0 Nov 8, 2011 - Morning Financial Market Update OFF 0 8y
0 March 4, 2014 - Here's what happened in the stock/bond markets last week OFF 0 8y
+38 How to Win at Consulting (1/8): Making Do OFF 19 8y
0 July 7, 2015 - Recent Market Commentary by James Investment Research IB 0 8y
+56 Lessons of a Master of the Universe (MOTU) -Part 1 of 2 OFF 57 8y
+2 GPA question - Considering a triple major at a semi-target TR 16 8y
0 Jan 27, 2014 - Recent Market Commentary by James Investment Research OFF 0 8y
0 To initiate contact or not, after 2nd interview? (Lunar New Year issue) JOB 4 8y
+47 Need A Job? Consider Moving to Brazil. OFF 51 8y
0 8/10 - 8/14 Market Commentary by James Investment Research OFF 1 8y
+65 New MBAs Head to Asia in Big Numbers OFF 34 8y
0 [ISSUE 38] - Interesting Things... HF 0 8y
+49 No Mas, No Mas! The Vale Chronicles (Continued)! PE 15 8y
0 [ISSUE 36] - Interesting Things... PE 2 8y
+27 Sept 22, 2015 - Here's what happened in the stock/bond markets last week IB 1 8y
0 [ISSUE 34] - Interesting Things... OFF 0 8y
0 [ISSUE 31] - Interesting Things... OFF 0 8y
0 Stock & Bond Market Update (9/7-9/11) OFF 0 8y
0 What happened in the stock/bond markets last week (8/17-8/21)? OFF 1 8y
+85 Should You Learn Mandarin? Probably Not. OFF 66 8y
0 Abysmal undergraduate GPA 2nd sem. soph at a Target. HELP PLEASE OFF 8 8y
+37 Groundhog day in Greece, Hijinks in Brazil and Market Chaos in China: Pictures of Global Risk - Part I OFF 3 8y
0 What Role Do You Play in Nuclear Issues - Carlton Church OFF 0 8y
+21 Decoding Currency Risk: Pictures of Global Risk - Part IV OFF 0 8y
0 Pricing Country Risk - Pictures of Global Risk - Part III OFF 1 8y
+21 Stock & Bond Market Analyses (8/3 - 8/7) IB 0 8y
+21 Valuing Country Risk: Pictures of Global Risk - Part II OFF 0 8y
+35 Summer Reading List: How to Get Rich Quick, or at Least Kill a Few Hours OFF 10 8y
+63 The ‘Business Cycle’ framework IB 8 8y
+16 When Will the Chinese Learn? OFF 3 8y
+22 Jul 14, 2015 - Here's what happened in the stock/bond markets last week OFF 1 8y
+15 The Cause and Future of a Massive Chinese Sell-Off IB 3 8y
0 Wealth management in mainland China WM 0 9y
0 THE SICK MAN OF ASIA: China's Healthcare Crisis OFF 0 9y
+79 After all the hardwork, it paid off SCSS 33 9y
+97 Investment Banking 2014: 6 Things To Know For MBAs OFF 26 9y
0 5% USD Term Deposit - How to find depositors? IB 4 9y
0 5/4 - 5/8 Market Commentary by James Investment Research OFF 0 9y
0 So will the market correct itself this earnings season? OFF 2 9y
0 The Biggest Threat to Your Portfolio Today OFF 0 9y
0 WSO Weekly Wrap-Up (4/4-4/10) OFF 0 9y
+39 An introduction to Shadow Banking in China OFF 5 9y
+43 Do you know the ‘China’ story? OFF 19 9y
0 3/2 - 3/6 Market Commentary by James Investment Research OFF 0 9y
0 The perils of falling prices... OFF 1 9y
+37 Here's Who Said Apple Would Reach $1,000 a Share OFF 23 9y
+24 An ERP Retrospective: Looking back (2014) and Looking forward (2015) OFF 0 9y
0 What happened in the stock/bond markets last week (1/12-1/16)? OFF 0 9y
+12 The weekend wrapup 4.28.2012 OFF 4 9y
0 En intervju med Japans premiärminister Shinzo Abe: Elliott and Associates Economy Review Europe Tokyo Paris Asia OFF 0 9y
+18 Using optional essay to explain low grades in Math - MSF Applicant. BSCH 6 9y
0 The Chinese growth story - Look back and way ahead….. OFF 5 9y
+61 The insanity of the US tax code: Bad Laws and Predictable Consequences CO 10 9y
0 9 Trends for 2013: Private Equity and Investment Banking CO 7 9y
0 Harsim in Shanghai OFF 0 9y
0 Stock & Bond Market Analyses (7/7 - 7/11) OFF 4 9y
+24 Bonus Bananas June 20, 2014 OFF 5 10y
0 Déballe L.S. de Tod's Adhésion Lieu à Beverly Hills OFF 0 10y
0 The Michael Shearin Group Morgan Stanley Paris Deals Trading Offshore Chinese Yuan? Try Vancouver IB 1 10y
+20 Vital resources to help re-start your job & internship search! OFF 7 10y
+47 I'm A Former Trader Who Now Owns A Food Truck: Ask Me Anything IB 45 10y
0 Building Real Connections at Work OFF 1 10y
+35 Bonus Bananas March 28, 2014 OFF 20 10y
+74 Bonus Bananas March 21, 2014 PE 46 10y
+14 Is China Going Down? IB 4 10y
+25 Yay or Nay--Starting out in an international office? OFF 3 10y
+40 Bonus Bananas February 14, 2014 IB 23 10y
+59 Apple Whiffs, Gets Pounded After Hours OFF 35 10y
0 Jan 28, 2014 - Recent Market Commentary by James Investment Research OFF 1 10y
0 "Fear of slowing growth pushes down global markets" IB 5 10y
0 How to attract depositors from foreign countries? OFF 4 10y
+32 Corporate Banking in Mongolia CF 19 10y
0 The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Holiday Gift Guide IB 10 10y
0 Canada's rising dependence on commodities trade makes it vulnerable to price declines OFF 1 10y
+18 5 reasons why the Hilton IPO is an attractive deal IB 6 10y
0 New Holidays For New Generations OFF 1 10y
+15 Manny won last night. Any boxing fans on WSO? OFF 17 10y
+42 Apple/Facebook vs. Google/Google+ OFF 32 10y
+15 What will the PRC Bank do with their Bad Banks? OFF 2 10y
+43 Head of Metal: The First 6 Months OFF 13 10y
+44 Upcoming WSO Meetups: Chicago, Boston OFF 69 10y
+21 From globalization to digital isolation? OFF 6 10y
+24 Calling All Socialites: Be A WSO Social Chair OFF 1 10y
+22 Interview I did with Escape From America Magazine OFF 4 10y
0 Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End OFF 5 10y
+45 The REAL Reason You Didn't Get That Job PE 17 10y
+43 When in China, Do as the Chinese Do: JPM Bribery Charges OFF 26 10y
0 Kidnappers give hostage 500 yuan after learning family poor OFF 2 10y
0 The BRICs Are No Longer Leading The World's Growth HF 7 10y
0 Why China Might Be Right About Capitalism and Government OFF 20 10y
+29 Been away from the US for a year, Did I miss anything? OFF 16 10y
0 China Changing It's One Child Policy? IB 18 10y
0 Are Emerging Markets Diversified? OFF 2 10y
+46 How to Capitalize On Low Natural Gas OFF 31 10y
+10 The China slowdown. IB 1 10y
+25 Rediscovering risk in emerging markets: A Country Risk Premium update OFF 3 10y
+52 The Weekly Pitch: CCC, An Environmental Growth Stock OFF 14 10y
0 Bonus Bananas June 28, 2013 IB 9 11y

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101