How long to study for CFA® Level 1 from non finance background

I’m coming from a non finance background (medical device sales) and I’m taking the CFA® level 1 in June of this year. I’m registered for a Schweser class starting this coming Tuesday. If I start studying now, do you think I have enough time to prepare and pass the CFA® level one in June?

I’m taking this exam with the intention of transitioning into equity research


You can spend even +600 hours studying for December exam and still not pass. What matters is how motivated and disciplined you are. This will determine wether you going to pass it or not. Make sure you constantly keep track of your week spots and revisit the challenging material a few times + don’t neglected the mock exams and free ones online. Good luck!


Thanks. I started studying last night. I’m going to aim for 15 hours of study per week until exam day. The Kaplan course I am in starts tomorrow evening. Any advice is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Did you just register for the free online one or are you taking a course that lasts until around the June exam?

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.
Did you just register for the free online one or are you taking a course that lasts until around the June exam?

I purchased admittance into a class with study materials etc. the class meets every Tuesday until exam day. It was around $1400.00 for the class.


I purchased admittance into a class with study materials etc. the class meets every Tuesday until exam day. It was around $1400.00 for the class.


How was it? Some stuff came up at work so I wasn't able to make it. Did you find it useful?

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Don't forget to schedule review sessions. The problem with CFA L1 is the width of the course content, not the depth or difficulty. After going through a few nuanced concepts, you might find them fading from your memory after a few weeks since you are, in essence, drinking from a fire hose.

So, plan for scheduled review sessions of concepts you are already done with. Also, get comfortable with the calculator as soon as possible. Rest, I thin you would be fine as far as you're consistent with your prep. May randomness be on your side!


stay self-discipline and stick to your study plan, don’t sleep on ethics and take an obsessive amount of practice questions from Kaplan and also on CFAI and leading up to the exam take at minimum 4 or 5 mock exams under exam settings, you got this shot go take care of businesss


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