I think it's adorable anyone thinks this will actually matter. There is literally nothing after the last 4 years Biden could say that would make someone voting for Trump switch to him, no matter how good the drugs they hop him up on are, and the same is true for the people voting for him. RFK is a non-factor and I'm betting performs even worse than the Libertarian candidate, who in turn will likely be their worst performing nominee of the last decade (he got the nomination through trickery/slight of hand, not popular support even amongst Libertarians). If someone wants to make the "independents haven't chosen yet" argument, I have a bridge to sell you because the polls show otherwise.

This whole thing can probably be summed up as Biden repeating ad nauseam that Trump's a convicted felon and Jake Tapper hitting the mute button on Trump who will constantly try to interrupt/get belligerent even though he should've known exactly what he's walking into by agreeing to do this on CNN. That said, I bet you could make a fun drinking game out of it - pick a side, every time Biden gaffs or Trump gets muted, do a shot.

Edit: Wow I was wrong. Trump did way better than expected, giving CNN the ability to turn off his mic and force him to be concise worked to his benefit. Biden just looked lost and had so many gaffs if I drank on all of them I'd go blind. Legit elder abuse. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Hey man I'll happily be wrong on all accounts for this one! I honestly thought this would be a total waste of time given the ability to mute candidates thinking Trump wouldn't stfu like the last time they debated, assumed CNN would more or less try and support Biden (whereas they asked him some brutal questions), and thought Biden would be on enough uppers to seem as coherent as he was for SOTU. Instead Trump was actually less of a belligerent asshole managing to stay on topic and get in some zingers (the response to Biden's claim of a 6 handicap in golf was gold), CNN was surprisingly middle of the road on most points, and Biden was the most corpse-like he's ever been on a stage. Bury me in shit for being so little of faith!

I see this as an absolute win

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Debates are partly about policy and partly about ones personality.  Trump knows very little about policy and is very combative.  Biden would have show severe cognitive decline for Trump to have any chance of winning this debate.  It would be very difficult for Trump to contain himself and act appropriately.  He is going to interrupt all night and talk over the moderators


Debates are partly about policy and partly about ones personality.  Trump knows very little about policy and is very combative.  Biden would have show severe cognitive decline for Trump to have any chance of winning this debate.  It would be very difficult for Trump to contain himself and act appropriately.  He is going to interrupt all night and talk over the moderators

There will be no interruptions tonight. The mics will be turned off if it is not their chance to speak.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎

Debates are partly about policy and partly about ones personality.  Trump knows very little about policy and is very combative.  Biden would have show severe cognitive decline for Trump to have any chance of winning this debate.  It would be very difficult for Trump to contain himself and act appropriately.  He is going to interrupt all night and talk over the moderators

There will be no interruptions tonight. The mics will be turned off if it is not their chance to speak.

Well, that is kind of boring


The only conspiracy theory i believe in is the ufos. No way all these US fighter pilots are lying about seeing them for no reason and destroying their military careers in the process. It’s not like jack and John were smoking weed late at night swore they saw ufos, the pilots that are reporting them are some the most qualified observers on the planet. They are trained to be able to identify every type of aircraft known to man and yet the UFOs remain a mystery to them.


Republicans have spent the last four years claiming Biden can barely complete a thought, and the past month deceptively editing videos, effectively setting the bar so low that if he speaks in complete sentences, he will massively outperform expectations. Meanwhile Trump has spent the last few months rambling nonsensically about sharks and electrocution - hence all of the talk of these mysterious wonder drugs that Biden will supposedly be on tonight. They realized they fucked up. 

That said, debates are a dumb relic of the past and no one is changing their mind after tonight, including everyone here. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Most Helpful

Republicans have spent the last four years claiming Biden can barely complete a thought, and the past month deceptively editing videos, effectively setting the bar so low that if he speaks in complete sentences, he will massively outperform expectations. Meanwhile Trump has spent the last few months rambling nonsensically about sharks and electrocution - hence all of the talk of these mysterious wonder drugs that Biden will supposedly be on tonight. They realized they fucked up. 

That said, debates are a dumb relic of the past and no one is changing their mind after tonight, including everyone here. 

This comment aged like Biden


Republicans have spent the last four years claiming Biden can barely complete a thought, and the past month deceptively editing videos, effectively setting the bar so low that if he speaks in complete sentences, he will massively outperform expectations. Meanwhile Trump has spent the last few months rambling nonsensically about sharks and electrocution - hence all of the talk of these mysterious wonder drugs that Biden will supposedly be on tonight. They realized they fucked up. 

That said, debates are a dumb relic of the past and no one is changing their mind after tonight, including everyone here. 

The videos were never edited. You were denying reality and just kept telling people they didn't see what they saw. Now it's in plain sight.


If you don't have cable, here's the live link:

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Biden apparently had 16 debate advisors and has been practicing 'standing' for 90 min.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

"We have a thousand trillionaires in America" - Joe Biden

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎

"We have a thousand trillionaires in America" - Joe Biden

The speech impediment slip ups don’t bother me. He’s always done that. But shit he seems much older than he even did a few months ago. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer


I havent heard him speak since probably the SOTU. Was surprised how low energy and elderly he sounds. 

Agree completely 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

LOL, this is with out a doubt the most boring thing I have ever seen.  I've seen paint dry. 

Tbf politics is supposed to be a bit boring. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Yeah that’s going to get replayed a lot. Smacked the shit out of him. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Biden speaks like he’s trying to read off prepared comments and conveys them badly.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

This whole thing has been:

Trump: Blatantly Lies 
Biden, vacant, 172 years old: “…You’re wrong”


Commercial Real Estate Developer

Nah, Trump was incoherent, illogical, and flat out lying most of the night. 

Everyone talking about Biden today just shows how bad he really was. Truly awful. It doesn’t mean though that Trump did a good job or looked good either.  

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Can we go back to Obama vs. Romney, please?

The same Romney Dems accused of being an animal abusing sexist who planned to re-enslave black people and who was responsible for his employee dying of cancer? This is why so many of us don’t take many criticisms of Trump seriously. Dems accused Romney of being nothing short of Hitler and now people are like, “can we have Romney back?”


Can we go back to Obama vs. Romney, please?

The same Romney Dems accused of being an animal abusing sexist who planned to re-enslave black people and who was responsible for his employee dying of cancer? This is why so many of us don’t take many criticisms of Trump seriously. Dems accused Romney of being nothing short of Hitler and now people are like, “can we have Romney back?”

Same Romney that conservatives bashed for not being conservative enough 


Can we go back to Obama vs. Romney, please?

The same Romney Dems accused of being an animal abusing sexist who planned to re-enslave black people and who was responsible for his employee dying of cancer? This is why so many of us don’t take many criticisms of Trump seriously. Dems accused Romney of being nothing short of Hitler and now people are like, “can we have Romney back?”

Please cite evidence for this claim.

Just because you heard it on Fox, doesn't mean anyone actually said it.

And for what it's worth, this is why conservatives in this country are such a problem.  What, because someone made an outlandish claim about Mitt Romney, the extremely justified complaints about convicted felon Donald Trump are somehow invalid?  How about examining something on it's merits?

The far more widespread (and laughable) claim that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex trafficking ring from under a pizza parlor doesn't mean I don't take allegations about Biden's mental acuity seriously.  That's the difference between a liberal and a conservative in modern America - for us, facts and reality matter.  For you, reality is a nasty place that forces you to confront your essentially morally and intellectually bankrupt political philosophy, so you shy away from it.


This is fucking embarrassing. CNN fact checks nothing, they argue about their golf scores, Trump lies out of his ass as usual, and Biden has never looked older. 

The US is not ok. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

If your biggest point is that Trump lied, that's pretty bad. After watching these debates for decades, lieing and twisting facts is basically the norm. 

You wanna talk lies. Go to any of Biden's answers on immigration during the debate. Those were egregious lies.


Also, if you've been mentally incapable of doing your job as president for the past few years and others have been making decisions for you, doesn't that make Biden a WAY bigger liar?


I don’t think it’ll be smart for newsom to go up now, although he will be a strong candidates rn voters are just fed up with the democrats being soft on crime, immigration, etc. Newsom running rn will just destroy his credibility as a candidate for next election.


Even Biden’s walk up to the state was bad. 

He has the same blank stare thing that my grandma with dementia had early on. Not even trying to push a point or anything, just sad they are having a guy who is one hip fall away from death running for president. Shocking if they don’t replace him with anyone else before the election…

Trump seemed lower energy than last time too. They are both way too old for this. 



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

This headline proves that Democrats live in a world of 100% gaslighting.  

Along with gatekeeping and girlbossing amirite?

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Trump lied constantly, which confirms what everyone should have known for a long time.  He has no principles whatsoever.  Biden appeared to be very frail and weak which was a terrible look. I don't know if it is dementia but there probably has to be a medical reason for his demeanor.  It is time for the dems to replace Biden with someone else 


That is the same bullshit "fear" that everyone was saying about Trump when he was elected in 2016.  Empirical evidence says that he will leave, he kind of did it in 2021.

Well, except for the conspiracy he organized to keep himself in power, and the murderous mob he summoned to the Capitol to loot the place in his name.

That empirical evidence?


That is the same bullshit "fear" that everyone was saying about Trump when he was elected in 2016.  Empirical evidence says that he will leave, he kind of did it in 2021.

The whole point for or against here is irrelevant because he can't stay in office for a third term unless the law is changed. 


Also, for those of you who think that Biden can just be replaced, you are wrong.  There are many states out there that have ballot listing policies that require them to put the individual who won the nomination by numerical primary count.  So I don't really know how they can do that.  Additionally, he could not even be listed on the ballot in a semi swing state because the DNC decided to not read the election rules and scheduled their convention AFTER the hard stop filing deadline in that state.  Like what the fuck is going on in that party?



Like what the fuck is going on in that party?

Republicans are going to nominate a felon who kowtows to dictators, doesn’t support NATO, tried to overthrow the government, is running on the unAmerican “Project 2025,” serves as a Trojan horse for Christian fundamentalism, just proposed the dumbest tariff plan I have ever heard, and is generally just a fucking moron. 

What the fuck is going on in that party? 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Both parties clearly are rotting.

But Trump was a better, more capable president than Biden has been. Under Biden inflation has been disastrous (even if some of the inflation is probably Trump's fault), immigration is unfettered and we have no idea who the millions are crossing our border, and Biden's foreign policy is unimaginably disastrous. He's literally 0 for 3 on the major issues. 

Hilarious that Trump "kowtows to dictators" - the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict happened because Biden is the weakest president in our lifetimes. God forbid Trump question whether our allies are carrying their own weight in NATO and question the wisdom of pushing NATO right up to Russia's borders!



Like what the fuck is going on in that party?

Republicans are going to nominate a felon who kowtows to dictators, doesn’t support NATO, tried to overthrow the government, is running on the unAmerican “Project 2025,” serves as a Trojan horse for Christian fundamentalism, just proposed the dumbest tariff plan I have ever heard, and is generally just a fucking moron. 

What the fuck is going on in that party? 

Trump's foreign policy was objectively better than Biden's. No major wars, the complete destruction of ISIS, relative peace in the Middle East and moving toward permanent peace between Israel and the regional Arab powers. Biden's weakness and stupidity have led to utter chaos internationally. 


Also, for those of you who think that Biden can just be replaced, you are wrong.  There are many states out there that have ballot listing policies that require them to put the individual who won the nomination by numerical primary count.  So I don't really know how they can do that.  Additionally, he could not even be listed on the ballot in a semi swing state because the DNC decided to not read the election rules and scheduled their convention AFTER the hard stop filing deadline in that state.  Like what the fuck is going on in that party?

Biden sounded like shit.  In fact, he sounded like Trump, just with less energy.  Completely incomprehensible, directionless, meandering... really poor showing.  Bad place for the country to be in is right, with two candidates for POTUS, neither of whom has the mental acuity to complete a sentence.

That being said, first principles are first principles. If it were basically anyone but Trump running I'd probably consider switching a vote, but at least we can expect Biden to leave office without trying to steal an election or overthrow the government.


Ah here comes the "well your guy is just far gone mentally".  You people are fucking shameless.  Just admit you willingly let the wool be pulled over your eyes for once.


Also, for those of you who think that Biden can just be replaced, you are wrong.  There are many states out there that have ballot listing policies that require them to put the individual who won the nomination by numerical primary count.  So I don't really know how they can do that.  Additionally, he could not even be listed on the ballot in a semi swing state because the DNC decided to not read the election rules and scheduled their convention AFTER the hard stop filing deadline in that state.  Like what the fuck is going on in that party?

Biden sounded like shit.  In fact, he sounded like Trump, just with less energy.  Completely incomprehensible, directionless, meandering... really poor showing.  Bad place for the country to be in is right, with two candidates for POTUS, neither of whom has the mental acuity to complete a sentence.

That being said, first principles are first principles. If it were basically anyone but Trump running I'd probably consider switching a vote, but at least we can expect Biden to leave office without trying to steal an election or overthrow the government.

Yeah, my vote would not change based on this debate.  I do not trust Trump at all to put the country ahead of his own interests.  With that said, the dems should try to figure out a way to replace Biden


Yeah this is the surprising part, I expected them to vigorously defend him but they seem to be capitalizing on the burning mansion 


It’s not actually surprising. It was a shit performance and it is accurately being called shit. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

CREtard and Ozy in here trying to do damage control like they're being paid by Biden's campaign is the funniest outcome of this debate lmao

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

CREtard and Ozy in here trying to do damage control like they're being paid by Biden's campaign is the funniest outcome of this debate lmao

I’ll give you credit for the nickname, but I find it amusing how detached from reality you guys are. 

Ozy & I have been consistently critical of Biden throughout this thread. He was atrocious last night. We agree with all of you. 

The only thing we are not are Trump supporters, but because of that, we’re “coping” or “running interference” or “retarded.” Totally not a cult though! 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I’ll give you credit for the nickname, but I find it amusing how detached from reality you guys are. 

Seethe bud. It'll all be ogre soon.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

And after the debate it is possible that @CRE is the largest loser of the night after after amassing 100+ Monkey shits in one thread.  

CRE if you read this, I know you usually get beat up on threads like this, the monkeys seemed out for blood on this one. 

I may have more bananas than all of them combined though 😂

Internet points and the disapproval of 18 year old hardos don’t bother me though. What bums me out is this used to be a place where you could talk and debate politics, but it’s gone to shit - just like political discourse has overall in this country. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Internet points and the disapproval of 18 year old hardos don’t bother me though. What bums me out is this used to be a place where you could talk and debate politics, but it’s gone to shit - just like political discourse has overall in this country. 

No offense, but you are part of the problem.

Biden is obviously senial. You deny just basic common sense. And then we're supposed to have a civil and interesting discussion with people who deny things like the sky is blue and Biden is an old man not capable of running the country.

It's funny that you bring up age. An 18 year old...hell a 12 year old.....why even an 8 year old.....can tell you this guy is senial and doesn't need to be running anything. The only people who don't seem to get it are 40 year old ultra partisan democrats who absolutely refuse to acknowledge reality.


And after the debate it is possible that @CRE is the largest loser of the night after after amassing 100+ Monkey shits in one thread.  

CRE if you read this, I know you usually get beat up on threads like this, the monkeys seemed out for blood on this one. 

Not sure who the loser is when you are talking smack behind a keyboard. 



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Mainstream media coverage of Biden’s “underperformance” last night signals to me that the political establishment (donors) on the left have effectively given up on Biden. They probably let this first debate be a test but it seems he is being flipped on.

this is how media takes control of the narrative and prepares the stage for maybe a replacement… by signalling to the masses that alternatives are being considered.

yung buck

Mainstream media coverage of Biden’s “underperformance” last night signals to me that the political establishment (donors) on the left have effectively given up on Biden. They probably let this first debate be a test but it seems he is being flipped on.

this is how media takes control of the narrative and prepares the stage for maybe a replacement… by signalling to the masses that alternatives are being considered.

Donors are irrelevant here.  The media is being honest about the performance.  Anyone with pair of eyeballs could tell that Biden's performance was trash.  The only one who was not very honest about it was Kamala Harris.  I can't fault her for supporting him, though.  She just trying to be a team player.  


Biden has made countless mistakes in the past and some media has done everything in its power to cover for him and twist and control the narrative, but they aren’t doing that now, which is very telling. That’s my point, i think the simple acknowledgement of the reality of last nights turnout speaks volume 

yung buck

Mainstream media coverage of Biden’s “underperformance” last night signals to me that the political establishment (donors) on the left have effectively given up on Biden. They probably let this first debate be a test but it seems he is being flipped on.

this is how media takes control of the narrative and prepares the stage for maybe a replacement… by signalling to the masses that alternatives are being considered.

He just had his single largest fundraising day since he launched his campaign. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Biden's incipient dementia is useful for political science education, since it shows the average person that the president himself doesn't really need to do much in order for the government to function. Biden could actually spend the next four years dozing off in a chair and losing his train of thought without the country's trajectory changing in any meaningful way. A vote for him is really just a vote for the upper figures in the executive branch to be staffed by people on the neoliberal center left. Those people will push some policies in certain directions, and the permanent bureaucrats below them will implement those policies to some extent, or else do what they would have done regardless of the party nominally in power.


Dolorem reiciendis laudantium alias qui voluptas amet accusantium. Cum explicabo totam atque rem assumenda.

Pariatur minima expedita impedit. Voluptas id est et cupiditate temporibus qui. Repellat quidem reiciendis dolores odio qui voluptatem quod.

Soluta quis quidem reiciendis sit quas praesentium sed. Modi odio quos omnis neque tempora perspiciatis. Maiores quasi est occaecati ut aliquid.

Ut quia est rerum pariatur. Eligendi nihil vitae totam accusamus non explicabo sunt. Dolor voluptas iusto dolorem dolorum rerum minus. Quasi nihil voluptatibus ut.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Accusamus soluta ipsa aut deserunt. Blanditiis optio quam et nam rerum consectetur molestiae eos. Vel et dolorum qui quas aut. Quidem in voluptatibus tenetur assumenda.

Explicabo facilis dolorem vel animi qui ullam. Ut esse vel ut officiis veritatis repellat iste sunt. Eaque at aspernatur aut est. Dolore autem eum totam quas.

Omnis sapiente voluptatem quam nihil. Aspernatur ea fugiat occaecati maxime illum. Voluptatibus ut id architecto laudantium. Accusamus recusandae dolorem doloribus consequuntur voluptas error pariatur.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Autem dolore aut non totam mollitia minima aut. Modi non ea dolor doloribus porro quia ullam asperiores. Quo rerum fugit sequi ea. Sint esse culpa vel vel voluptas. Reprehenderit nisi commodi molestiae corporis est. Ipsam facilis velit officia consequatur. Assumenda et debitis quam aut laudantium.

Id accusamus quia qui et qui esse. Qui adipisci iusto in unde earum. Assumenda atque beatae voluptatem ullam dolores officia. Suscipit pariatur est voluptatum et voluptas et qui. Est laudantium dolorum explicabo sunt consequatur porro optio vel. Natus ipsa minima ut consequatur sit adipisci.

Et sit ea sunt pariatur molestias aliquam et. At omnis est consectetur autem autem et quas ut. Eveniet quibusdam deserunt aut sapiente nostrum accusantium qui temporibus.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Doloribus dicta saepe adipisci aspernatur at. Ea corporis vero sunt dolorem quo. Atque animi et aut rerum autem ut ut.

Et sit corrupti omnis unde et quisquam similique exercitationem. Veritatis fugit quaerat atque ut alias saepe aut. Aut eligendi earum quia autem.

Occaecati est officia omnis dolorem. Quia quasi voluptas voluptatem illum aspernatur qui officia.

Ipsum recusandae sit illum incidunt eligendi esse. Distinctio numquam recusandae molestias occaecati qui in. Quas dolore quo vitae omnis sit id et autem. Ex enim in dicta ut totam rerum. Aut unde voluptatum ea ipsa. Et et repellat in velit culpa quisquam.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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