Director (Natural Resources) - Fitch Ratings

Hi folks,

I applied to Fitch for the Director role (corporate ratings). I had an interview with HR and second interview with 2 directors of corporate ratings, I got a rejection 4 days after my 2nd interview.

I have almost 9 years of experience across SAP consultancy, finance project management, FP&A and finance business partnership with CPA (Canada) / CGMA (UK) across Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and Canada.

I know I wasn’t great in terms of my delivery in the interview and could have done much better but I researched well before the interview and could answer everything.

Any idea if it would have been my experience that got them disinterested? I can blame my delivery in the interview too but i am usually very critical of myself anyway. Any feedback appreciated :)

Most Helpful

Hey boss,

thanks for the quick response bro, well no! I don’t have any credit analysis experience directly.

only experience I mentioned was with SAP systems implementation I drafted the credit engine (tool we use in the company to setup credit limits for customers that calculated credit limits for customers based on their sales volume in a year, payment terms and outstanding days). Also, I mentioned about implementing credit limits for customers.

other than that my main job across has been in FP&A, audits, more towards performance management and business controllership I must say.

I have had experience in this only one company I have worked since graduation, in all those 4 roles, I mentioned above, and this company is in the construction sector so I told them how I was aware pf the energy and oil sector since my company serves customers in that sector.

i told them specifically why i am interested is due to my recent interest in stock markets and reading/following macroeconomic news, etc. (that’s the truth thu, i really enjoy reading macroeconomic articles and analyzing companies and that’s what I basically studied in my degree and CIMQ courses right).

But yeah no operational experience to what you asked above mate. Probably gives more perspective to my background?

And of course I applied to a director role cuz I don’t want to start as an analyst or senior analyst, cuz no point otherwise!

Thanks again for your feedback guy, I realized this group os fantastic to get feedback!


I really like the sector and its not just CR Agency. I would love to go towards investment banking or equity/hedge funds, what could be a good way forward?

And one other question, this was a director role I had applied for. Do the directors as well do a lot of the credit analysis work that an analyst would do? I thought the role was more about directing people and the function instead of operationally doing all the stuff, maybe I am wrong!


Agree with the colleague up there, it seems you might not have the modeling skills required and experience in the credit sector. To break-in as a Director you definitely need at least 6 or 7 years in the game to really know your stuff. Also, you really don't know the industry and natural resources is a quite particular sector to model (I'm currently modeling O&G).

If you would like to jump to IB, a top MBA program could land you an Associate Position. If you are more into Research, maybe pursuing a CFA. If going to CR, maybe a Senior Analyst position could work, but again, it would be difficult since you don't have specific Credit experience.


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Doloremque quae et voluptatem. Expedita voluptas error saepe quidem. Quasi in rerum aliquid qui. Asperiores incidunt qui architecto sequi.

Est doloremque nesciunt eos tempore. Qui voluptatibus repellendus alias iusto est consequuntur.

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