0 Pitches/Beauty Pageants IB 18 17y
0 does first year matter much? IB 9 17y
0 For those in IBD: How IBD Changes Us... IB 12 17y
0 4 wks 2 days to GMAT....PLEASE advice? BSCH 9 17y
0 Consulting Salaries and Career Laddar CO 16 17y
0 Spin this IB 1 17y
0 So how full are the classes by now? IB 28 17y
+9 just out of curiosity: Who comes after GS/MS? IB 8 17y
0 Prospective Analyst Resumes IB 34 17y
0 Regional Compensation Differences IB 20 17y
0 disadvantages of botiques IB 36 17y
0 Michael Milken's first job out of Wharton: What was it? OFF 4 17y
+34 What kind of mistakes did you make when you started in IB? IB 42 17y
+1 MD Salary plus bonus IB 3 17y
0 Global Industries IB 10 17y
0 bofa vs. citi IB 32 17y
0 What do you guys want to do in the long term? IB 11 17y
0 Looking for Headhunter... willing to pay $$, have great resume IB 13 17y
0 Does a JD help? BSCH 9 17y
+65 Associate technical skills... IB 43 17y
0 Accouting Questions IB 2 17y
0 Questions for SA '07 S&T TR 10 17y
0 Pitchbook vs prospectus... where can i find good industry info? IB 3 17y
0 Am I on the Right Track IB 18 17y
0 Super Friday...Super Saturday IB 3 17y
0 anybody know one? IB 1 17y
0 Yet another thread about majors. IB 8 17y
0 2nd round- out of the blue questions IB 30 17y
0 Are any of you considering consulting? Or did you in the past? IB 11 17y
0 So I started with the site OFF 7 17y
0 Just signed the offer, so now which group -- Product or Industry??? IB 9 17y
0 college IB 7 17y
0 1st round interview IB 6 17y
0 Analyst Class Full IB 5 17y
0 HLHZ - all about analysts right now IB 18 17y
0 Neogtiating Salary IB 2 17y
0 Is the M&A analyst screwed? IB 12 17y
0 Recruiter database IB 8 17y
0 Who are Citi's peer banks? IB 8 17y
0 totally crazy idea!!!! IB 8 17y
0 in wich university you've been graduated? OFF 13 17y
0 mergers and aquisitions vs corprate finance IB 14 17y
0 All day Interview IB 3 17y
0 non target timeline IB 3 17y
0 Who's actually IN IBD here? IB 18 17y
0 I want to resend my resume, how do I go about doing that? IB 5 17y
0 5th year to get an MA IB 5 17y
0 Semi-Target Chances IB 15 17y
0 Can I Get My Points Back? IB 17 17y
0 Should I wait or..? IB 4 17y
0 What did you major in? IB 3 17y
0 Is that guy Dan Bush finally gone?? IB 110 17y
0 Is there any back stabbing in IB? IB 3 17y
0 BofA ABS/MBS IB 2 17y
0 Posting from the Apple store in SOHO - taking questions IB 6 17y
+13 Why JPM IB 21 17y
0 post superday/pre offer IB 4 17y
0 GPA needed? IB 53 17y
0 Any current bankers interested in doing this?(ibankingoasis resume book) IB 10 17y
0 Citigroup, no respect? IB 26 17y
0 Third Interview JOB 2 17y
0 Investment Banking Experienced Hire Qualifications JOB 5 17y
0 If I have an interview IB 6 17y
0 I'm here to stay. IB 18 17y
0 Incoming college freshman hungry for some bananas IB 8 17y
0 Summer Analyst Q's IB 11 17y
0 JPM CHR vs UBS Consumer IB 5 17y
0 Lifters in IB IB 30 17y
0 Can someone clarify this for me IB 7 17y
0 Back Office (Technology) IB 4 17y
0 Anyone from another industry? IB 4 17y
0 Acquiring an analyst position JOB 9 17y
0 IB Lifecycle IB 5 17y
0 School Major IB 8 17y
0 What is the difference between MM banks and Botiques? IB 1 17y
0 Third year analyst hours IB 10 17y
0 what is an investment bnnker? IB 25 17y
0 UBS and JPM Sponsors IB 7 17y
+26 The ivy league/Ibanking girl scale IB 92 17y
0 So much fighting? IB 5 17y
0 BB cold blooded approach to summer analysts IB 17 17y
0 Trivial Question IB 11 17y
0 Any Engineering Majors out there? IB 16 17y
0 Carlyle Lev Fin IB 4 17y
0 Bickering in need of modding WSO 7 17y
0 Summer Associate Internships JOB 1 17y
0 Join IB Infrastructure or top tier Advisory IB 5 17y
0 Modeling as art or science? IB 12 17y
0 my workspace WSO 2 17y
0 Is there a lot of accounting in investment banking? IB 16 17y
0 The interviewers reaction IB 26 17y
0 I'm qutting banking to do this IB 57 17y
0 UBS SF vs CS SF IB 3 17y
0 Salary Trading IB 2 17y
0 Summer Intern 2007 - which bank ? IB 9 17y
0 Will I look like a complete tool IB 13 17y
+5 Purdue Alums IB 20 17y
0 When Is The Ideal Time For Non-Targets To Fill Out Online Applications? IB 6 17y
0 OSU vs. CO OP education BSCH 1 17y
0 Anyone from non-core hear anything? IB 4 17y

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101