+10 As a foreigner, you won't be able to secure a job in the UK even with LSE/Oxbridge/Imperial on your CV. Currently, the number 1 question on every job application is whether you require Visa sponsorship or not. bozart23
+10 Be proud of your Germanic heritage, keep your last name as is InAccountingClass
+10 My dear friend. Gift them. You got yourself into IB you are capable to find a way to generate other streams of income if you micro manage your personal finances. world.for.sale
+10 Then what’s the point of even being anywhere else? What's the point of living if we're all going to die one day? VP in IB-M&A
+10 It’s not difficult, you just need good precedents and reps, which should be available at a PE shop. liquidiot
+10 Me too (4”10, 97 pounds, brown eyes) Ferisio
+10 ‘How did you know I work in wealth management?’ Associate 2 in IB-M&A
+10 I’ll try and answer this. I believe it comes down to historical reasons. Business School in IB - Gen
+10 Where you start is not indicative of where you finish, and how you’re perceived on paper is miles away from the perception of who you actually and what you’re actually capable of achieving. Prospect in IB-M&A
+10 Exactly. They prefer to call themselves beta Damian-Lewis
+10 exactly why people like this post this shit, yall r too soft elber.galarga
+10 I chalk this up to, as much as people from these backgrounds who get into ID "think" they work hard, they know they didn't work that hard, and also, they know that you know that they didn't work hard.  ironman32
+10 Former CVP analyst here. Associate 2 in PE - LBOs
+10 Hard to even call UBC quality these days, can't help but look at all the failures happening here as well. I could easily rip into PMF and the downfall it has had, but that has happened enough times on these forums. BossBabyy
+10 So gun makers, megachurches and drillers Analyst 3+ in IB - Cov
+10 Normal person: Sees political group you disagree with walking down the street. You ignore them, and you continue on with your day. Ash Ketchum
+10 A HORNY and HAIRY situation comes to mind when I hear “Viking privates” Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+10 Unfortunately, fact of the matter is no one is reading your life story when your CV arrives on their table. All they see is: non target uni, no finance experience. You are not being overlooked or undervalued. nutmegger189
+10 Ironic she’s a doctor but can’t see her husband is basically retarded johnny-mnemonic
+10 GT3 RS euwdiamond
+10 This is a long post, and is more a sociological, anecdotal personal experience.  It’s a bit more for me to memorialize my thoughts of my trip before I forget them. odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+10 shitlib cope O.J. Simpson
+10 From an outsider’s perspective: - Biden is mentally unfit to be president. No ifs, no buts. - Trump did make a lot of fabrications Blue9
+10 I graduated from there and has been a game changer for me. If you are already on a great path and solely looking for a master's degree it's likely a waste of money. terra879
+10 congrats on the newborn! thebrofessor
+10 Thanks for letting us know that you did one year at a BB, really crucial to the post. Intern in PE - Other
+10 Not enjoying analyzing why a Borrower tripped their DY covenant from 10% to 9.99% and DSCR from 1.25x to 1.244x? Assist. VP in RE - Comm
+10 There is so much glaringly omitted from this explanation you could write a dissertation on it. IBASO
+10 Control + Shift + Alt + Windows + L opens LinkedIn lmao Dawg13
+10 Early on-cycle recruiting is the dumbest shit ever. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+10 get an IB job Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+10 “stacked resume”😭 you’re so delusional Ferisio
+9 I know dudes who started analyst at 28-29 after an MFin or gradually lateraling after working in a different industry for 3-4 years. And one of them started in Canada - they barely have banks there. Teller in Non-profit
+9 Of course he didn't, and neither did you. It's very much an "Us vs. MfckngChimp
+9 Smartest Corporate Banking Intern Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+9 This shit is your fault my boy😭😭😭 wienerfartpubes
+9 LOL just got an email UMM NYC we are kicking off tonight, thats why I was told my July 4th week was safe... see some of you guys later. Principal in Private Credit
+9 There's something to be said about things usually working out when you can make RE deals happen when others are having trouble. VP in RE - Comm
+9 it's just a job. Analyst 3+ in IB - Gen
+9 I'd recommend living in Manhattan out of school, until you figure out your favorite areas of the city and where your friends are gonna be. joshw12
+9 A school so shitty one of their grads was CEO of Bridgewater.  Works at Morgan Stanley
+9 Riverside - most respected name in the group; tons of different fund strategies now, flagship fund is known for paying up for top quality businesses, particularly those that are growth-oriented Executive Director in IB - Cov
+9 I mean you've kinda hit the nail on the head on how technical DD doesn't really drive alpha but I feel like that's always been obvious. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+9 Yeah, Isaiah I'd say you're among the 1% of people who actually use the watch/data as intended. jarstar1
+9 wsomembersince09 It's not a guy. Its a she with a purple hair and bugs bunny teeth. I remember during early covid days (Feb-mar 21), she was putting irritating videos. Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+9 A few reactions. I'm also at a place with much larger minimum fees vs. the types of banks you mentioned, so some of these might not hold true at more of a MM oriented bank.  VP in IB - Cov
+9 You’re mistaken if you think anyone over the age of 23 lurks on these forums… Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+9 3.86+ only. I hear WF ECM is taking their chances on 3.85 candidates. Prospect in IB - Gen
+9 The answer is as a junior, you don’t. You lift on the weekends and during slow periods if you care about your health. Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+9 Imma explain in Fortnite terms. Moving from an F300 FP&A team to an F50 FP&A team is like trading in your grey pistol for a legendary scar— more firepower and respect in the game. Ferisio
+9 I’m literally at Analyst training right now and analysts are leaving the training room lectures to go to interviews 🤣🤣 Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+9 In one of the blogs it clearly explains he locked himself away in his room and got cold. And an analyst told him he was good that mocked interviewed him. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+9 Somehow always late to every call... Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+9 People like you are THE exact reason this industry won’t change. Always wanting to hate on someone doing better than you and not figuring out how to learn from them. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+9 Women want equality in this world and part of that means getting punched for harrasing men.  No more "wrong to hit a girl" in 2024. Gender is a construct. Associate 3 in IB - Gen
+9 About a week into the internship when you realize you're just a ppt/excel monkey at the junior levels and a sales guy at the seniors... Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+9 Pardon my ignorance, but can someone please explain the roles at a developer. I see entry level titles at a developer as “Acquisitions Analyst”. Is this a developer? CRE
+9 For reference, I did the bootcamp not too long ago. Applied ~May 12. Heard back from initial application on June 10 that I was selected for an interview. Interviewed on June 16, acceptance on June 23. kb14222
+9 GordonGekko87
+9 My understanding is that in previous years there was more room for debate. But recently Ivey is blowing the rest of them out of the water. Queens is also up there but not with Ivey. themissingdog
+9 Cheaper, yeah. But you’ll leave with a dogshit education in bullfuck nothing. I was born here and so were my parents but we originally came from India. Ferisio
+9 First you need to understand what the positioning of this team is. Is this a top 3 BB? Something else? Do they cover all segments? Be also mindful that mot all segments have the same potential in Europe. pipole4
+9 Piping an intern is one of the few perks of all this DEI nonsense, more dumb blonde chicks for the bullpen! Associate 2 in PE - LBOs
+9 Well she's a girl. Banks will tailor to a girl's needs no matter what and not lay her off. Intern in IB-M&A
+9 This is a great way to get a permanent, public mark on your FINRA record. Last day does not matter. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+9 I’m a firm believer that it is more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. The most fun I have had in cars were beating the shit out of old Toyotas and Miatas in parking lots or on back roads. FTPinsider
+9 Yea, they placed well this year, but the same with the other three (if not better? all into top BBs, EBs, and buyside). Hence my point: they all place well. Also, many members overlap between these clubs. true_sternie
+9 No please ask questions here. It's an anonymous forum for a reason, and I assume you are an incoming intern or current intern in which instance someone else probably has the exact same question. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+9 “Also, I think I saw that like Vista analysts interview poorly or something like that some times ago, but I believe buyside interviews are pretty much just down to the indiv Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+9 You have made at least 10 posts/comments in the past week about MF analyst programs. Stop jerking yourself off and get an offer first before asking if KKRs analyst program is better than MS Menlo Tech Analyst 1 in PE - LBOs
+9 I did a lot of the prep work early on and got to the point where if I had an interview coming up, I only needed to do an hour or two of refreshing. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+9 Would echo the above in terms of right tails for the most part and the larger upside events being at the pods. herzyherzy
+9 What caliber is your talent? Intern in IB-M&A
+9 Why are there multiple posts claiming the person punched is a man? She gave an interview.. I've linked it below. VP in S&T - Equities
+9 Yes, it's that bad, and probably even worse at the MBA associate level (judging by some of the summer associates I interacted with). About 50-60% of the incoming kids are DEI. Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+8 This is a bit of a side rant, but... Esque_
+8 Merger arb 101: Analyst 3+ in HF - Other
+8 Pussies like you are why this once great nation is fucked. If there’s ever a war and people like you are drafted, we’re finished (that is if you don’t evade the draft as I’m sure you’d likely try to).  Analyst 1 in HF - Other
+8 Some recommendations, in no particular order (both fiction and non-fiction): Buzz_Lightyear
+8 One thing I have learnt after coming to finance is if you can talk, you can get anything. Not even kidding. Intern in AM - Equities
+8 They are 100% fucked lol. If it was as simple as buying businesses at a faster-than-lightning clip and paying ridiculous premiums to make that happen, anyone would’ve done it. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+8 I mean no attack or harm towards OP, but I genuinely think a huge chunk of WSO users should step out of their ivory towers and see how average people, who have average jobs, live their lives. Analyst 1 in IB - Cov
+8 Building off of Herzy's points -- You really need to get more direct client interaction, especially if you've been in the seat for 3 years. Determined
+8 fees/splits seem very aggressive for starting out with no track record.  I charge 0% acq fee, 1% asset management fee (on property EGI, not invested capital), and an 80/20 over 8% on the first deals i raised money on.  Tot Ricky Sargulesh
+8 So just to confirm, you made a sexual joke during a job interview?? Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+8 Some groups that come to mind: Outperform: Barclays PU&I, Deutsche Sponsors, UBS Sponsors/LevFin, HL RX, Citi M&A, WF REGAL Underperform: JPM Energy, MS FIG, BofA TMT, PJT M&A daflame03
+8 Congratulations on the offer asalunke
+8 Finally someone said it. This makes the most sense imo. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 I agree and disagree with teddythebear and Multiverse. Fred Fredburger
+8 Inbox zero - I clear out my inbox at the beginning and end of every day. I probably keep about 10 important emails in my inbox at any given time, but if I have to scroll to see all my emails I have too many. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+8 Sweeping this all under the rug when applying to your next job might be a good idea based on what you are applying to, but it isn't necessarily the right answer. VP in PE - Other
+8 If you attach your ego or standards to what job you have than you’re a miserable sack of shit. Also judging from your post history as a college student, i am confident that you get 0 pussy Analyst 1 in IB - DCM
+8 How active is your firm’s development group at the moment? What is their source of capital to do projects? Also what markets and product type are they in? CRE Mamba
+8 Priesthood hostler_covers_0b
+8 I’m going to give you a hard time bc you need to fix your attitude. starving analyst
+8 Anyone think this shit is just made up to  cover for the fact he got his offer pulled? Prospect in IB - Cov
+8 Smartest LMM PE analyst Analyst 2 in AM - FI
+8 Usually the crippling anxiety and overarching feeling that I’ll never be good enough helps Countofcredit
+8 Advice is: don’t do it. And why in a retirement account?  futures trader man
+8 This is doesn't take into account something very important: a lot of the people at top BB/EB's end up at firms worse than Ares. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A