Former Occupier now an Analyst at a Chop Shop (JTM)

UPDATED: Apparently, thanks to the good souls at WSO, now we can confirm that this former OWS'ER has something in common with Shia LeBeouf. If you recall, John Thomas Financial got quite a stir going when it was revealed that Shia had shadowed a couple of these guys, and then began pumping one of their holdings (InterOil) in the media leading up to Wall Street 2. Now they're playing the press (and myself I guess) to get some attention as they now have an OWS'er covering the healthcare industry. Fittingly, I've changed the title to better fit what JTM is. Plus it's even more hilarious that way.

Former Occupy Wall Street Activist now has job as an ER analyst. She's a PhD in biomedical science, so naturally they have her reviewing healthcare companies.


"Postert said the decision to accept was painful." - Yeah, much more painful than sleeping in the cold. Wow.…

^Original article

Talk about innovative networking.....


Oh yeah, she looks like she's really suffering there. Dumb bitch. Any of them would take the money and forget about the "movement" without looking back.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

[quote=RonaldBacon]Have you seen the company's site? Looks like a chop shop lol[/quote]

I love how this guy thinks he's the face of Wall Street. Instead of acting like he's some banker-ambassador, he should take his $3 million of inception-to-date deal volume and go back to his condo in Jersey.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
Flake][quote=RonaldBacon]Have you seen the company's site? Looks like a chop shop lol</p> <p><a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>[/quote</a>:

I love how this guy thinks he's the face of Wall Street. Instead of acting like he's some banker-ambassador, he should take his $3 million of inception-to-date deal volume and go back to his condo in Jersey.

I just applied :D

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
Flake][quote=RonaldBacon]Have you seen the company's site? Looks like a chop shop lol</p> <p><a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>[/quote</a>:

I love how this guy thinks he's the face of Wall Street. Instead of acting like he's some banker-ambassador, he should take his $3 million of inception-to-date deal volume and go back to his condo in Jersey.

yeah everyone should go back to their condos in jersey :P

I love how this guy thinks he's the face of Wall Street. Instead of acting like he's some banker-ambassador, he should take his $3 million of inception-to-date deal volume and go back to his condo in Jersey.
What is so bad about living in NJ?

PS: Anyone wanna buy some Lean Cuisine coupons? I can hook you up. I got a bunch of $1 off 2 for 40 cents each (doubles at ShopRite Metro Plaza). Also, Yellowtail coupons for $1 off a 1.5L bottle- 50 cents each. I make about $500/day selling these outside the ShopRite, but I'm thinking about syndicating to Manhattan.

You New Yorkers are never going to retire if you don't focus on saving.


Isn't that bald guy the asshole from Wall Street 2 (aka the greatest movie of all time)?

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
Flake][quote=blackfinancier]Please look at this picture <a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>[/quote</a>:

I didn't know Xerxes worked there.

They all look like super villains haha…

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

Firms like these make Wall Street look sketchy. Here are some glassdoor reviews:…

  • "Pure sales"
  • "A boiler room"
  • "A brutal grind"

Also, "How John Thomas Financial (Reportedly) Screwed Over A Missing Children Company" Read more:…

John Thomas Financial Rally for Bankers (video):…

Shia LaBeouf Pawn In John Thomas Financial’s Attempt To Pump InterOil Stock?:……


JTM short for J.T Marlin? Coincidence?

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

The starting salary as a junior analyst is near minimum wage, but in time, she can earn a cool six figures, assured Kaufman. Postert’s…already studying for her exams to be a certified financial analyst. “I want to get a perfect score,” she said. CEO Thomas Belesis said he believes Postert will be a great asset. “She was ranting about Wall Street, and now she’s working on Wall Street. Banks are not so bad. I hope we have opened her eyes,” he said. Life has definitely changed for the former Occupier. She’s in the office by 8 a.m., and she still has to get used to Kaufman’s rallying cry of “Go! Go! Go!” blaring over the speakers in the morning.


The starting salary as a junior analyst is near minimum wage, but in time, she can earn a cool six figures, assured Kaufman. Postert’s…already studying for her exams to be a certified financial analyst. “I want to get a perfect score,” she said. CEO Thomas Belesis said he believes Postert will be a great asset. “She was ranting about Wall Street, and now she’s working on Wall Street. Banks are not so bad. I hope we have opened her eyes,” he said. Life has definitely changed for the former Occupier. She’s in the office by 8 a.m., and she still has to get used to Kaufman’s rallying cry of “Go! Go! Go!” blaring over the speakers in the morning.


With a PhD too...would hate to be her.


Can someone photoshop some nose rings and chains on him and shit?

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
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i tried

Hahahahah. SB coming up.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Stop making fun of my firm. I love working there. I make decent enough money, and I get to speak with people all over the world. You guys really dont know what you're talking about.

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk

[quote=TonyPerkis][/quote] From the wikipedia article: In 2009, he was presented with the Bronx GOP “Man of the Year” award by Rudolph Giuliani, who commented on his rise "from humble beginnings to become a great success on Wall Street" and his role in providing jobs to young people on Wall Street.

I don't even...

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Wow this thread is full of win. The pics on their website are ridiculous.
And topping it off with a retro Eagles User pic is +1 in my book.
I'm incriminating myself.

Et dolorem explicabo eius eligendi fuga. Eos molestiae tenetur voluptatem eius qui. Esse esse ut natus autem voluptatem.

At consequuntur ipsum quibusdam ratione. Et doloribus modi sed suscipit dicta qui. Perspiciatis pariatur nam consectetur. Dolor dolor maxime iste veritatis numquam deserunt dolore.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Laudantium quas pariatur praesentium modi id quis ullam. Voluptatibus non non qui dolorem. Qui est veritatis vero.

Vero est ut velit repudiandae blanditiis. Culpa impedit suscipit et. Nulla quibusdam aut voluptas qui. Nostrum quo molestiae officia laboriosam aut voluptatem. Quas deleniti molestiae sit libero nisi tempora.

Rerum ad corrupti ipsum saepe id vel aut. Nobis aliquid nostrum aut provident est et.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

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