Brief Analysis of Domino's Pizza

Based on the information above, an investment in Domino’s Pizza may not be advisable. One reason is the substantial amount of debt the company has on its balance sheet. This is evident from the Debt/EBIT ratio, which is 6.1x, and the Interest Expense Ratio, which is around 4.35x, both of which are relatively unfavorable. Although Domino’s has managed a large amount of debt for a long time, this could become problematic if the growth of net stores decreases. The primary opportunity for new store openings is internationally, but the increase in store closings suggests that international markets may not favor the American-style pizza.

Another concern is the lack of a competitive moat. It is uncertain whether Domino’s can continue to grow at a strong pace in the future, especially since it is not significantly different from its main competitor, Pizza Hut. While some might argue that Domino’s uses better quality ingredients, this does not constitute a substantial competitive advantage, as Pizza Hut could potentially improve their ingredients and diminish this distinction.

I would love to hear your feedback on whether you agree or disagree with my opinion. If you have any reasons why my concerns should not be warranted, please let me know!


This is a bad opinion piece that is essentially worthless. Dig into strategy. Read what the numbers are telling you not whatever narrative you’re crafting in your brain. Get access to reports from your school and read 100+. Try to see how analysts think.


Hello, I agree that my post did not have all the information needed to complete an investment decision, but those were my main worries about the company. I disagree that making an investment decision should just be looking at the numbers; while those create a great picture of the past, they are not indicative of future performance. Domino's, in the past, has been a great investment when they first began expanding into international markets and closing a small number of stores relative to opening new ones, but their mass amounts of closings recently show that their stores are not as favorable in those markets as they are in the U.S. We can see this with the complete exits in the Denmark and Italian markets where stores completely missed expectations. They also had a complete closure of the Russian market, which is understandable given the war, but even when you take out those store closings, there is still a large number of stores closing internationally.

I still believe my stance on the debt issue that is present on their balance sheet is of some concern since they continue to borrow in an environment of high interest rates, which will hurt earnings until that debt is settled. Then, with the high amount of debt and interest payments, they will not have the cash to continue retiring shares as they have done in the past if they plan to still try and open new stores. Which the share repurchases has led to the earnings outperforming expectations.

My investment philosophy, as of now, is to be extremely critical of the business because I want to own these businesses for as long as possible. While every company has their flaws, it is my job to determine if those flaws are lasting or are temporary. I feel that if you are not one hundred percent confident in an investment, then there is no point in putting your hard-earned money into something you are unsure of. In this case, I find the international markets to be a problem for Domino's in the long run, and I do not believe they have a competitive advantage compared to other pizza companies.


This further shows that you know nothing about the industry. Don’t ask for advice if you’re not willing to listen.


I still believe my stance on the debt issue that is present on their balance sheet is of some concern

The goal in business writing is to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Writing like this does the opposite. It would serve you well to revise any first drafts you write with an eye towards making your text more succinct, and to read as many ER reports as you can and try to emulate their style and brevity.

And can it ever be?

Beatae sit laudantium molestiae ipsam voluptatem autem. Ad placeat ab provident aut ut reprehenderit earum.

And can it ever be?

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