+65 WSO Public Resume Review System (Free) or WSO Finance Resume Review Service (Paid) 56 1y
0 WSO Hall of Fame: Resume Advice Forum 0 6y
+9 Critique my resume. Non-traditional Background 8 5d
+1 Resume Help - Is Project Finance considered Investment Banking? 5 1w
+10 Very confused rising sophomore needs direction 3 1w
0 What does an L/S equity hedge fund resume look like? 2 1w
+12 Resume/Background Check Advice - SA 2025 3 1w
+9 How to convey pursuit of a Masters in CV when re-recruiting SA? 2 2w
+1 Weirdly Specific Resume/Waitlist Problem 3 2w
0 Resume review for quant research/trading roles. 1 1mo
+12 How to list my SA experience out? resume.. 2 1mo
0 Are locations of my experiences necessary on resume? 1 1mo
0 Transfer resume GPA 1 1mo
+6 What would an ideal candidate's CV for Spring Weeks look like? 16 1mo
+12 Should I remove an IPO deal from my resume if it never ultimately IPO'd, but we did file the S-1? 3 1mo
+9 Preparing to Start Full-Time Recruitment for Corporate/Commercial Banking, Rip my Resume Apart. 3 1mo
0 Resume Demolition Derby 1 1mo
+21 PLEASE RATE MY RESUME. Real Estate Analyst position desired 7 1mo
+3 Nuke My Resume 3 1mo
+6 Be brutal. Princeton student resume advice. Looking for roles in quant, PE, or hedge fund. Feeling late to the game and not landing interviews. 13 1mo
+16 BEST 5 Investment Banking Resume Interests I’ve Seen When Interviewing Candidates 8 2mo
0 Freshman internship in two locations--how to list on resume 1 2mo
+15 Tear my resume to shreds 7 2mo
+6 How to list unpaid internship on resume 1 2mo
+9 Should I include GPA on my CV? 2 2mo
0 TA Position on Resume 3 2mo
0 Amazon on Resume 2 2mo
0 Does Company Name or Experience matter more on the Resume? 1 2mo
+6 Major/Minor dilemma 1 2mo
+1 Should I put my GPA on my resume? 4 2mo
+7 Search Fund on Resume - Branding it as PE? 3 2mo
+14 Roast my resume 2 3mo
+31 Misdemeanor and Getting Job in Corporate Finance 19 3mo
+12 Personal Summary on Resume 2 3mo
0 Should I update firms on my upcoming internship for summer 2024? 1 3mo
0 Should I include my SAT on my resume? 4 3mo
+19 How to show my intention to study masters??!? 9 3mo
0 Advice for my resume, 3rd year Math student trying to break into IB 1 3mo
+1 Exterminate, Destroy, Annihilate, Decimate and Eradicate my resume 3 4mo
0 pre-MBA internship resume advice 1 4mo
+15 Destroy my Resume 3 4mo
0 Avoid Saying "Acquisitions" on CV? 3 4mo
0 Should I leave my GPA off my resume? 1 4mo
0 Resume Help Needed 3 4mo
+1 Why Resume isn't Landing Interviews 3 4mo
+11 improving resume for ft recruiting 3 4mo
0 GPA on resume 1 4mo
+2 CONSULTING ---> PRIVATE EQUITY---- Deal Discussions on Resume? 3 4mo
+1 What does the bulge bracket investment banks think of resumes with omitted GPAs? 1 5mo
+9 Resume style for 10+ YoE. 1 page v 2 page. 1 5mo
+3 is french counted for GPA 6 5mo
+9 Resume Bullet advice 1 5mo
+14 Sleeve performance on my resume, what is the best way to do this? 5 5mo
0 Background Check 3 5mo
+9 3 month stint - Gap in Resume / How to Handle 1 5mo
+21 *Eligibility question for SA 2025 URGENT 5 5mo
+4 Lying about major on resume 2 5mo
0 Destroy my Resume 1 5mo
+9 Should I Include Skills and Language Section on Resume for IB? 2 5mo
+7 do you have to have full address on resume? 3 5mo
+6 Putting a local freshman PWM internship as “Incoming” 1 6mo
+5 Should I leave community college off my resume? 8 6mo
0 How should I input GPA on my resume if I'm a transfer? 1 6mo
+8 When to include gpa for networking 5 6mo
+7 3.2 from Cornell Dyson - diversity candidate recruiting for IBD 13 6mo
+1 IB Resume - Proper Way to Show Deals with Undisclosed Deal Values 2 6mo
+10 Help with resume. Only have had one job entire career. 2 6mo
+1 Sophomore Seeking Advice on Resume for SA25 4 6mo
+4 Longest resume gap that is still acceptable? 4 6mo
+28 UW Madison Finance Struggles 16 6mo
0 Freshman summer internship? 1 6mo
0 critique my resume (sophomore) - am i in the right direction content/length wise or is everything fucked up 1 6mo
+9 Incorporating Multiple Roles at Same Company in Resume 4 7mo
+5 Please roast my resume - any advice helps a young Canadian boy trying to break into IB or REPE 3 7mo
+1 How To Stack Up Your Resume for International Student 1 7mo
+3 Obliterate My Resume!!! 4 7mo
+31 Appropriate Job Title to Put On Resume For A Long-Term Intern? 5 7mo
0 How to Incorporate Performance on Resume 1 7mo
+6 (Updated) DESTROY MY RESUME PLEASE 13 7mo
0 Undergrad Stats and Actsci student trying to break it into IB(Resume critique) 2 7mo
+6 Destroy my non-finance related resume(trying to restructure for finance) 0 7mo
+18 Destroy My Non-Target Resume to Break Into IB 4 7mo
+4 Can I balance Division 1 sports while in finance? 4 8mo
+3 Please roast my cv as much as you can xD 1 8mo
+3 Intro to investment banking 1 8mo
+2 Clash of clans leadership on resume 3 8mo
+6 Resume Advice 1 8mo
+2 Margins on a CV 2 9mo
+3 Roast my alpha Garamond CV for 2024 graduate roles in IB/Consulting 3 9mo
+17 Please destroy my Cover Letter 10 9mo
+6 Roast My Resume- Rejected for 5 SocGen Sophomore Summer Positions 20 9mo
+3 struggling to write resume - recc resume services? 1 9mo
+20 Please RIP my CV to shreds (London 2024) 25 10mo
+3 Under what circumstance(s) is it okay to mention your high school achievements on your resume? 1 10mo
+14 What can you disclose about a deal? 6 10mo

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”