XMAS ideas for the good and bad monkeys of the world

Why do people type "XMAS"? I get it on signs somewhat when there is limited space. But, not really with computers.

So... are you athiest or just lazy?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
I just assumed either a grammar zealot, MAGA bro, or Christian for the War on Xmas, would feel the need to comment on my choice and as a result artificially bump my post up to the top of the feed, so... i guess the real question is which one are you?

Yes, some of those apply, but mainly curiosity. Nice question with a question.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
I just assumed either a grammar zealot, MAGA bro, or Christian for the War on Xmas, would feel the need to comment on my choice and as a result artificially bump my post up to the top of the feed, so... i guess the real question is which one are you?

Christmas is a Pagan holiday -- not Christian.


I guess it either is similar enough to the sign of the Cross, or maybe derived from the Greek "Chi-Rho" for Christ's name.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

I'm a member of the student-run investment fund at my school, and I'm throwing a Christmas party at my apartment (it's really more of a pregame before we go out to bars). Getting the graduating president a bottle of Old Raj.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn
Gin, the most Christmas smelling of all the liquors. Good choice.

Nah, you mean Rumple

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Im a big fan of more experience type gifts for people who i know i cant really get physical stuff for (your idea of a meal/event works pretty well). For example i got my girlfriend's younger brother tickets for him and i to go see Action Bronson, i figure i get the instant karma points and look good for my potential future in laws, plus... i get to go to an AB concert lol.

Best Response

both my family and my in laws agreed not to do christmas presents this year, and it's one of the best feelings I've ever had for post-grad christmas. beforehand, when I was hardly buying anything except for my now-wife, it was awesome, being on the receiving end.

but now, being older, having to drive all over the southeast (thankfully no airplanes), see everyone, sleep in uncomfortable beds (my high school bed is worse than a Howard Johnson floor), trying to please all sides of everyone's family, and then get back to work quickly, the absolute last thing I want to do is ask everyone what they want, buy it, and then wrap it up.

the holidays are about family, and removing the commercialism from christmas is such a great feeling.

now to answer the question, what do I want?

  1. overhead waves and offshore winds
  2. no talking about politics
  3. some oral attention on I-95
  4. a good college football playoff

I can empathize with your (and likely everyone's) desire for the family interaction to be light and civil. Up until last year i was rocking a 4 Christmas' type scenario (driving from BMore to basically the PA line then back to DC on XMas day) until i decided to start doing it at my place and just have everyone over. I wont have the Raven's-Steelers game to buffer the family this year so we shall see how it goes.


" I like the holidays, but hate thinking up stuff I want." it's a cruel world out there brother...

  1. socks
  2. craft beer
  3. favorite liquor
  4. cool pens
  5. concert ticket(s)
  6. Starbucks card

I started telling people who want to buy me shitty gifts to just give to our local toy drive. Not that I don't appreciate the gesture of "gift-giving," but at our age, anything you actually want, you already have. If you don't, then it is probably too expensive for someone else to buy.


I know it's 1st world problems, but it is the reality that I live in. Alcohol is a great go to, but I'm really trying to cut back.

I tried to get people to donate to charity instead of getting me something, but my family isn't having it.

Tickets to something is a good idea, but I'd have to take the wife so it probably gets slightly pricey for a small gift.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

Learn what people's drinking habits are.

A nicer bottle of wine, or gin or rum is always a good gift to receive. You can shop for a lot of the people at one store alone (which alone is pretty good).

Another idea is trying to get something you know they like. If they are golfers, a box of ProV1's are always nice, if they collect money, you can buy some confederate collectors money for $10/$20 a bill.

If you don't know, just ask. It's not as weird as you think.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

A shaving/beard kit if they have facial hair. The sauasage, cheeese and cracker holiday gift sets. Drinks: Give them an out there bottle of something that they wouldn't run into on a normal day but is sill within your price range.

Are you good with your hands? You can make them stuff. A giftcard that they can re-gift. A nice kitchen knife within your range. Set them up with cheap cooking lessons or painting lessons. An expensive Dildo. A cool book on a topic they like. Netflix giftcard. Amazon card, but that's kinda boring. Restaurant gift cards. Giftcards to do something that gets them out of the house, and out of their normal routines- but still something they would enjoy doing. Headphones, you can get some amazing earbuds in the 30-45 dollar range. (let me know if you need suggestions.

**How is my grammar? Drop me a note with any errors you see!**

Kitchen knife is a pretty good idea. I have a set we got at our engagement party and could use an upgrade. Good ones are a little much for a smallish gift, but there's probably something decent in a reasonable range

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

I see what you did there...just slipping that in.

Director of Finance and Corporate Development: 2020 - Present Manager of FP&A and Corporate Development: 2019 - 2020 Corporate Finance, Strategy and Development: 2011 - 2019 "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Booze Something goofy and specific to them on eBay Golf balls Rubik's cube Money clip (no idea how much this costs, to be fair) Hunting/Fishing license (also, no idea how much this costs) Pedicure Prepaid happy ending massage (will cost a bit more, so I hear) T-shirt from their alma mater, hometown, current city, etc.
Book you like and they would like Ticket for frosty at Wendy's Cheap headphones

Millions of other things


Crowdsource 20 friends and family members to pitch in $50 each and you can get a round trip from NYC to Bangkok. One night should be sufficient to make a hard man humble. Bonus: Christmas/New Years' is peak Thailand weather.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.

Imo any kind of gift card is the laziest gift you can give and won't really be appreciated.

One gift idea I've been considering are Tiles. They are small bluetooth trackers about the size of a zippo. You can put them on your keys, phone, pet, etc and use an app to see where your Tiles are. You can also go the other way and tap your Tile to make your phone beep in case it is lost. The battery last for 1 year and are $25 each, 4 for $60.

I wouldn't get one for myself but it's a cheap gift that would be suitable for any person I think.


I agree on the gift cards. Since there's nothing that I really want I actually appreciate getting gift cards so I can pick something later, but my family pretty much won't do gift cards. The only exception is that my parents will get my wife and I a gift card to a decent restaurant, which I always appreciate.

Tile is a really interesting idea. I'm not sure I need this (never really lost my phone or wallet), but this is exactly the type of gift I'm looking for. Something that I wouldn't buy for myself, a little unique and would benefit me day-to-day.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

I like to buy physical goods myself because I'm very particular about which brand/model of most everything that I want. So something that I started doing with family is asking them to gift me an experience with them. So my dad usually will buy me a round of golf or baseball tickets for the two of us. My mom and I have a unique deal where my gift to her is the ingredients for a 5 course meal and her gift to me is teaching me how to cook it. My siblings will gift concert/play/show tickets to me and I'll give them a ticket for their gift. At the end of the day, I don't really value small gifts as much but I've gotten to spend so much extra time with my family and friends this way and it means so much more than just a Rubik's cube or expensive dildo.


I used to be the gift card king, but then someone just frankly told me how lame they are, so I stopped. Here are some ideas:

-almost anything from Spencer's Gifts (just be aware that 99% of that store is NSFW) -assorted snacks -a Man Crate or Bro Basket -a dessert wine (switch it up from the standard bottle of whatever) -an assortment of craft beers (they have a "make your own six pack" at Whole Foods) -handmade soap -an assortment of hot sauces -novelty toilet paper with whichever politician your buddy hates on it


This site has a really great collection of awesome Christmas gift ideas: https://secure.link/OdtvUVNn Perfect education tools for youngsters in the family. This site also has some neat unique gift items, though you can also order some of them from Amazon: https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Submitting a gift wish list is for children and instragram whores. Tell them to donate to a specific charity

If they are not willing to do that, ask for blankets from target or target gift cards and donate all the shit you receive to a local charity.

Or adopt a family in need http://mendpoverty.org/get-involved/the-mend-christmas-program http://www.apch.org/get-involved/adopt-a-family/ http://www.salvationarmy-socal.org/southern-california/adopt-a-family


A Christmas list is for children and instagram whores? Do you literally have no one that cares about you and would buy you a gift? You also don't ever buy gifts for anyone else? Sounds like a pretty sad existence.

I am actually fairly charitable and I'm sure that many can find ways to be charitable while also purchasing a gift of ~.0005% of their salary (literally). Actually, if you read above I responded to another posted that I've told my family to just donate the money, but since they care about me they want to get me a gift or two.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

My parents' gift to the kids has been cash for the last few years because my mom took notice that we never wear the clothes she bought. I usually go all out on Black Friday deals and then wrap them around Christmas and "use" their cash as that gift. It's tough for parents and adult kids shopping for each other when, as someone else said, you have everything you want/need already.


My mom has gotten to the point where if she buys me any clothing the receipt is right in the box and she takes zero offense if it gets returned because we never wear the clothes she buys either. However, she just can't get herself to give cash.

It's tough because she's trying to be nice and get something personal, but when there is literally nothing I want she has no chance.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

do hookers and drug dealers sell gift cards?

"I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing. " -GG
Only thing better would be a pizza oven-hooker-keg


I've got a bad back and have to sit down sometimes.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

i wish that naps were acceptable. I get soooo groggy after lunch. I try to eat two smaller lunches but it isn't usually possible.


A brand new camera and microphone to make some YouTube videos.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

A girlfriend... She doesn't even need to be that hot! At this point, I'm willing to compromise on pretty much everything. The only deal breakers I can even think of are: continuing to post support for Bernie Sanders on FB months after his failed nomination, previously having been a dude at anytime in her (his / her? - I don't think I'll ever understand LGBTQ+-/\?&% genders) life or not showering / shaving her legs and underarms on a regular basis.

....Sadly, my 3 deal breakers disqualify 99% of Bay Area girls.


To be fair, #1's what's doing the damage for you. Get rid of that and there are dozens of girls who fit your profile.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

a jewb, though at this point I might as well start on my own.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
  • forgiveness from all my ex-gfs whom i had to break up because i worked too many long hours
  • forgiveness from my friends whose weddings i missed cuz my sadist MDs pulled up last minutes meetings
  • understanding from my current gf that i will be staffed with running deals during holiday
  • close some more new mandates so that i can get that promotion to associate director
  • my current deals to go well so that i can get more sleep
  • perhaps get my body fat percentage to 9% from current 15%
  • a bigger bonus in the upcoming bonus season
  • perhaps an invitation to become senior adviser at KKR/Carlyle for my country (i.e. Indonesia)

ok monkeys if you insists on being sentimental i want to see my ex one last time smiling i want to relive our last happy moment


To sit down with the CFP Committee and find out what the hell they were smoking when they made their decision for this year's bowl games. I really want to know what went into how they made their selection. My own bias aside, I really want to know what goes into their thought process. I think it would be a huge insight into the minds of some brilliant folks (Dr. Condoleezza Rice), some angry folks (Barry Alvarez), and the idiots who make up the rest of the committee. Plus, I would have loved to be in the room last night just to listen to their conversation because, as a College Football fan, it would have been brilliant to listen and watch.


Well, for starters, I don't think Washington deserved to be in the Top 4. I would have put in Penn State or, god forbid, Oklahoma over Washington. The Non-conference schedule being ranked 127, especially when compared to Ohio State and Penn State alongside the Rutgers game (the only point of comparison between the three teams), was a huge ding in my book. At the same time, mind you, Penn State lost by 3 to Pitt, who beat Clemson, and Iowa, which should be at 17 in the CFP with wins over Nebraska and Michigan as opposed to LSU's 7-4, who lost to an unranked Auburn, which gives Penn State the edge over Washington. And for anyone who says what about the UM game? That's when the eye test needs to be applied, because a significant number of players were injured that game, which should be factored in. If I could only pick one Big 10 team, the decision goes to Penn State, pushing them to Nr. 4 and dropping OSU to 5. The head to head record and conference championship points should be enough, and Urban Meyer putting Penn State as 4th in the coaches poll, after this weekend, says something - but I can acknowledge that Ohio State is a good, albeit one dimensional, team. I'm also not happy that Clemson got ranked above Ohio State, but that's because I don't think Clemson is worthy of the Number 2 spot, especially when you compare them to Ohio State, but that's small fries.

And then there's the bowl games... Bama will get a bye week playing Washington. Washington will not win that game. If they played Penn State, however, I think Bama would lose. If Bama won, it would be a very close game, within 3 points. I suppose the consolation prize is knowing that The Grand Daddy of Them All, the Rose Bowl, is going to have what should be the best game of the Bowl Season. Penn State/USC will be a great match up.


I knew I wasn't crazy in thinking too many kids were joining this site

I'm hanging on while I still can.


Socks man. Can never have enough socks.

Let me speak on this for a moment, Lord: While this statement is true, I find it very difficult to organize my socks. This has become such an issue that I sometimes question whether my life would be easier had I fewer socks. I sit out on the porch and I ponder.

I have a drawer for my socks that's about a cubic foot. I find myself digging through the balled-up sock pairs to find a specific pair I'm looking for. And then, some will come unballed and I have stray socks. When the quantity of unballed socks comes to critical mass, the entire sock drawer must be re-organized.

Then, if I don't wear athletic socks or dress socks for a laundry cycle, I have to throw all of the dress socks onto my bed to get to the athletic socks. Looking for wool socks at the first snow? Forget about it.

I want a sock organizer for Christmas. And to never lose a single sock in the laundry again. Let them go in pairs if they must so I never have to know.


For blastoise to come back

[quote=mbavsmfin]I don't wear watches bro. Because it's always MBA BALLER time! [/quote]

My list includes:
-A couple old NBA jerseys: Grant Hill Pistons, Robert Horry Rockets, Bobby Hurley Kings
-new pair of Vans
-Books: Sports Gene, David and Goliath, Personal Foul
-NBA 2K14 for Xbox

Bobby Hurley paraphernalia goes full circle: past ironic and right back to lame.

That being said, besides the vans, I like your style. But I buy it myself.


if your sister is hip, get her a band t shirt, those seem to be all the rage. just don't get her a band that she's never heard/has no interest in (like kendall jenner wearing a Slayer shirt). you could also never go wrong with white vans for teenagers. downside is those are $50.

if your dad likes seinfeld, get him the #1 dad shirt with the #1 dad mug. tervis tumblers are also good (fave sports team an obvious winner here).

for your mom, succulents are a good idea, low maintenance, visually appealing, and it's always visible so she'll think of you when she talks about it. also essential oil diffuser could be nice. women like smelling nice things, and those things are only like $20.


Trying to crack into a consulting or finance internship. I dont really need a new suit, I have 5... maybe solid shoes. Thats an idea.

Any other ideas?


-porsche 911 turbo -an apartment to set a mistress up in -cigars -art -booze -shoes -ties


oh, also make sure you have all the james bond and the transporter movies.


I'm in the same boat (it basically happens to me every year).

My ideas are: - shoes - cigars - watch

How the hell do you have a gf MD and you are trying to get internships?

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

In this instance, is MD supposed to be Managing Director or Medical Doctor? The latter would make a lot more sense considering where you are in your own career, but the former would mean that you could ask for some baller ass gifts and they'd be reasonably attainable.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
In this instance, is MD supposed to be Managing Director or Medical Doctor? The latter would make a lot more sense considering where you are in your own career, but the former would mean that you could ask for some baller ass gifts and they'd be reasonably attainable.

Seems like it has to be that he's dating a soon to be doctor, but I suppose posting in this forum would require spelling out anything that's not banking related


Well considering you're in a banking forum MD is not a doctor.

As for those who think she can buy him anything because she's a doctor, she's likely making as much as a first year analyst with 3x the debt.

I'd personally just tell her to surprise you.

Otherwise, I'm a sucker for electronics....

Kindle iPad Some good speakers or headphone

Non-electronics... the Liberator cushion


sorry guys. my bad. yes shes going to be a Doctor... i apologize. and yeah, shes got mortgage sized debt. but its guaranteed at least 6 figures to start, so that helps.

If she was a finance world MD, id be asking for A) a job, B) finish paying off my car loan and C) a weekend suite at the Liberty Hotel.

Thanks for some ideas. I originaly thought of iPad.. hmm... wasnt sure how practicle id be though. I have a Macbook Pro, and an Itouch, along with a pc... wtf would i do with it!? haha

Why does xmas get harder as you get older. Hell, as a kid, all i wanted was toys, video game systems, and tickets to baseball/football games


Ask for a sticky pad with ten pieces of paper. Each sheet written by her say "I promise to...", leaves a space, and then ends with her signature at the bottom (if it makes you feel better they can have a 6 month expiration date)

here's an idea for the first sticky....




Thank me with SBs.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Ask for a sticky pad with ten pieces of paper. Each sheet written by her say "I promise to...", leaves a space, and then ends with her signature at the bottom (if it makes you feel better they can have a 6 month expiration date)

here's an idea for the first sticky....




Thank me with SBs.

Silver Banana for you, sir!

Ask for a sticky pad with ten pieces of paper. Each sheet written by her say "I promise to...", leaves a space, and then ends with her signature at the bottom (if it makes you feel better they can have a 6 month expiration date)

here's an idea for the first sticky....




Thank me with SBs.

Lol. Love this.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy

I like Gekko's coupon idea. I did that with my property (girlfriend) and it works wonders. Just have some that say stuff like "I will give you an hour of silence" stuff like that and make sure you hide them so they don't "accidentally" get thrown away.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Repudiandae ex quod porro corporis quo molestias eaque. Dolorem dicta recusandae molestiae laboriosam non eos assumenda quis. Nam laboriosam voluptatibus et velit fugiat enim. Sequi autem expedita qui cum qui.


Rerum eveniet magnam magni eaque enim quia suscipit. Veritatis temporibus eveniet aliquam totam magni porro.

Vel enim sunt porro architecto corporis soluta. Qui quis aperiam molestiae dolorum at magni impedit. Quo sunt veniam tempore. Repudiandae magni explicabo unde labore dolorem voluptatibus modi deleniti.

Id tempora inventore sed architecto quam occaecati. Ea in rerum amet iusto maxime.


Quis perferendis cupiditate occaecati ut. Officiis libero ex quia. Qui ea error aliquam maiores. Qui quia nulla molestiae consequatur odio dignissimos minus. Eum enim iusto aut rerum. Tempore ea ut id.

In eos blanditiis sit. Eius aut consectetur reiciendis nobis totam exercitationem. Alias quo a fuga.

Quidem cupiditate exercitationem quaerat. Ipsum officia atque minus deserunt. Et consequuntur accusamus et maxime autem qui dolorem modi. Dolorum provident minima vel nesciunt. Tempore officiis consectetur vel. Rerum iure distinctio ut ad.

I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing. See my Blog & AMA

At dolorem id quis officiis. Sunt unde numquam in ab autem est laborum. Reiciendis dignissimos beatae eius vero veniam. Asperiores aperiam cum reprehenderit enim voluptatibus eum illo. Corrupti beatae sequi officia molestiae. Enim omnis voluptatem mollitia dignissimos. Quam et tenetur a autem aspernatur quis dicta.

Dolores ut dolores modi fugit architecto. Laboriosam est iusto facere accusantium. Animi eveniet sit accusamus et et facilis. Quo modi nostrum temporibus illum quia. Enim assumenda doloremque rerum quis odit non at autem. Omnis debitis qui est.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Ipsum aut nihil illo amet debitis quia velit. Dolore quia non beatae consequatur quaerat omnis. Quibusdam sit facere voluptas deleniti sapiente necessitatibus saepe. Consequatur impedit debitis quo consequatur. Sunt sunt asperiores nostrum aut.

Et amet ex tempora nihil laudantium non quo et. Nisi porro possimus minus aut accusantium temporibus et non. Aperiam vel enim culpa recusandae ad ut nostrum. Deleniti consequatur occaecati id quia error. Itaque aut magni dolorem modi quod dolorem. Fuga qui magni hic sed quia. Nemo rerum molestiae autem quo consequatur.

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

Saepe omnis officia iste numquam et est voluptatem. Velit suscipit ipsam veritatis veniam reiciendis. Ipsa voluptas inventore corporis fuga id illo omnis.

Corrupti eaque tenetur voluptas quia harum amet explicabo omnis. Enim earum soluta culpa omnis. Aliquid illo modi aut officia ut. Sit id commodi qui odio. Sed illo sed voluptas qui repudiandae non.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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