+8 I remember you from another thread a while ago — you’re like 40 years old and were calling somebody’s parents losers for not being able to subsidize their lifestyle. goldmansbsack
+8 At 20 you hang out with the most successful people of your country? WOW! All because you have such a great attitude?! Smoke Frog
+8 It's actually so ridiculous, I have trouble believing it. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+8 Some recommendations, in no particular order (both fiction and non-fiction): Buzz_Lightyear
+8 Anyone think this shit is just made up to  cover for the fact he got his offer pulled? Prospect in IB - Cov
+8 Where are you getting the 20% from? Quant in PropTrad
+8 Inbox zero - I clear out my inbox at the beginning and end of every day. I probably keep about 10 important emails in my inbox at any given time, but if I have to scroll to see all my emails I have too many. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+8 This is a bit of a side rant, but... Esque_
+8 you'll always have that feeling. freedom comes in different forms at different points in your life. college you have the freedom to be a little disheveled, often hungover, and maybe promiscuous. thebrofessor
+8 My guy, no one actually gives a shit other than the weird ppl whose place of work becomes their entire personality. Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 Hot take, but I don't think he truly retaliated and is most likely in the wrong. Intern in IB-M&A
+8 Guys stuck at career crossroads unsure what to do. For context I'm an SA at top BB/EB.  Should I either: - Continue safe IB/PE route and retire with $15MM. Intern in IB - Gen
+8 How do you like being an allocator? Do you think you'll do it for long? Certainly can see why you have more control over career/longevity. Jamoldo
+8 This is doesn't take into account something very important: a lot of the people at top BB/EB's end up at firms worse than Ares. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+8 I’m going to give you a hard time bc you need to fix your attitude. starving analyst
+8 Merger arb 101: Analyst 3+ in HF - Other
+8 I mainly work on retail, multifamily, and plain jain combinations of the two, and I can only talk about the Southeast. Retail deals are happening in tertiary markets with tenant demand being so strong. laffer
+8 Came here to comment “what the fuck are you guys talking about?” until I realized halfway through the thread this is about Canada. Makes a lot more sense now. Associate 1 in IB-M&A
+8 So I do think that is a good list of things to know, and I'll let others add many other things that you should probably know as well. Works at None
+8 Ok so similar to how I came up. Happy to help more in PM if you find the below helpful. Lockwood
+8 carry a rainbow flag with you Kevin25
+8 How active is your firm’s development group at the moment? What is their source of capital to do projects? Also what markets and product type are they in? CRE Mamba
+8 1) thank you very much for linking the interview. the interviewer indeed is a woman. not sure why people decided to make up stuff about her being trans. Kevin25
+8 I'm probably going to get shit for this, but man you really got to change your attitude SoldMySoul
+8 found the lse kid. (i am also an lse kid and pissed about being 50th)  haha_what
+8 The above is correct.  ironman32
+8 This is common and good on you for noticing it and looking to be clearer. It's not easy to manage them. Associate 3 in IB-M&A
+8 Read the substack and holy shit it is inspiring to say the least.  Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 I agree and disagree with teddythebear and Multiverse. Fred Fredburger
+8 Congratulations on the offer asalunke
+8 Ozempic was not designed as weight loss drug, but a way to regulate blood sugar for diabetics which it is very good at. FTPinsider
+8 so what happened the 20 seconds before the clip started margin_calls
+8 >How to stop being so elitist? >FYI I'm SA at a TOP BB here >All comments saying don't worry, your prestige/elitism is higher than those who had it spoonfed Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 So just to confirm, you made a sexual joke during a job interview?? Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+8 I think it makes sense to give a lot of leeway to a person who was just minding their own business before someone else started it.  Doesn't seem fair to me to judge someone's snap decision reaction in a situation that they Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+8 Lived in all 3 cities, Dallas, Houston, and NYC now. Analyst 2 in IA
+8 Congrats on your n-word pass Tinasheron
+8 If this gets 5 bananas I'll consider haha, it was pretty dumb haha. I got way too comfortable at the time.  Datro
+8 They are two different kind of FCF: 1) is "levered" and is the amount of cash your business generates after it has met its financial obligations - in the case of a healthy business with limited leverage, it gives you a goo Rorshak21
+8 As others noted, it’s highly variable. Be picky on sector, company, and team. But if you get yourself into a good one, over the long term it can be a great opportunity. Corp Dev “exits” are a thing. BkNT
+8 I’ll caveat the below by saying that almost every coverage group has great deal flow by the virtue of Jefferies being the top MM - and playing up to the BB level. Tier 1A: Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+8 Went through his history and he's a high school student LMFAO Intern in PE - LBOs
+8 This guy is literally THE MD at Moelis you should pray to god you work for over all the others. PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+8 The fact that you dismiss widely accept economic theories that are backed by empirical evidence and complex models on cost push inflation (which is not a difficult concept) as "left wing gaslighting" tells me everything I simsim73
+8 This one is up there, but the one guy who posted his own engagement photos and compared marriage to SaaS sales takes the cake goldmanornothing
+8 Sweeping this all under the rug when applying to your next job might be a good idea based on what you are applying to, but it isn't necessarily the right answer. VP in PE - Other
+8 Some groups that come to mind: Outperform: Barclays PU&I, Deutsche Sponsors, UBS Sponsors/LevFin, HL RX, Citi M&A, WF REGAL Underperform: JPM Energy, MS FIG, BofA TMT, PJT M&A daflame03
+8 This guy is really asking us if he should have desk job for the summer or a literal finance internship at a company with like a 250 Billion Market Cap. Ferisio
+8 PE associate can’t access FT? Prospect in IB-M&A
+8 Usually the crippling anxiety and overarching feeling that I’ll never be good enough helps Countofcredit
+8 Are you an astronaut or an astronomer?  longandshort
+8 Dude there is a 1000% chance you will get flagged if you email it, definitely don't do that. Everyone in the industry keeps work materials, but do it through ways where its not possible / extremely hard to get traced Associate 3 in PE - LBOs
+8 Sir please pull up to the window we have your order ready Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 Bro making MIT look bad with his decision-making skills. Engineer in AM - Equities
+8 Are you for real? You’re an undergrad and already think you will one day become a top 5 biotech investor in the world simply bc you know some math and got an MD/PhD? You need to be humbled by life pronto. Assistant PM in HF - EquityHedge
+8 There’s this guy who I think is contributing to the problem.   Prospect in CorpFin
+8 Did you even read the article you linked? He was surrounded, had liquid thrown at him and was pushed to the ground... Ladd
+8 Bump. Prospect in IB - Gen
+8 How are you to decide he didn’t deserve it. He grinded for it just like the rest of us. Sounds like cope. Bringing up the diversity card like the kid still had to good out of other candidates to get it.  Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+8 (1) Search funds are nothing like PE. The only thing they have in common is the buying of control. jl12
+8 I like Vivek - I think he would make a highly entertaining VP. Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎
+7 Bro that’s clearly bloomberg Captain Expenditure
+7 I always love the “this will never happen” comments with regards to investments. It’s reminds me of the “this time it’s different” comments. Charybdis Alignak
+7 It isn't that it is a bad place to spend time in. It is if that is your only experience, you will struggle to reach a CFO/CEO role. jl12
+7 That’s your fault and whatever happens to you happens, hope this helps!! tfgf
+7 I think you just learned what a pro forma is then. Senior VP in CorpDev
+7 No I fully understood your point, my point was that you overthinking this is a complete waste of time. And it actually doesn’t matter WHY they hired you? You got the job, quite literally what else matters? Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+7 Seems it’s more that people dislike the average kid at a non-target school who might not be as motivated. johnny-mnemonic
+7 Do you work more? Yes. Do you spend as much time sitting at a computer hating your life? Definitely not. CREnadian
+7 I think yk the answer but want to justify lying Prospect in IB - Gen
+7 I understand the anxiety here. I've been the intern staffer twice, and I've sat at the round table at the end of the summer to determine who gets a return offer. Let me help you! YoungAndRestless
+7 you knew what you signed up for… Analyst 1 in IB - Gen
+7 Someone’s great grandpa was a nazi 😂😂 Intern in IB - Gen
+7 JS does not have non-competes (100% confident this is true as strange as that might sound). Research Analyst in S&T - Equities
+7 When MM funds allocates to a PM they give him an amount (let’s say USD 200m) with expectations that he trades at a particular annualized vol.. let’s say 5-10%. This translate into USD 10-20m of annualized volatility. investitor
+7 I’d stay away unless they’ve got long term capital. It’s not that there’s nothing to do in the space, it’s that it’s incredibly hard to make money buying in a $70+ commodity tape. Investment Analyst in HF - Other
+7 People get pissed and rant about their projects or coworkers all the time. asm22
+7 Kevin25 He was brought in front of Congress and they had nothing because he didn't sell lol.  PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀
+7 No secret sauce I think key is just to have a consistent approach. My framework was top-down, I.e., talking through in order of -> macroenvironment (rates, market sentiment, etc) Analyst 2 in IB - Cov
+7 Large pharma, like the companies you listed (along with Merck, GSK, and many others), participate in the full development, manufacturing, and sale of pharmaceutical drugs. TheFlyingKiwi
+7 Interviews for both roles will be quite technical, although more so for RX. rebmit_1526
+7 It really depends on what type of financial institution. dawgs.100
+7 Bro just enjoy your time in college and get a life. Intern in IB - Gen
+7 I will be leaving high finance to do some entrepreneurial stuff. expatdogowner
+7 19yrs old; started at apollo at 17. Fucking killer - came from greenwich and went to deerfield.  Investment Analyst in AM - Equities
+7 Congrats on Miller Buckfire riwe
+7 I think the other poster - while admittedly a bit blunt - is trying to say that big decisions about what career to pursue shouldn't be based on a terse and incomplete understanding of what work is actually like (even if th Investment Analyst in AM - Equities
+7 Great insight Monkey Bot! This is why I’m not worried about AI taking my job. G0ldmanSacks
+7 I’m from a top Northeast school. Had I known that I wanted to do physical trading since freshman year I would have turned down the schools I got offers from and gone straight into A&M’s TRIP program hands down. Intern in HF - Other
+7 From my somewhat limited experience seems funds are getting crushed even on the debt side with existing investments. Analyst 2 in RE - Comm
+7 It’s a joke… Jesus man Analyst 1 in HF - EquityHedge
+7 It definitely wasn’t pulled 100%.  Analyst 2 in IB-M&A
+7 Not sure I’ve ever seen a video as tightly clipped as this one. They don’t even give us 1 second of action before the punch. Pretty clear the full clip won’t be as favorable to the  “woman” who got clocked. Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas
+7 Traits I’ve seen over the years from those that are not only good / great but elite level.  VP in PE - Other
+7 The average Evr analyst 1 right now would kill or at least do some heinous things to place at Ares. Analyst 1 in IB-M&A
+7 If you read through the posts here from the more experienced people, a key takeaway is as you move up, you start to appreciate your life outside of work. rabbit
+7 - write down what you are learning in a notebook  - learn to filter information (prob you did that as a professor) and get to the most important facts odog808 @MemoryVideo.com
+7 ex analyst to MF PE here. I would say first to kill any ego you have, and then try to work with good analysts. Do the work they don’t want to do, and then ask them to walk you through their model / whatever work they did. Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+7 congrats on kcl! Prospect in AM - Equities
+7 You're not in the same firm, she's 21 / you're 23-24 and you're wondering if it's weird? In what world is it weird helvetica.bold