2026 Buyside Recruiting Kicked Off 6/24/24

Giving people a heads up that 2026 buyside recruiting has officially kicked off. Firms we know are going include:

[Updated as of 6 ET]:





Bain Cap

New Mountain Cap







Heard rumors of Thoma, TPG, BX, L Cat as well, but not confirmed.

Feel free to use this thread to include any other firms you hear are launching.

May the odds be ever in your favor.


This is why megafund PE will always suck for juniors, we have people willing to drop post-grad summer plans and anything else going on to go through a process like this 


Do you know if it’s just PE interviewing, or is PC also interviewing?


sucks to see some of the firms that HH's have told me to "keep an eye on" or "be ready for" have sent out invites. RIP


Yes and the same firms have been scheduling coffee chats with me so I'm confused


Same here. From friends at other firms sounds like mostly EB kids have gotten interviews - not sure if that is completely true. Anyone not currently in NYC have interviews scheduled?


To those reading this comment in the future, myself and 3 recruiting buddies are all non-diverse asian males from low to middle class backgrounds and we all each got multiple invites to MF/UMM firms tonight. And I am pretty anti-diversity too. It's all about killing headhunter calls and coffee chats, doing proper research of funds, and coming from the right background (BB/EB, minimum GPA threshold).

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These will always be the funniest threads of each year. The subtle insults from analysts not participating calling those that are virgin losers, the not so subtle insults from analysts who are participating but not getting hits at diversity quotas, and the general disillusionment and nagging in the back of your mind that you are functionally a college intern level candidate interviewing for an intermediate level investing professional role, which you have mustered up enough blind faith to commit to the idea that whatever strategy or group you place into will be of interest (after you develop actual work experience) on the basis that these are very bright people doing interesting work, full the while knowing that the decision of your candidacy will primarily be made on the basis of how many reps you got in with peak frameworks.

Agree with all. And while the associate role is critical bc your vps life will suck if the associate sucks it's very much an entry level role


Feel for all the guys who were trying to enjoy their last few weeks of freedom on vacation 


While checking for missing periods and misformats on project Evergreen, I came to deeply appreciate the transactional structure of


Can you expand on this, maybe touch upon your experience within one of these interviews?


Quarter system kids are moving out of their dorms/apartments right now.


went through TPG case round and a technical. Not sure if I did well on those at all. How do you know if you've been dinged?


If it lasted from 7pm-12am and you aren't still interviewing, it most likely is not good news. PE firms like to keep you until they give you the offer to prevent people from interviewing at other places


Also havent heard back yet, how did u feel the case went? Did u get a reasonable irr and stuff

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Referring to previous years, the next 48 hours is still hard "on-cycle" and about 3 weeks from now will be "off-cycle", everything in between is some mix of the two. UMM and MM will be interviewing for their on-cycle roles for the next few weeks. So if you are gunning for a MF, you might have missed the initial boat but there are usually open roles on the back end. If you aren't strictly MF, then you will still have a lot of opportunities.


Second year analyst here. I remember when I was at training and superday happened right after training. I am transitioning from banking to PE, so I think I’m qualified to give some input here. I got an offer during off-cycle.

Don’t forget the fact that you are not even an analyst yet. Most of you don’t even know what banking is and what this job is. You might even hate it. Yea, it sucks if you don’t hear from the biggest PE firms that are kicking off but I strongly suggest everyone to take some time to truly understand what kind of investing they want to do while they study LBOs

No, you’re not screwed if you don’t hear from firms right now. But it will be difficult. I won’t hide it from you that it’s going to suck, you’re going to have to constantly prep hoping the firms on your prioritized list will kick off. But that’s the beauty of PE recruiting. It’s very competitive and if you really find it interesting, you will be motivated to continue pushing through. For the folks that are interviewing and getting offers right now, congrats. This is a huge achievement but please go into banking with the right mindset to learn as much as you can and please please please be kind to those that have not had the luck you had. 

Lastly, I will re-emphasize that this will suck. But it will be worth it and patience is truly a virtue. There are great firms like Silver Lake, TA, and others that will go later (i.e. Advent, TA, and some other great shops looked for candidates 3 weeks ago for 2024 start). Also, you can do a lot worse than being at your current bank if you go to a weird shop, be careful.

Anyway, good luck. For the rare chance the recruiters are reading this, screw you.


Can I ask when you saw an uptick in good shops interviewing during your first/second year? If you got a mid inbound meaning didn't fit your strategy/fund size/geog did you still take the interview for reps or avoid engaging unless it was on your top list during offcycle? decision matrix seems a lot harder in offcycle when getting crushed by job than when oncycle is a craze and you're taking 1-2 interviews max in a 48 hour sprint w/o work breathing down your neck / risk of losing HH inbounds if take a mid shop interivew.

wondering if you secured offer in second wave during ~ jan?


Different from OP but also a second year going to MF / UMM PE. I didn’t go oncycle because I did 0 prep before starting my job, but that didn’t matter.

During my first year in Jan / Feb there was another massive wave of recruiting with a ton of UMM and a few MFs who went. The interview process was much longer than my friends who did oncycle (multiple interviews over week+ timeline) so if you don’t get an offer now (or don’t recruit now) don’t freak out. Focus on hitting the desk strong and getting good reps and you will land just fine.


if you talked to hh and indicated interested in on-cycle, didn't get much inbound and of the inbounds for interview requests you got you rejected and decided to delay until off cycle or later, does that count in the eyes of hh as participating on cycle?


What are you talking about, our process is way more brutal we have 40 spots a year in decent PE shops (if that) with each process being 15 interviews, 2 take home case studies, and 5 modelling tests over 6 months. Not sure what you are laughing about, I would love to have it condensed over a few days and have it done and dusted before I start my banking program and then cruise for 2 years knowing that the next 4 years of my life are planned out.


Chill out man - I am laughing at the fact that the associate process is happening before you’ve even got to your analyst desk. It is just absurd


Is this only for PE/GE/private investing roles? What about HF clients like the crossovers, SMs, L/Ss, activists?


Naa, hedge funds don’t do this. It is only for the prestige chasers.


Ok maybe this is kind of copeium, but I’m seeing that there’s a non trivial number of ppl who leave the industry after their associate gigs to go to startups or something entirely rando , even from the very top names everyone here jerks off to— if that’s the path you end up taking , what even is the point rlly


Yes that is completely a cope. People at places like Apollo stay for a while. Stop justifying to yourself and put in the work to get a PE offer. Startups, unless you’re the founder, is a shit paying job and no killer in their right mind is leaving PE for some pussy strategic finance role


Keep drinking the koolaid

while its more than okay to be passionate about what you do, you have to realize that job is just a job - no job is better or worse than others. Judging by the way you speak, i would assume it would be so fun to work alongside you. Wake up buddy


Taking a risk at a startup (First couple finance/strategy hires) that you believe in can yield a lot more wealth than any career in PE can aside from starting your own firm. Obviously is riskier and not for everyone, but don’t put down other people’s work or career paths because you’ve derived some sense of superiority through believing PE is the only option and make you better than others (even though 90% chance you are still in college without an offer and trying to manically plan out your career for the next 30 years with no sense of what the real world is like).


Completely different dynamics, most HH interactions start 6 months (for analyst roles) - 3 yrs into the job even depending on the type of firm and your timing preferences. You could obv have intro calls before starting your job, but those are just to get your resume into their databases. Most people tend to start interviewing 1-1.5 yrs into the job 


just curious, how would HH processes work for PE analyst program laterals? would you have to personally reach out to the HH firms? rising junior (ignore title) incoming at a top-tier PE/GE firm summer analyst program, really enjoyed my interview process and like the vibe of the team, but just want to know for optionality purposes


You’d contact HHs as any IB analyst would, but if you seriously did decide you wanted to leave, it would definitely require some serious justification. HHs may be a bit hesitant of someone who is already wanting to leave X PE firm without working a minute there.

HHs definitely look favorably upon PE analysts for non-PE roles (primarily HF and public equities recruiting), but I haven’t really heard of anyone leave their PE analyst program to go to a PE associate program via the on-cycle process. Not sure why you would’ve accepted the PE analyst offer in such a case, would’ve just been better off doing IB.

I also imagine you would not be able to use your firm’s own HH, without screwing yourself. For example, if you were a Blackstone PE analyst, I doubt you use whatever their HH is to go to another client PE firm of theirs


bump curious about growth analyst roles like Insight/GA/Summit recruiting for PE 


Almost no chance you’re on par (in terms of favorability in the HHs eyes) with investment banking analysts, certainly for on cycle. PE deal execution is much more akin to the technical framework in IB (especially if you’re in a sponsors coverage group, then literally) compared to sourcing calls.

Tldr if you’re at a Insight/GA, ur probably cooked for on cycle, if you’re at a KKR/Vista/Bain, ur definitely gonna be suspicious bc why tf would you leave without starting, but probably a good look for HFs


As an incoming AN1 in Europe, I'm baffled whenever I read threads like this. It's insane to me that a firm would reach out and conduct interview processes for role 2+ years down the road before you even hit the desk in IB.

Absolutely fucked up process but guess what? We'll still do it motivated by money and, above all, prestige.


As a European myself, the most insane part was learning that some places held interviews from 7pm-2am and offers handed out during the night


Absolutely, it's mental when you put it like that. Literally the equivalent of a dog fight. 

Also heard of people dropping out of an interview process in the middle of it just to go to another firm at like midnight. Crazy. 


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Expedita est consequatur id aliquid sit sit. Tempore porro voluptatum ullam dignissimos eaque doloribus. Qui sed eum soluta commodi ut et consequatur aperiam. Quam in ipsa laboriosam doloribus suscipit ut tempore.

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Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 99.0%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 98.9%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Ardian 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Bain Capital 99.0%
  • Blackstone Group 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Starwood Capital Group 97.4%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Private Equity

  • Principal (9) $653
  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (389) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
16 IB Interviews Notes

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