+12 Is Houston IB mainly limited to energy? 5 4d
+5 Equiteq 8 1w
+8 Is Hong Kong still Hong Kong? 6 1w
+7 SMU COX Transfer 2 2w
+3 2024 outlook 1 3w
+23 What to do ? From Big4 M&A Transaction Services to LM M&A boutique (Clairfield) 5 3w
+14 Buyside Tier List - Any ideas? 18 3w
0 Bonus Range for Risk Management Careers 1 1mo
+6 IB in Hong Kong? 1 1mo
+25 Is transferring after sophmore year worth it? 12 1mo
+15 How bad are things at Hong Kong? 10 1mo
+11 Ranking The Top 10 Non-Target Colleges To Attend If You Want To Break Into Investment Banking (And Got Rejected From All Targets Like Me) 20 1mo
+12 Energy IB in Houston 6 1mo
+7 BB IB vs Buyside Offer in Southeast Asia 9 1mo
+20 Is Smu (Cox) worth it 7 2mo
+9 Guide to break into firms that don't actively hire intern 1 2mo
+14 SMU COX vs IU Kelly:?Transfer undergrad 24 2mo
+13 Advice Needed: m7 BB/EB Recruiting with Prior Boutique IB experience in Singapore (cap raising, not M&A) 1 2mo
+151 Background check in IBD - is my buddy screwed?? 168 2mo
+22 Bocconi or ESCP MIM (as a French student) 17 2mo
+8 Singapore BB IBD Intern Pay 16 2mo
+17 True that IB pays more in HK than SG? 8 2mo
+22 CS Singapore 34 2mo
+5 Singapore Management University MSc 8 2mo
+16 Please shed some light on this (clearer version) 5 2mo
0 Delete 3 3mo
+128 TCU vs SMU IB? 108 3mo
+63 Is it possible for UW Madison to improve itself, or is it screwed? 44 3mo
+12 subpar experience, want to work in DFW area, how? 1 3mo
+8 Rothschild HK 5 4mo
+15 DCM > S&T 2 4mo
+7 Q&A : Investment Banking Analyst at Top 3 US BB - Singapore 13 5mo
+6 UBS IBD Office Location Lateral 4 5mo
+1 SEA M&A News Sources 2 5mo
+32 Q&A - Investment Counselor at an Bulge Bracket Bank 24 5mo
+1 Does anyone know how good SMU Cox is for a degree like business analytics 3 5mo
+9 Internship, help me decide 1 5mo
+14 How is Tokyo doing? 14 5mo
+10 Updated IB Tier listing 2023/2024 63 6mo
0 BoFA SG IBD SA 1 6mo
+4 HSBC IB Summer Analyst 6 6mo
+13 BlackRock Summer Internship Application Timeline 5 6mo
+134 What you need to know about IBD in Asia 78 6mo
+9 How Essential is Mandarin for BB IBD Jobs in Hong Kong, as an expatriate? 4 6mo
+9 From UK B4 Audit to High Finance in Singapore? 1 6mo
+31 Yet another career changer 24 7mo
+8 What are my chances, and what else do i need to do. 4 7mo
0 N/A 0 7mo
0 N/A 1 7mo
+3 Singapore IBD process gc 2 8mo
+7 How do you guys find exits outside PE? (preferably non-US) 3 8mo
+11 Housing allowance in Singapore 9 8mo
+45 Singapore - Top Banks and Groups 25 8mo
+3 Group Strategy Role at HSBC 5 9mo
+15 SG Investment Banking Comp for Local Banks 9 9mo
+6 Big 4 M&A/CF/Valuation or Regional IB 1 9mo
+16 Singapore Goldman IBD 6 9mo
+8 Bloomberg: Credit Suisse topples UBS 1 10mo
+89 UBS to fire half of Credit Suisse staff 86 11mo
+40 Wake VS SMU? 22 11mo
+20 MM IB vs. Big 4 Infrastructure 8 11mo
+15 IB Model + Deck test with CapIQ? 2 1y
+29 Most Desirable Product/Coverage groups of BBs and EBs in Singapore? 8 1y
+6 Analyst internship at family office VS Middle Office IB 1 1y
+9 How do you study/prepare for specific industry groups (IBD)? 1 1y
+4 Foreign BB or New York LMM? 7 1y
+18 Mcgill/Transfer to Ivey 26 1y
+9 Morgan Stanley Workshop worth it? 1 1y
+5 Language of investment banking in Singapore 8 1y
+10 Internship at small boutique firm vs big 6 audit corporate finance 1 1y
+1 HELP - Quant Trading Final Round 5 1y
+13 IB in NYC or London better as an intl? 1 1y
+12 Navigating through British culture 2 1y
+6 IB South Asia 3 1y
+6 Help College Question? IB/PE/WM 1 1y
+3 HSBC IBD Singapore 1 1y
+12 Advice On Undergrad Choice and Future 3 1y
+6 Language requirements for Singapore investment banking 5 1y
+62 Too old to intern at 27 year old? 19 1y
+6 London BB capital market or Singapore BB IB generalist for summer internship 1 1y
+23 Houston IB SA 2022 Mega-Thread 40 1y
+3 JPM laysoff - Hong Kong and Singapore 1 1y
+227 The Comprehensive List of Transfer Friendly Schools For Investment Banking 209 1y
+9 Transitioning to MM Boutique from Management Consulting? 1 1y
+30 High Finance Outside of US 28 1y
+9 HELP! Incoming Qatalyst Intern Misspells Name 6 1y
+1 Exploring Singapore for Career 1 1y
+19 Investment Banking Salaries in Singapore 23 1y
+59 Investment Banking Scene in Singapore 39 1y
+6 HL Restructuring 1 1y
+3 NUS BBA FOR IB? 1 1y
+12 Summer Experience 6 1y
0 Help me find what to do after graduating from a Japanese college 3 1y
+13 Should I transfer from a non-target (Baylor) to a target? 14 1y
+5 Goldman Sachs SA 2023 8 1y
+1 MS APAC SA 2023 8 1y
+9 Pivoting from DCM to M&A internships (APAC) 1 1y
+10 Asia: Boutiques versus Non-BB Balance Sheet Banks 3 1y
+46 HK/SG Investment Bank Rankings 28 1y
+16 Australian Finance and Banking student in uni adelaide 6 1y

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Betsy Massar
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”