+20 Staying Positive & Avoiding Burnout (BB ECM) 2 3y
+13 Market Cap and EV 5 3y
+4 IBD (EB) in Panamá - Hours, Comp & Culture 5 3y
+9 What is the difference of Private Debt Facilities (Unitranche/Stretched Senior) vs. standard TLBs in LBOs? 1 3y
+80 What's Your Dream Job/Title/Position or One of them 42 3y
+8 What industry group covers porn companies? 10 3y
+83 Why do IB directors change shops? 16 3y
+34 Need ideas for last minute internship 103 3y
+9 Is IB the best path for me if I want to end up in PE or HF? 1 3y
+10 Where to go for Investment Banking? 17 3y
+19 Undergrad Oxford vs US (Northwestern, Berkeley etc.) 4 3y
+30 2019 FT Roommate Thread 73 3y
0 Renewable Finance & Strategy Analyst Opportunity (Texas) 1 3y
0 Edit 1 3y
0 From PE to IB? 1 3y
0 London Associate Salary? 3 3y
+7 Life & Productivity Hack | Organizing IB Analyst / PE Associate Tasks 3 3y
+10 College Student Questions 2 3y
+16 Class of 2020&2021 struggling 6 3y
+19 Attention to Detail - Consolidated Advice and Recommendations 5 3y
0 Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Trainee 2021 (Brazil) 1 3y
+26 Recent Grad -- Chose Commercial Bank for LSAT Prep Freedom -- Wants Back into IB 10 3y
0 EUR/USD X-Currency swap risks (xVA) 1 3y
+16 IB in a MM boutique in Brazil looking for some guidance 4 3y
+22 Is an offer for a UK UG target worth the tuition fee? 16 3y
+181 My girlfriend's 25 yro sister made ~$107k as a nurse... 143 3y
+24 Do I Have a Chance? (Recent Grad w/ No Internships) 11 3y
+2 How valuable are overseas internships? 3 3y
+26 Florida/Latin America Investment Banking 15 3y
+152 Basic Overview of the Consumer Sector 40 3y
0 Quantitative Aptitude 1 3y
+12 Investment Banking/ Equity Research Internship in Colombia. Is it worth it?, can It help me to get into into the industry in Europe?. 0 3y
+21 Life as an investment banker - the truth 15 3y
0 Value dynamics 0 3y
0 Good Looks & Case Comps (?) First Post 0 3y
+3 How did these events affect the 3 reporting forms? 2 3y
+31 UChicago Econ Undergrad into IB 19 3y
+204 Why do overachievers think that finance is the sole route to success and riches 53 3y
+32 Low gpa and graduated during March 2020 17 3y
+282 I feel like a Failure 51 3y
+12 Usefullness of MBA in the M&A career path 0 3y
0 Career Advice: Opportunity to move from DCM to Corporate M&A 0 3y
+12 US Dollar issue 2 3y
+28 What's the IB scene like in Charlotte? 17 3y
+27 2020 SA Recruiting for International Student 11 3y
0 Competition for a BB position in LatAm is insanely hard 1 3y
+15 Should I choose internship at a prestigious PE fund or a small international Hedge fund? 2 3y
+12 What should I choose between an internship at pretigious local PE fund and a junior analyst job at a losing international hedge fund? 0 3y
+14 Should Pen Markups Still Exist? 1 3y
+9 Impact of filing for reorganization on a company's foreign debt (Singapore) to its local debt 1 3y
+29 Tough Spot! help! 8 3y
+15 IB from Consulting post MBA Sponsorship 0 3y
+4 Brazilian intern transfer to NY Office 1 3y
+44 Entry level salaries low in London 13 3y
+37 What should I do with my first 50k in savings? 13 3y
+12 FX Base Line for a Cross Border Transaction/Valuation 1 3y
+20 Put off applying to internships for the sake of my GPA? 8 4y
+79 Montblanc / Hublot for Intern 33 4y
+311 30 Weeks Later (Re-imagined) 19 4y
+3 UK Government Backed USD Bonds? 1 4y
+35 When do you call it quits? 16 4y
+53 Georgetown MSB vs Michigan Ross vs UC Berkeley 22 4y
+142 Your "Target Schools" lists are outdated and off-base 106 4y
+374 I am leaving investment banking to be a cop 137 4y
+21 BAML / Citi Credit Risk 6 4y
+3 Which currency to issue a bond in 1 4y
+42 Stock Downturn 12 4y
+24 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and D&A Converge Over Time 12 4y
+1 How enthusiastic is too enthusiastic when networking? 4 4y
+193 SunTrust Robinson Humphrey (STRH): An Extensive Review 104 4y
+95 Unofficial 2020 Public School Tiers for IB Placement 78 4y
+26 Question about expected return from deciding between BB/EB offers 11 4y
+11 Called VP by the Wrong Name 5 4y
+22 Valuation of a company in an emerging market - in USD or in local currency 8 4y
+4 Latam networking 1 4y
0 Best ballpoint pen? 23 4y
+22 Msc Finance + CFA to get into IB ??? 6 4y
+7 Investment Banking Analyst 2 4y
+237 Do banking and PE make you a better business owner? 76 4y
0 Prospective College List 12 4y
0 Full-Time Packages for Class of 2008 19 4y
0 trade-in my citizenship 11 4y
+43 Latin America Investment Banking 6 4y
+63 Moving to Boston - Suggestions 39 4y
+73 IBD Barriers to Entry For Canadians and How to Overcome Them 19 4y
+40 Big 4 Consulting > Top MBA > BB IBD Doable? 16 4y
+12 Which offer to lateral into BB IB 1 4y
+12 Wing Chau Sues Author of the Big Short! 2 4y
+15 Will MBB rescind offer if they found out I reneged IB offer? 3 4y
+29 Emory vs. UCLA vs. UCB vs. USC for undergrad? 17 4y
0 UBS Leveraged Finance Credit, Morgan Stanley TMT Credit, or RBC Capital Markets TMT Corporate Banking 8 4y
+25 Transfer From Stern to McCombs? 8 4y
+34 IB and PE in Atlanta 27 4y
0 Women' Event at BB for 1st Year MBA- Worth going? 1 4y
+90 Guggenheim on the rise?? 122 4y
+15 HELP: 2018er 'WeWorkER' trying to break into IB/Anything Finance, any chance? 5 4y
+56 Bloomberg Best Undergraduate Business Schools 2013 80 4y
+48 Evaluating Commercial Banks - Earnings (part 2) 30 4y
+96 SA? More like BB (Banker Bitch) - Help 77 4y
+604 From BO to IBD, kid gets fired on the first week. 103 4y

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Betsy Massar
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”