International Management Bocconi vs MiM ESCP

Hello everyone,

I have recently received offers to participate in the Master in International Management at Bocconi University and the Master in Management at ESCP (starting from the London campus). Here is my profile:

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi, completed an exchange semester at Harvard College, and have two work experiences (one in Italy and one in Belgium) as a Business Analyst and a Supply Chain and Logistic Analyst.

My career goal is to either work in Consulting or in the Commodity Trading field, preferably in London or Milan. I am truly unsure about which program to choose because I have received very conflicting opinions. On one hand, I feel inclined to gain international experience and diversify my curriculum. On the other hand, I have the impression that Bocconi offers better academic and networking opportunities.

What would you advise? Thank you all! 


Bocconi is def better academic, networking better in Milano sure but I think ESCP can make that too. 

If cost doesn't matter take ESCP tbh. Also you aren't going to get into commodity trading from a management degree. 


Thanks for the feedback! I know getting into commodity trading with a management degree will be challenging. While working in logistics, I got really close to traders since I was involved in the logistics side of physical trading and I found it extremely interesting.


As an incoming ESCP MiM student, I'd recommend -in most cases- going to Bocconi. While there're some instances in which you might want to do the opposite, the fundamental difference between the two programs is that with ESCP you’d always have to prove to the world that you’re not among the(many) morons who get admitted. It’s true that there’s a strong internal selection for the best specializations that only excellent student get access to, but recruiters will always have to decide whether you belong to the mediocre bunch of ESCP or the excellent one. With Bocconi you’ll never have that issue.

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Each ESCP MiM cohort has around 1200 students (Bocconi MiM has less than 100 spots, I reckon), and there's a HUGE variety, with people coming from different academic backgrounds (Engineering, UX design, psychology and even architecture). That’s because they have a system of catch-up courses in place for people without a business/econ BSc. Admission is very competitive for Indian and French students, while for Italians is relatively easy to get accepted, especially if you come from Bocconi, Luiss, Cattolica and Bologna.  The average student is wildly different from other MiM programs, as you can find a UX designer going through a career chance in the same class as a guy able to land an IB job with ease. These are among the reasons why it’s considered a controversial school from a reputational standpoint, but rest assured: if you manage to stand out from the crowd, you can go places with their MiM degree.


Quis delectus praesentium corrupti harum. Totam aut est itaque est. Placeat dolores id ab ex ea nobis vitae ut. Qui nam mollitia voluptas similique.

Ut repellat asperiores iusto placeat ducimus eum et libero. Ut ut est corporis eum non doloremque. Id ducimus repellat eum veniam nihil.

Deserunt repellat ab recusandae minus nobis. Suscipit maxime cum et doloremque distinctio est. Dolor voluptatum provident illo ut.

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