Looking for some advice

Hi everyone,

I am looking for some advice. I looking to recruit for equity research/asset management. but I would also be open to sell side roles. I am a sophomore at a target school, however, I am currently worried about my GPA being too low to go into these types of firms. I was initially attempting to pursue a compsci minor, but after receiving a B in a difficult course, my GPA is probably going to end up around 3.5 at best (I may end around a 3.4 or 3.3 depending on my performance in other classes) for this semester.

Unfortunately, I was a transfer student, so none of the classes that I have taken at my previous university will count towards my GPA, which is why this B is having such a huge impact. In hindsight, I should have been focused on taking easier classes, and probably should have dropped this plan for a compsci minor sooner but I am hoping that I still have a chance to recruit into some of these roles.

I believe that I can increase my GPA for the end of next semester to around a 3.7 if I work hard at it, but I am stressed because I know the bulk of the recruiting for 2025 is going to be happening this spring. Does anyone have any general advice? Or ways that they managed to stand out with a low GPA? I'm also considering using a blended GPA figure on my resume, I suppose that may help me a little.

Thanks guys


Hey there,

First off, don't beat yourself up too much about the GPA. Yes, it's important, but it's not the be-all and end-all. You're at a target school, which is already a big plus.

Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are a few tips:

  1. Boost Your GPA: You've already mentioned this, but it's worth repeating. Work hard to get your GPA up. Every little bit helps.

  2. Highlight Your Strengths: You have a background in computer science, which is a valuable skill in finance. Make sure to highlight this in your resume and interviews.

  3. Network: This is crucial. Start reaching out to alumni, attend career fairs, and make connections in the industry. This can often make up for a lower GPA.

  4. Gain Relevant Experience: Join finance or business clubs at your school. Try to get a leadership role. This shows initiative and can give you practical experience.

  5. Consider a Blended GPA: If it makes your GPA look better and you can justify it, then it might be worth considering. But be prepared to explain it in an interview.

  6. Prepare for Interviews: Make sure you're ready to answer technical questions and to explain your lower GPA. Be honest, but also highlight what you've learned from the experience and how you've grown.

Remember, everyone has their own path. Just because you're taking a different route doesn't mean you won't end up at the same destination. Keep your chin up and keep pushing forward!

Sources: PE Recruiting as a Lateral Analyst w/ Weak Academic Profile, Non-Target Recruiting Guide Part I: Resume and Networking, Going from a non-target with low GPA to landing a hedge fund Internship, Recent graduate - lower GPA - no experience - any advice?

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

Thank you, this makes me feel better. Any advice on when you got your role or what you did to stand out? I have also ended up with a 3.4, so I'm expecting sophomore spring recruiting to be tough unfortunately.

Most Helpful

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