Good gift for analyst?

Wanted to get the forum's advice - I have a couple analysts who have really covered me well when on vacation or when I was bogged down.  

My work style is more "side by side" as opposed to up and down the chain, but these kids really stepped up in terms of dealing with MD/Client asks that I usually try to shield them from

Want to get something for them to show appreciation but don't want to go too over the top/weird  

Was trying to come up with ideas but appreciate any thoughts on what you all, as analysts, would appreciate from an associate.

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Maybe a nice pen or a top shelf bottle of what they like to drink (especially if they like scotch or wine)? The type of thing people don’t normally buy for themselves.


Agreed. When I closed my first few deals that I originated myself, I bought (entry level) Mont Blanc pens for everyone on my team (junior bankers and admins). I figure as my fees start to go up, I can afford to buy better gifts. I want to behave like the MD I would have wanted to work for.

When I was a junior banker, I gave away booze to colleagues doing me a solid (covering for me/helping me out). Wine and whiskey was most common.


A big, fat bonus cheque based on your glowing recommendations coming out of their performance review! That's what they're doing it for after all! :)

Or give them a pink slip because they're gunning for your job next! Lol ;)


Figure out what each likes and then have a dollar range in mind for your total. For example if one analyst is a big foodie and the other is a sports fan, maybe get the foodie a gift card to a nice restaurant they’d never go to if they had to pay and get the sports one tickets to a game or something. Just keep each gift in-line with what you’re willing to spend ie: $100-200 per analyst. This shows you really appreciate their effort as well as know their personal interests.


I think a few of these have 10-30% discount codes. To look for: full grain leather (top grain is a marketing scam, you want full grain) and YKK or other high quality zippers / hardware that will last a long timeheard good things about Mahi, but haven't seen one in person- was gonna get the BS one but it's made to order so takes like 2-3 months or something and its not customizable but my friend has the Domingo style and it's really nice in my opinion. Might not be feasible-…Tecovas has good reviews but a bit more pricy- of others online similar to one below-


Bourbon recommendations that are reasonable but would be well-received: Blanton's or Michter's 10-year. Think of getting the best vintage in the ~$100-150 range. 


Anyone else think this is a little odd? I’d be a bit weirded out if my associate got me a gift for basically doing my job.

My advice would be:

1) Remember this come reviews/bonus time. That’s what they care about at the end of the day

2) Do the same for them. Pick a night and tell them you’ll cover and they should go out / go to bed early/ etc. I’d way rather this than some bottle of scotch

3) I think taking them out for a drink/meal is also nice, for some reason I feel like just handing them a gift is a bit odd but treating them to a meal is much better


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Quasi eum non dolorem vero voluptatem sint ratione numquam. Labore omnis aliquam molestiae porro minus cum. Reprehenderit voluptatem omnis alias sed dolorem. Velit itaque et deleniti est natus modi.

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Ratione atque sit dolor. Tempore ad quia iste ad recusandae quia iure. Molestias ad vitae totam sed. Dignissimos et nulla consequatur consequuntur pariatur enim distinctio molestias.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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