+241 you should also demand the fees from the UMB Heartland deal  be immediately donated to some wounded warrior vets org or something (in addition to the huge payout his next of kin deserves). Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+240 You know this industry is fucked when someone telling their wife they can’t make the family vacation is super badass Intern in IB - Gen
+210 looks good thx, one minor comment: add age 49 - lose virginity Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+191 Old comment I made. Good luck. VP in PE - Growth
+183 Honestly it’s a shame that this is being done even They don’t need a charity fundraiser. BofA should be compensating them multiple times this amount. phillyboy
+175 Is this a stealth Tech vs. IB thread Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+169 As a woman in high finance, I think it's totally worth it. Why? 1) In my experience, self-confident men with BDE don't shy away from high-earning women with serious careers Nicole112
+163 MD in my group (who is very much a relationship guy and rarely gets involved in execution / technical aspects of deals) got us a buy-side advisory role on a deal that brought in over $40 million in fees. Associate 1 in IB - Gen
+154 Least butthurt Ross kid Prospect in IB - Cov
+153 Finished at 4am one time and loaded up instagram to see rich handler bouncing on a trampoline on his story. I nearly jumped out the window Intern in IB-M&A
+149 As easy as it is to make fun of her and wonder why she went into this role (which is all completely fair), everyone here should be hoping she wins - would be a phenomenal precedent for protecting junior bankers and improve Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+148 Joe Biden - Northwestern Mutual monkey0114
+147 Interns be like hope this helps man Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+142 me see anti-nepo, me support alpha bet
+140 Was the day I became a through and through die hard republican (after seeing how much was taxed) The liberal fantasy of college was dead Associate 3 in IB - Gen
+138 This guy sounds dope, why you hating Prospect in PE - Growth
+134 this dork really had 5 chances to spell "bulge bracket" correctly and fucked up every single one Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+133 my friends are a bunch of state school #chillers. Nobody wants to talk about work - maybe find some #chillers to hang and crush cold ones with instead of those nerds. Nobody is reading those published papers. Associate 2 in PE - LBOs
+133 WSO you should be ashamed of yourselves for this. I have been a long time member of your platform and I respect what you’ve done for the industry but taking these posts down is a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+132 So this is why behaviorals exist activism_no_not_ESG
+131 I know everyone is riled up and ready to give management the finger, but I URGE all BoA juniors to think rationally about this. Firstly, I as well as I think most WSO members are on your side and agree with you. Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+129 at a top target and can honestly tell you the issue is not about a shortage of smart kids trying to get into IB, but rather the fact that the firms choose the shitty candidates, for whatever reason, especially the BBs. Intern in IB - Cov
+129 if you're a girl, don't worry about it. you'll just probably get someone fired if you're a guy, find a new bank edit: that's a lot of monkey shit in such a short time, i hope i didnt make you guys cry Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+127 Bumping, also facing the same issue HighCaliberTalent
+127 who needs the love of your children when you have the admiration of your deal team Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+127 Yeah nyctooexpensive2
+124 you say she's great but then don't describe anything even remotely great, you actually proceed to describe a horror show. pappymason
+123 Thank you Diversity Recruiting. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+123 Don’t be an asshole. He’s just an intern, and he’s clearly taking initiative to meet people. It’s not like he’s sitting at his desk watching TV all day. Dolla Bill Stern
+123 nepotism is based, can't wait to hook my kids up at my golf buddy's PE shop someday. Hell yeah.  Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+122 2nd divorce accountingdropout
+120 Yes. I just got grinded on by my MD in Wisconsin last weekend. Intern in IB - Cov
+118 are you a male or female. If ur a male, are you bicurious? Intern in IB - Cov
+117 This is an all-time topic header for sure activism_no_not_ESG
+115 What a pessimistic sad attitude. I’m trying to get joy out of buying a vacuum give me a break guy. Go back to comment turning. VP in PE - Growth
+115 Can you repeat that? Missed it the first time Pussy galore
+115 Former Army Vet here. Investment banking is full of "non-leaders" in senior management and this is a prime example. "watch out for one another"??  seriously? VP in IB - Gen
+112 Unironically go to H/S there is a huge premium on MRS degrees who have 2+2 you can date some Elliot guy and go fuck off to non profit / marketing    Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+112 I have a call scheduled with a reporter today(I'm in the group) Associate 2 in IB - Gen
+112 Yes ! One got me fired for doing nothing but grinding on her a bit (ignore title am MD). She was pretty mid too if I weren't hammered I wouldn't even spit in her direction  ilovemoney
+109 Congrats on citi man Intern in IB - Gen
+109 Instantly in the trash can Analyst 1 in CorpStrat
+107 I'm pretty sure 25% of 120 is 30, not 40...speaking of technical blunders S9P8ACE
+105 I can confirm this. HighCaliberTalent recently posted his audited track record, his returns were so good Jim Simons fucking died. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+105 I think you should use the WACC formula (Weighted Average Cost of Crapping): Prospect in CorpFin
+104 Hahaha it's a full article. I figured a lot of people would be interested in it but it was paywalled.  Intern in IB-M&A
+103 Brutal honesty here, posts like this is why I spend my down time at work reading this site and Reddit. Smoke Frog
+101 ASSO2 at MF PE (ignore title). Partially a rant, but hope to also provide some tangible advice. Warning - this is fairly long. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+100 Lazard is Bill Clinton because they like getting handsy with interns Associate 1 in IB - Cov
+100 Could we stop with this bot nonsense?  m8
+99 1. Knowledge of how grass feels nutmegger189
+98 LowCaliberTalent: Seems like a fair list to be frank, should shed some valuable light on prospects deciding career choices. d123123213213dqwdqwdwqdwd
+97 So what you're telling me is that these two girls (whom both go to Ivy League schools) and are daughters of a billionaire WILLINGLY chose to do a really shitty job (let's be honest about what IB is) instead of coasting on Analyst 2 in PE - Other
+96 >burned out >wants to join PE my brother in christ, this is not the way Teller in Non-profit
+96 There is no cope here brother. damnhowdidienduphere
+95 So u work at greenhill. BlackMonster61
+95 Don't be too hard on yourself man.  Ik how you feel, as someone who went to a non-target and just partied throughout college, I have been in a similar position to you buddy.  I played hockey D3 and had no time to do school Prospect in IB - Gen
+94 This is a very poor take. Look at them from their deal flow and fees standpoint rather than where their analysts come from. Highly elitist of you and little no to evidence of them becoming less of a prestigious bank. BigTyee777
+92 I'm glad that was your takeaway from my 7500 word description of on-cycle  Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+92 I don’t think it’s hate, it’s just a meme that we all accept as truth.  Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+92 1) Touch grass Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+92 In all seriousness, to fill in the gap for the boomers - the DEI initiatives and overall diversity obsession on campuses (in recent years) have gotten out of hand. This is and always will be a touchy subject. NY.Monkey
+92 For everyone's sake, please stay far far away from Chicago.  You sound like a miserable person to be around. PapaHemingway
+91 Imagine his kids man. makes me sooooo angry. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+90 I wasn’t worth much the previous three decades so I’ll take this lottery ticket. VP in PE - LBOs
+89 This post more quiet than the Baird Bonus post Prospect in IB - Cov
+89 Fatass ConsultingKid2022
+88 Hope the surgery goes well man. 🙏 Alouatta genus
+88 Mine is "Investment Banking Analyst at PJT RSSG, currently holding an offer from a top MF PE firm (think BX/Apollo/KKR)" Intern in IB-M&A
+87 All of my friends that actually exited to corp dev are exceedingly happy with their decision and seem to be loving life. It sounds objectively better in every way except money. Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+85 Have you unironically been asking on calls with analysts how to speak like an investment banker? You absolute tool lmfao Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+85 Idk man, plenty of us have really good outcomes once we hit VP/Director level. My WLB is not bad at all and comp is more than I need. Director in IB-M&A
+84 Non-finance advice here. Cheaters will blame you for everything to absolve themselves from guilt. She did 50 things wrong here and you’re the one forgiving her?? Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+84 Look inwards my brother zeroebitda
+83 Absolutely not. Project Mbappe/Alcaraz starts at 6 mos old EH_10
+83 I would not recommend coming to Chicago. For example, below is an average day: VP in PE - Growth
+83 No Works at Apollo Global Management
+82 Confucius, 2024 Associate 1 in IB - Cov
+82 The real joke is in the comments, I guess Analyst 1 in S&T - FI
+82 Sir I just wanted to know if you were ok with 2% milk in your latte Intern in PE - LBOs
+81 Why is everyone making fun of this guy? Associate 1 in Acct - Other
+80 OP, One day when you get older you will realize that you were being set up to fail. NA in RE - Comm
+78 id simplify the demands to be "no one works past 1am" more than 2 times per week or something.  I honestly think its ridiculous people work past 1am for ANY reason outside a critical emergency than endangers the firm (like Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+77 Mf answered two questions and dipped 🤣 Assistant in Non-profit
+77 I have an image in my head of OP, and it’s a green/blue haired, tatted up, smelly liberal arts student. silly_goose69
+77 Circle back to me once you get some bitches on your dick Analyst 1 in IB - DCM
+76 Because I get paid double the median household income at 22 Anonymous Monkey
+76 Maybe I’m washed but I can’t even tell if this is a shitpost  Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+75 Because boomers and gen X hate nothing more than to see young, successful people having it better than they did. Analyst 2 in IB - CB
+75 Pls quit I need a job ffs Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+75 1. Don’t give up on the sports. It’s a lot harder to pick them back up in the 40s if you have a long break. mergersandacquisitions78
+75 No deal is worth creating your own tombstone. Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+73 Had an opportunity to get the views of a co-founder of a MF a couple of years ago. In his words, he doesn't "get it" why all of the smart young people flock to PE. Delphi
+73 Being a woman is a strong advantage to get into IB. Being from the University of Edinburgh isn't lmfao Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+72 Why did bro get barraged with MS lmao Update: I have decided to also MS bro. Why? Well why not? Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+72 I work in infra PE, have done so for several years and background was in generalist M&A/ECM. Pepper Jack
+72 This comment tells me you’re exactly the kind of person I would prank call stockbroker27
+72 George_Banker Guy had in his hobbies that he was into esports and gave his CSGO K/D ratio unfathomably based, especially if above 2 kindheartedconsultant
+71 BogotaLineman
+70 If he looked like Ryan Gosling the response from OP would be "OMG, this MD asked me out.  Look how cute/awkward he is lol.   should I say yes" Associate 1 in IB - Gen