Susquehanna International Group (SIG) Equity Research Associate First Round Intervire


I will be having an upcoming phone interview with an HR for this position. I would love to hear any suggestion on how I should prepare for this? From what I understand, there will be brainteasers, probability and stock pitch?

ANy take on this? Thank you!


Backing up with Chobo said, it's much less brainteasers and more about basic accounting and more importantly stock pitches. It'd be better to pitch a less well known company (have 2 long and 2 short), when I got interviewed my Monster Inc. pitch was torn apart. One of my good friends is an ER associate there and he mentioned that he got a modeling test in the later rounds.


It really depends on the analyst interviewing you. My first round was just an HR call, the second with the analyst was more technical.


Depends on the analyst. My first round was general behavioral w/ HR. 2nd round was stock pitch, why ER, why sell-side, relevance of background, etc. 3rd round was more of the same + them telling me what makes SIG great/different.

No brainteasers. It wouldn't make sense to use those for a non-trading role but it sounds like some others have gotten them so who knows...


hihihohohaha2, curious how it turned out, what was the HR screen like? Standard HR questions (tell me about yourself, why SIG, etc.) or more technical too? I have an interview coming up here and it's my dream job so would appreciate any help anyone can provide on ER interview process...


How did your interview last year go? I have a first round phone interview for ER at SIG next week and I'm pretty nervous cause I've read online that it's really difficult. This thread is giving me a different view though, saying that ER will be a bit less mathematical than a regular SIG interview...Any tips/advice? The interview is with a campus recruiter.


I'm actually interested in this is well. Is anyone familiar with their institutional group's compensation for ER and S&T? Is is competitive with the street?

Since SIG is such a great shop for prop trading, I can definitely see them growing into a player in institutional brokerage.

Hoosier Nation
Best Response

Worked there for two years after being at a bulge bracket for more than three years. Resources weren't quite the same but I imagine are competitive with any ER department of its size. Experience is highly dependent on the analyst, like anywhere else. Equities management is certainly charged with making SIG a top ten equities platform and the firm appears to be making decent progress.

On Comp. They provide you with a range a at the beginning of the year which provides some transparency going into year end. That said the three comp cycles I was on I saw my comp range decrease significantly each year, which seemed consistent throughout the ER department. My forecasted comp for 2012 was about 60% of my 2010 full year number. Team was let go earlier this Spring, after two years my severance was a whopping $1,000, was told the firm has no formalized policy so I shouldn't have expected anything..... I felt so slighted that I didn't even bother signing the separation agreement

Respect the hell out of a lot of people there but the shrinking comp and the way I was treated on exit left a pretty sour taste in my mouth.

Worked there for two years after being at a bulge bracket for more than three years. Resources weren't quite the same but I imagine are competitive with any ER department of its size. Experience is highly dependent on the analyst, like anywhere else. Equities management is certainly charged with making SIG a top ten equities platform and the firm appears to be making decent progress.

On Comp. They provide you with a range a at the beginning of the year which provides some transparency going into year end. That said the three comp cycles I was on I saw my comp range decrease significantly each year, which seemed consistent throughout the ER department. My forecasted comp for 2012 was about 60% of my 2010 full year number. Team was let go earlier this Spring, after two years my severance was a whopping $1,000, was told the firm has no formalized policy so I shouldn't have expected anything..... I felt so slighted that I didn't even bother signing the separation agreement

Respect the hell out of a lot of people there but the shrinking comp and the way I was treated on exit left a pretty sour taste in my mouth.

Thanks for the insight, this was very helpful. May I ask where/what you transitioned to after?


I don't know much about ER in general or ER at SIG in particular, but I interviewed with them for Trading internship posiiton. I didn't make it to their final round, but the first 2 rounds consist of progressively harder probablity questions. You can research stuff regarding this on Glassdoor there are plenty of questions there and it was quite similar.


Don't worry about the probability; that's generally for trading. You've got most of it down. Stock pitch, technicals, behavioral, and maybe check out an earnings report and be able to update a model/do a quick write-up.


there have been recent posts on this - do a search

after reading them, if you have any questions, pm me - you'll see on prior threads that bateman and I, among others, have been through this interview process recently


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Accusamus beatae occaecati dolor iste. Et doloremque rerum et officiis mollitia.

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Est cumque sed porro asperiores aut ut ipsam. Reiciendis aperiam tempore aliquam praesentium. Fuga ab nulla nihil perferendis officiis. Et inventore qui dicta fugit pariatur atque.

Eveniet in quisquam eveniet dolorem tempore. Blanditiis repudiandae asperiores dicta quae voluptatem sit. Odio asperiores possimus velit voluptatem magnam repudiandae. Praesentium sed id ea provident officiis deleniti. Enim exercitationem voluptas aut dignissimos placeat.


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Atque qui quia explicabo quasi culpa quia aperiam tempora. Facere sequi sed quo vero ut consequatur nisi.

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