Middle Market ER Exit Opps

I'm curious to learn more about the exit opportunities that one could expect as a sell-side ER analyst/associate for a middle market firm (Jefferies/Truist/Blair/Cowen/Stifel/Piper). Specifically, I am wondering what quality of placements these firms get with hedge funds or asset managers.

So far, I've spoken with a few associates on the Street and I've been told that hedge funds care more about the individual's skills and knowledge of investing or analyst group rather than the name brand recognition of working for say, a bulge bracket. Moreover, they've said that because IB and PE tend to be more relationship driven careers, these fields value name brand more than most HF or AM, which care more about one's actual performance and returns at the end of the day.

That said, I'd be interested in hearing if there is truth in the belief that MM and BB ER have similar hedge fund exit opps all else equal; or would it be important to lateral from a MM to a BB for better looks from the buyside?

Thanks in advance!


Don’t think buy side cares about brand name if quality of your work is good. But in general having BB on cv might help for other exit opps


Buy side only cares whether you can think like an investor. Not a single person cares about whether your analyst is II rated, not a single person cares if your team has the coolest slides. 

Only possible benefit of moving from MM to BB is to at least have access to bigger hedge funds (like Tiger Cubs) as Stifel / Cowen are unlikely their top brokers (correct me if I am wrong on that). 

With that said, if you land at JPM / BofA and can't impress your top dawg clients that you wanna work for, pointless to lateral. 

At the end, it's all about you. 


Depends what you cover at these banks. If you're covering biotech at Cowen for example, then you're fair game for a large HF seat given their dominance in that space. However, if you are covering something like industrials there then yes your chances dwindle when stacked against heavy-hitting bulge industrials teams. If you're in more niche equity research in general, you'll have better opportunities given your hopefully deep sector knowledge. That being said, if you're at a bulge in a not-so-great ER team, then you may be limited in your opportunities regardless. The prestige requirement from HFs in this regard is much less than say a PE firm looking to hire an investment banking analyst


No not at all if that Industrials associate could demonstrate their knowledge and passion for the space really well. I was approaching more from the POV of getting traction from recruiters off the bat. Definitely with a little extra networking and drive etc you could get in the room and the seat. I've seen plenty of folks from "lower" ranked groups get MM seats so while the ranking/rep initially plays a role, it's not the ultimate gating factor at all. Good to clarify that so good question.

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Losingalpha wakes on his bedframe-less, beer can-strewn mattress on the floor. He tries to look out the window, but the blinds are still drawn and his mancave of a bedroom is still pitch black. He groans up to his fridge and reaches past the months old leftovers to grab a monster energy drink and some cheetos. "I should get some food soon" he mumbles to himself, and he eases into the same sweat-stained spot on the couch he spends his days in.

After considering his pathetic existence and poor life choices that led him here, an idea sends a morsel of dopamine dripping into his brain: He opens up his phone and types "ER sux" into WSO and hits post. His face lit up only by his iphone 4, he half smiles to himself as he mutters "that'll teach them" and thinks back to the sting of getting rejected by every BB research department in college. "A 3.0 GPA isn't even that bad" he mutters, losing consciousness again, "I just didn't like my course is all...".

He nods off to sleep in his own filth, as somewhere far away a tidal wave of monkey shit again crashes into his post.


Voluptatem nemo consequatur porro. Maxime optio qui repellendus.

Reprehenderit adipisci velit quia voluptatum consequatur. Eum ipsa quos corporis ut. Quis esse quidem tempore fuga quam eum rem.

Nihil autem eos id eaque. Consequatur sunt exercitationem et qui fuga.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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