McKinsey PST practice tests

Hello Folks,

I will soon be taking the McKinsey PST, and I am having trouble finding practice tests.
I have ofcourse found the McKinsey ones and 1 other one but would really appreciate if someone could help me with a few more practice tests.

Thanks in advance!


Hello whiterabbit,

Can you please share with me the access of consulting101. That would be so helpful.

Thanks a lot


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I recently passed the PST and I found that 2 general things you need to do well. First is the ability to take tests quickly. You have to do the test under time pressure, sometimes PST test is called as a time test. Therefore, I would recommend you to practice math to drill speed. Second is the ability to think logically. It takes time to improve. Don’t worry. With my own experience, I think that it’s just all about practicing. The best way is practice practice and practice. Practice will make you success. Truly, I got 10 out of 26 wrong at PST at my first try with the sample test. However, I realized that it did not mean that I didn’t have enough capacity to pass the test. I just did not find the right method and good resources. After that, I found some resources to practice, one of the best website I want to recommend for you is MConsultingPrep. Their tests are very similar to the real test I took. Beside that, they also had a good methodology to crack the types of questions in PST. I did each test more than twice. And now, I think what I did was just to find the right resources and practice. It worked! Hope it work for you also!


The PST is a time test which requires the association of problem-solving skills and arithmetic skills followed an excellent time-managing ability. The unique aspect of the test is that it forces you to focus on the vital factors and there are so many techniques you have to master in a short time. Bear in mind that it's very easy to get caught up in the moment with a question - you feel like you've invested a lot of time thinking about a particular one and wonder if you have to skip this question. You need rigorously plan to approach each question type in given time. You can focus on areas where you are naturally good and try to get better. There are helpful resources on the internet that you can take a look. There also is prepping effort you can put and it’s more about developing a strategy to ensure you don't lose against time.


Hi SamuelG, don't worry, the WSO Monkey Bot is here.... I'm hoping one of these links will help find your answer:

  • One week to prepare for McKinsey interview interview with McKinsey next week (Thursday). Coming from a non-target, I was not expecting to get this far ... (especially with the way my PST went..) but I was successful in getting a call for an interview for the BA ... What can I do in the next 7 days to get to a decent level that will allow me to progress to the next ...
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  • McKinsey PST practice tests Hello Folks, I will soon be taking the McKinsey PST, and I am having trouble finding practice ... could help me with a few more practice tests. Thanks in advance! Mckinsey PST ... tests. I have ofcourse found the McKinsey ones and 1 other one but would really appreciate if someone ...
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If we're lucky, maybe I can guilt some users to help you out: tvocale Chi_001 Pete-Salas

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Best Response

McKinsey PST is a preliminary test conducted before first case interview which is used to evaluate a candidate's analytical and quantitative ability. From what I have collected, it is primarily a math and logic test, take root the real case in consulting firms and you should sharpen both your analytical skills and arithmetic skills to pass that test. I haven't paid for those materials but I prefer to go for MConsultingPrep Dot com and Igotanoffer whose tests are very similar to one that McKinsey have and very comprehensive through their customer feedbacks. You can also practice GMAT to enhance your skills and try the real test of McKinsey from their official website. Hope it can help you.


I have been using materials from igotanofferDotcom. Quite helpful and comprehensive. But I haven't tried other sources so I don't know if there's anything else better on the market? I heard MConsutingPrep has some really nice quality materials, broken down by types and cases. Did anyone try it yet?


I've tried their PST comprehensive package and totally satisfied. Basically everything you need to get through the PST test (study road map, questions broken down by type, detailed explanation...) I've passed the McK's PST test solely with this. Highly recommend!!!


The most challenging part of PST is time pressure. You only have about 2.5 minutes for a question, and some of them require a lot of reading or computing or both. Thus, you need to find yourself a consistent strategy to read and solve the questions and practice those methods until you master them. The ideas of grouping questions and techniques of MCPrep are good, but you also need to find some the specifically applicable to your mental process as well. After taking the first 2 tests, I also realized I was bad at Word-problem and Verbal questions at first like you, so I bought their practices in those questions type for extra practice. Some of the tips I find: - Underline keyword of verbal question, especially the word "NOT" and keep them in mind - Check and read only the paragraphs that hold the keyword when answer the question at hand, so that you don't get distracted. - Only when the context doesn't bear any clue about a certain keyword that you should make your own guess about how the common meaning of the keyword affect the problem at hand. Good luck


I just passed the PST a few days ago. I used materials from MConsultingPrep, myconsultingcoach, igao and consultingcase101 during my prep. For me, mconsultingprep has the highest quality and replicate the offical tests well. In addition, their breakdown of the test into question types is extremely helpful. I scored over 80% of the offical tests by following that approach. Their customer support is impressive also. They asked me proactively if I needed any help. If you have a tight budget, I believe there is no need to buy other materials. As for myconsultingcoach, their materials are also good, though the language used is not like McKinsey style and there are a few grammatical errors here and there. However, their customer support is slow, it took them 5 days to answer my question. Regarding IGAO, they provide only mock tests without any training guides. Their training videos are not worth the money, just basic concepts and tips that are available free of charge on youtube. their mock tests are numerically challenging and much longer than McKinsey actual tests. The qualitative questions, on the other hand, are not as good as those in mconsultingprep or myconsultingcoach materials. Finally, Consultingcase101 provides no real mock PST test, just an anthology of chart-reading questions with litte context.


Hi sezna, yes, I'm a bot, but I'm also good looking. Hopefully, these threads help you:

  • Preparing 300 hours for McKinsey and BCG offer Action # hours Research before starting 40 Case interview 110 General 38 PST 36 LOMS 50 Resume 11 Cover ... to back interviews with other candidates (mostly from + reading Case in Point (I have ... a couple of other websites articles and emails; * PST: Doing GMAT questions, any PST test I was able to ...
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Id consequatur et architecto voluptas sint consectetur porro. Eligendi nostrum aut a eum enim accusamus. Modi quod molestias est nemo aspernatur enim at. Non debitis culpa nobis asperiores qui voluptatem consectetur. Aliquam odit qui quia voluptas dolore est impedit. Dolor nihil dolores aut non deserunt. Sed sint ut aut et exercitationem.


Maxime reiciendis qui eius architecto quidem libero nulla. Corporis in aut consequatur et. Aut praesentium aut labore quas ullam ab. Ea consectetur sint amet perspiciatis fuga iste. Repellendus ipsam enim nisi fuga non illo eum blanditiis. Eos consequuntur qui deleniti velit aut animi. Similique architecto iste sint molestias voluptatem delectus doloremque.

Doloribus odio nulla esse autem quas blanditiis aspernatur. Similique minima accusantium optio autem adipisci et provident nihil. Rerum accusamus ad saepe nulla consequuntur nobis. Id ipsa assumenda amet saepe tempore nisi dignissimos. Expedita impedit aut tempora eligendi et.

Maiores laborum est eum id aliquam exercitationem ducimus. Quisquam et velit unde odio laborum. Veniam consequatur et tenetur sit. Sunt praesentium sed quaerat rerum consequuntur occaecati molestiae animi.

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