...CBS? 11 5d
+9 Non target that missed recruiting for IB-will a one year masters in finance help be attainable 3 5d
0 How good is HKU 1 5d
+32 Cornell or Duke 13 5d
+13 MBA Programs that recruit in Atlanta 3 5d
+12 To Finish CFA or not to Finish CFA 4 5d
+9 How to ask questions of your boss? 2 6d
+18 Got admitted to Bocconi, now what? 16 6d
+4 Ryerson (renamed as TMU) Coop Program Worth The $3500? 4 6d
0 Good schools for IB in Holland 2 6d
+12 British Student - Worth applying to unis in the EU/US? 2 1w
+17 MSc Finance Bocconi vs EDHEC Grande Ecole MiM - Finance + MSc Corporate Finance & Banking? 11 1w
+7 Advice on Getting Into a Target School 2 1w
+8 What School did you go and what did you Major in to break into IB? 4 1w
+3 Reading List to Substitute MBA 2 1w
+7 GEMFIN program University of Geneva 3 1w
+9 Major Decision (Indecision) 1 1w
0 School + Diversity for On-Cycle? 1 1w
0 Is attending a target school crucial for pursuing a career in investment banking? 2 1w
+7 Non target students, where are you now? 16 1w
+1 Best Undergrad schools for finance? 3 1w
+6 Is M7 still a possibility with academic dishonesty in undergrad? 1 1w
+9 Does pre-MBA work have any bearing? 4 1w
+10 Where should I study? (Europe) 1 1w
+10 Economics vs Engineering Degree for IB/Consulting 3 1w
+11 Target school major choice 5 1w
0 Please name online finance courses with credits 1 1w
+6 What are realistic salary expectations after those bachelors ? 3 1w
+25 ESSEC BBA 34 1w
+9 Emory vs Warwick 7 1w
+6 IB Summer Associate locations not in NYC 1 1w
+6 UT Austin Economics any good? 1 1w
+3 MBA: Imperial vs Bocconi 4 1w
+3 MBA Admission Consultants 1 1w
+3 What are the odds of being able to transfer from Ivey AEO to UPenn? 2 1w
0 Networking with prep school alumni 1 1w
+54 EMBA ROI 15 1w
0 gay asian male going to target school 11 1w
+13 What Masters should I do in Spain? 4 1w
+5 Opinions on my options 18 1w
+10 Darden / Carey / McDonough for Tech Consulting/Tech Strat - Thoughts on best fit? 2 1w
+1 SMU MSF vs. Simon Rochester MSF 2 1w
+17 Boston College Or Villanova 8 1w
0 Transferring in College GPA for MBA 1 1w
+6 HELP GUIDE ME 🙏🏽 1 1w
0 MSF or Macc 1 1w
+11 Master at Erasmus School of Economics or semi-target in the UK? 3 1w
+21 Help! Should I borrow $30k from Prodigy Finance? 27 1w
+30 ~35 years old at multi bn alternative investment firm going into an Executive MBA 11 1w
+16 UF vs. Miami 12 1w
+2 Study Abroad - Fall or Spring 2 1w
+94 NYU Stern is a Hellhole 52 1w
+1 Masters’s Choice Program 1 1w
+34 Got offers from University of Bristol and LSE, can't decide. 28 1w
+20 UC Berkeley Econ 9 1w
+4 Will my high school gpa affect my abilities to transfer? 9 1w
+9 Which EU University has a better undergraduate program for students trying to break into higher finance (IB, Private Credit, Sales & Trading & Research ) 4 1w
+225 European Masters Rankings 151 1w

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”