Advice Needed: Independent research to build experience

I am a rising undergrad sophomore at a French target (Europe semi-target). Recently, I had applied to a student-led org that posts equity and M&A research. As an IB hopeful, I felt this was a good opportunity (and I wanted to add "Equity and M&A researcher" to my LinkedIn because it'll make my profile more appealing (but really it'll just make me feel better)).

Anyway, I made it till the last interview round but ultimately did not get the position. However during this process I did some research about M&A and equity research itself and found it to be quiet interesting. I was wondering whether there are any websites where I can publish my own reports, as an individual? Or would you suggest I host a free website and store my reports there? Since the research would help me on a personal level by making me more in tune with the latest deals, I also want to leverage it towards my future internship applications. Any and all suggestions welcome!


Based on previous WSO threads, here are some suggestions for publishing your own equity and M&A research reports to build experience and enhance your profile:

  1. Public Forums and Communities:

    • Wall Street Oasis (WSO): You can share your reports on forums like WSO, where you can get feedback from professionals and peers. This can also help you build a network within the finance community.
    • Other Finance Forums: Consider other finance-related forums where you can post your research and engage with the community.
  2. Personal Website:

    • Create a Free Website: Platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Medium allow you to create a free website or blog where you can publish your reports. This can serve as a portfolio to showcase your work to potential employers.
    • Professional Presentation: Ensure your website is well-organized and professional. Include sections for different types of reports, a brief bio, and contact information.
  3. LinkedIn:

    • LinkedIn Articles: You can publish your reports directly on LinkedIn as articles. This not only makes your work visible to your network but also enhances your profile by showcasing your expertise.
    • Engage with Your Network: Share your articles in relevant LinkedIn groups and engage with professionals in the industry to get feedback and increase visibility.
  4. Resume and Applications:

    • Include in Applications: Mention your independent research and link to your website or LinkedIn articles in your resume and internship applications. This demonstrates your proactive approach and interest in the field.
  5. Networking:

    • Reach Out to Professionals: Use your reports as a conversation starter when networking with professionals in the industry. Ask for feedback and advice, which can also help you build relationships and potentially lead to internship opportunities.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage your independent research to build experience, enhance your profile, and improve your chances of securing future internships.

Sources: WSO Public Resume Review System (Free) or WSO Finance Resume Review Service (Paid), How To Follow The Markets Like A Pro – For Free!, Submitting personal ER reports for ER/HF internship interviews?, BIG NEWS: WSO Compensation Report is OUT!, Why Not Start Your Own Shop?

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