Turned my live $4000 account to $44,000+ in 4 weeks...What is next?

hi guys, the boy is back in market after a long period of saving capital doing 9-5. It' feels good to be back. O the subject, yes. I turned my live $4000 account into $44K with over 5500 trades (ROI - 1000%). Yes all within 1 month. You think goldman boys can produce this "without algos" i think not. My friends if i had any would call me the human HFT. I trade manually maximizing on market volatility. My tech analysis is sharp as a knife. My ability to interpret price action & understanding trader psychology gives me the edge to time my trades. I have over 7 years of experience n enough losing years taught me a thing or two.

But what is next? is the question. I am wanting to go big with a hedgefund or asset mgmt firm. Currently i work in midtown NYC working a 60K analyst (non-trading) job. I think i can do much better with my talent with hedgefunds. What you guys think? who can take me on board?

Any experience of how brutal is the industry? what benchmarks they have? what are good/bad sides of being part of hedgefund. My skillset brutal price action trading, killer returns. I have no skills in excel/modeling and all the ivy league BS they teach you. Raw talent in trading, embrace me or hate me, i'll make it. Ideally, i'd like to make myself n my collegues some money. So, i am open to all ideas, appreciate it.

Best Response

Why go work for someone at all? If you can make 1000% monthly by next Feb you should be worth $44 quadrillion. Even if you put some risk control in and under perform at 50% of your monthly 1000% you've got a cool $10T. As long as you don't go crazy and try to buy a few medium sized countries that should easily last you a lifetime and with some financial planning you could even pass some on.


Why go work for someone at all? If you can make 1000% monthly by next Feb you should be worth $44 quadrillion. Even if you put some risk control in and under perform at 50% of your monthly 1000% you've got a cool $10T. As long as you don't go crazy and try to buy a few medium sized countries that should easily last you a lifetime and with some financial planning you could even pass some on.


The one exception is I'm sure he'd want to retire in month 9 or 10 with a trillion or so liquid. You wouldn't want to get too much attention. Believe it or not, there are many guys before him who have pulled this feat off before, who are now undercover trillionaires. These are the guys who really run shit. The Forbes 400 is for glory hogs who didn't know how to make real money on the down low.

If you don't know who the sucker is at the table, it's you.
Why go work for someone at all? If you can make 1000% monthly by next Feb you should be worth $44 quadrillion. Even if you put some risk control in and under perform at 50% of your monthly 1000% you've got a cool $10T. As long as you don't go crazy and try to buy a few medium sized countries that should easily last you a lifetime and with some financial planning you could even pass some on.


The one exception is I'm sure he'd want to retire in month 9 or 10 with a trillion or so liquid. You wouldn't want to get too much attention. Believe it or not, there are many guys before him who have pulled this feat off before, who are now undercover trillionaires. These are the guys who really run shit. The Forbes 400 is for glory hogs who didn't know how to make real money on the down low.

YouCantHandleTheTruth, you are partially right. There are killer money makers who don't like the glitz n glamour of forbes. Even the guys listed there are don't like the glamour but once you are a public figure like George Soros whose fund is managing client money its transparent. So Forbes just comes in do their interviews them crunch numbers etc etc. Now, if i can turn this amount into trillion billion let alone a single million depends on lot of factors, me being human prone to error + market conditions are not constant. What may be working this month may go obsolete next month or volatility i love it. It's like a tornadoes, people hide their money under mattress during volatility i love the tornado, i love to swim in it and come out with extra money in my pockets because i know my levels right. Its just market is playing the video (fast forwardly) i just need to keep up the pace enter n exit same speed. So i utilize it to the max and head to do my daily dirt 9-5. The results i produce is while i kept 9-5 dayjob. so imagine if im doing this fulltime. Now, i don't want to lose my sanity. Some times its best to not trades and do other stuff to keep mind off things n replenish the energy to strike market( may thats the recipe) but ya over-trading normally kills people's accounts because of major unforeseeable evens like SNB dropped the peg on its currency, major funds, millionaires/billionaires went broke in matter of seconds or the flash crash on dow jones. i can continue to do this 11 months sure, hopefully bigger numbers (if not blow up) Why i am looking to join hedge funds? because i have passion for the financial markets. I can do this on bigger scale. why walk a marathon? when you can run it.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Undercover trillionaires = the Illuminati...a select cartel-like group of people that secretly run the world and its economies. Shhhh...you don't talk about that...just like you never talk about Fight Club.

GoodBoyFx keeps it up for a mere 10 months and he could possibly become a member!


Good job!! Which markets did you trade? I assume your time horizen was very short - if you want to apply your trading strategies in a HF with much more money, you need very liquid markets.


Good job!! Which markets did you trade? I assume your time horizen was very short - if you want to apply your trading strategies in a HF with much more money, you need very liquid markets.

Hey, I only deal in currency market. I started at last week of January. So basically 20 days of trading you are looking at 1000% return. Correct, that's the idea if HedgeFund can take me on board, i can make myself and them good money. Given i am a little risk taker. With hedge funds, we are managing client money. So if i am to tone down risk, i can still beat any hedgefund 10 fold. What's the benchmark in HF in terms of returns? I believe they worship you on wall st. and call you the DON by time you reach 30% annual for clients. So, compare that to 1000% So, next plan is to tone down the risk and apply the compound growth to accumulate $ with lower risk level and like guy above said, i'd make history. Why doesn't this happen then? answer: along successful days comes black swan days when you dont manage risk and when you get hit from least expected areas. Sh.t happens i seen it happen 7 yrs. This year, it's victory till the end.

Thx for support :) i revealed numbers to other forums 80% haters/envy jealous folks vs. 20% supporters. Right away they called me scammer. It's just nature of industry where jealousy is a bich. Thanks, lets hope i fund the right hedge Fund folks, who are willing to trust my abilities. Any particular forums where HF guys hangout? whom i can show my talent to...?

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Hello Goodboyfx, 80% jealousy and 20% supporters, Exactly what I experienced in most of the forex forums in my last post four years back. The post was made when in my most aggressive attempts at markets, I converted $10k to over $10M in less than ten days of trading .

                               That was good 100,000% in about 120 hours of active <span class="keyword_link"><a href="//www.wallstreetoasis.com/finance-dictionary/trading-overview">trading</a></span> over ten days, averaging an unprecedented 10000% a day returns, in as less as 33 trades. I understand that you are an equally god mathematical wizard if you'd achieved 1000% in a month but don't expect these hedge funds and companies to even look at your resume with those numbers because what they usually look for is a guy who makes 1%-2% a month with occasional failures accepted. ( They just don't want to understand that a guy who makes 1000% or a 10,000% a month can be absorbed and be told to slow down his <span class="keyword_link"><a href="//www.wallstreetoasis.com/finance-dictionary/trading-overview">trading</a></span>)

                    Anyway, last four years, I've applied to practically all of the funds, Investment Institutions and bla bla wit all kind of extraordinary statements ( I enjoy a 100% win rate on all my systems and most of the statements you'll see will have hundreds of consecutive winning trades in a row, all big ones), but then no one's interested. Top of that, I hear from these prop. firms that they would want to teach me to trade if I pay them $100 or 200 and then they  would fund me, lol!

                 So now, we come to the fact that in-spite of having extraordinary trading abilities, funds wouldn't hire and the fact is that the Banks/brokers neither have the capacity nor the Intentions to pay you anything more than what you have invested in them. 

     There's also the fact that  we shouldn't ideally be looking for a Job, but set up a small business instead, and take a Social cause Voluntary Job in some other field where we enjoy. ( You have experienced lack of human Interaction and Monotonous boredom in trading, haven't you? )

           Anyway, I'll be travelling to U.S.  wallstreet now and see If I can set up a small 'forecasting office' and offer my occasional service to the companies there. That should take the boredom away and of-course bring in more wealth too. Let me know if you feel stuck somewhere, I'll be more than happy to help

you're talking quite a bit about risk management, so I would be interested in how you are hedging and still returning so well. Assuming you really aren't trading naked, with 500x leverage, what has been the rationale behind your trading (beyond "maximizing on market volatility"....whatever that means)? I'm skeptical of your success, especially given that you are making 275 trades a day (avg.) and trading mostly price action...


you're talking quite a bit about risk management, so I would be interested in how you are hedging and still returning so well. Assuming you really aren't trading naked, with 500x leverage, what has been the rationale behind your trading (beyond "maximizing on market volatility"....whatever that means)? I'm skeptical of your success, especially given that you are making 275 trades a day (avg.) and trading mostly price action...

I am not hedging, My risk management is my ability to get out take small losses(still have to improve on this) but yes my offense super solid. Market does whip you time to time(take out stops deeper level) but if you know your in right direction you can stomach the drawdown and when dirt is done price coming back where it was suppose to. It's all about managing levels from which big boys buy/sell. I know where buyers will take a breather and sellers will come in. So, half of the times i am counter trading n half of time i am buying into momentum. grabbing a chunk n waiting to for next move. repeat the cycles. I trade 4-5 pairs and i know them like a mother knows her child. I babysit them, take small bites and end of the day, results are phenomenal. They studied Michael Jordan why is he the best? because he's not looking at the score-card when performing. He just puts in his full skills to use. Similarly i dont concentrate on the $,i concentrate on the ART, art being trading and when your more often right then wrong, your account grows. I add trades as price moves the way it anticipates. Look up snowball effect in trading. Yes i trade naked, price action on conditions you mentioned...

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.
Discounted Cash Bro:

where can i sign up? ill pool some capital

what amount can you pooL?

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Looking forward to the update next month. If you believe it's sustainable, why not quit the job & trade full time? If you put up awesome numbers for a year, you could probably get some interest but I don't know of anyone who would hire someone based on one month of track record.


Looking forward to the update next month. If you believe it's sustainable, why not quit the job & trade full time? If you put up awesome numbers for a year, you could probably get some interest but I don't know of anyone who would hire someone based on one month of track record.

You are probably right. It's more like 2 months if count months individual. Why not quit dayjob? it's a nice wokrplace & environment a growing industry (BSA/AML Compliance). Also, I don't want to put all eggs in one basket just yet. Remember these numbers were done whilst keeping 9-5 job. If i can manage to make 150K in coming 6 months, i'll quit dayjob & go full fledge into trading world.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

I'm a quant trading strategist at a mid-sized fund with one of the best long term tracks record in the industry. I also screen candidates with ideas/pitches like yours regularly. We get thousands of emails like this a year.

Your ambition is great and you should keep it up. However, before any hedge fund can seriously consider you, you must pass the acid-test question: why hasn't anyone figured this out already and exploited it? why are you the first?

There are close to 20,000 people like you in the industry highly paid and motivated, rigorously working to uncover any exploitable patterns in markets. Compound that by algorithms that can do the work of 1000 analysts, and you have to have a super-strong SPECIFIC reason for why a massive army of sharp minds has completely missed what you found.

Very few individuals I interview are able to explain why in SPECIFIC detail, most ramble on with anecdotal theories.

You described your strategy vaguely as:

It's all about managing levels from which big boys buy/sell. I know where buyers will take a breather and sellers will come in. So, half of the times i am counter trading n half of time i am buying into momentum. grabbing a chunk n waiting to for next move. repeat the cycles. I trade 4-5 pairs and i know them like a mother knows her child. I babysit them,

This sounds like a naive strategy you can get from an introductory learn how to trade book. Momentum trading is ancient, most technical trading strategies and statistical arbitrage plays have been uncovered and exploited decades ago. This stuff is long gone. What's your edge? Have you tested it with 10 years worth of data?

If you did test it with 10 years worth of data (which I assume you did), you weren't just data dredging right? You used a rigorous out-of-sample cross-validation approach to ensure the historical performance would be repeatable and the superior returns weren't just due to a good model fit?

Look, if you work hard and long enough, maybe you'll find something really good. But when that happens, you sure wouldn't be posting here :)


Hey ericzx55, thanks for responding, i like your feedback it gave me something to think about. When HF have resources such as Quants who are creating algos after taking down all the "edges" of potential candidates and hire a handful of them. So who do they really HIRE, hmm. I guess the ones who can produce pretty reports and financial models & material that which can be used to sell to clients for acquiring new capital & such...

I am a human being not an algo. I trade like an algo, so respect my skill-set. i concentrate on the art of trading and produce results. My strategy is not for sale for someone to replicate because if we all give up our arms n feet, we' won't be able to feed ourselves.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Just clicked on your name and saw this other post you had a year and a half ago. Seems like you did better back in 2010 before losing it all. And just after I had such strong faith in your abilities...

"11/8/14 GoodBoyFX|15 banana points i am in NYC working for int'l bank (correspondent bank) 9-5 for past 6 years. I am in bank Compliance field. I do OFAC clearing and investigate int'l wire for suspicious activity. Salary underpaid 35K. I didn't mind the low salary as long as i had job security, saving $1500 monthly. Traded spot forex market from home, made lot of money in 2010 & at one point turned trading acct of 10k to 244K, yes all in a month. As 26 year old kid thought it was just a game, wanted bigger score(1M) quite easy once 244K is in bag.I always had good offense but lacked defense, so blew up lost it all in a bad trade (greek crises fresh)market went one sided on euro, got caught on wrong side. Anyways,i kept on trading trying to repeat but market changed since kept losing thinking i will reconquer. I did couple of 5K to 30K months n gradually keep loosing it on extreme volatile days.

At moment,i am 30 and broke. I didn't care as long as i had job security and trading account with 20K,thought i could always make comeback now armed with defensive trading,i am aiming for 100K in one year span. Yea, slight of a market wizard i am/was but market can be brutal. I always considered trading my REAL job(2am to 7am) and neglected the career management of my day-job which financed my trading. . NOW just recently my boss resigned, new management in and offloading work shifting people left and right and not to mention it has become an unbearable TOXIC environment WOW what a difference 1 month makes. All of sudden i am on backfoot, halted my trading for past 2 months saving every dollar i can because career looks unstable at moment. I wish to get out of this toxic workplace ASAP. i know i have the 6 years work experience but i am not good at selling myself or brag about myself

What i regret is that i wasted 4 years of my career development neglecting it completely, putting all my eggs in one basket(night trading) checked out my former colleagues linkedin pages,one who concentrated on just 9-5 moved on to finding jobs with great banks earning them 70-90K salaries where-as i am stuck in 35K n toxic work environment. If i could only turn back the clock 4 years.

Any career advice? i know shouldn't quit current job because no one hires unemployed ones. So, i am applying through job boards with slight fear in back of my head. Fear of job interviews,fear of explaining to interview why am the best candidate? i am not good at selling myself, i am slight sensitive n soft spoken. Nice-Guy finishes last type hehe..

any advice will be appreciated."

If you don't know who the sucker is at the table, it's you.

YouCantHandleTheTruth, yep 2010 was the year i became convinced i can do it. Often i didnot have the capital so, i use to work 9-5 daytime and 2-7am trade. I paid my dues to be where i am now :) there is no turning back now.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Archer, I paid my dues over several years of struggle where i had wins & losses. I didnot use to have capital, so i'd work hard daytime and trade at night. So when i went live in January with $4,000 and now my account reached $50K. I've broken out of the 95% crowd. Every good trader struggles in the beginning. I am here now, making my mark.

Started account capital $4000 current account grown to $50,500+ = 1,169% ROI

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

haha... hey i am not sure what these bananas are for in the forum. Probably reputation indicator. But its funny users are taking away my bananas! 13 bananas taken away from me since yesterday ! I am hungry now.. Lot of haters :( in this world. Why can't we all get along :-)

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

haha... hey i am not sure what these bananas are for in the forum. Probably reputation indicator. But its funny users are taking away my bananas! 13 bananas taken away from me since yesterday ! I am hungry now.. Lot of haters :( in this world. Why can't we all get along :-)

They just want to find out whether negative banana points are possible :D
haha... hey i am not sure what these bananas are for in the forum. Probably reputation indicator. But its funny users are taking away my bananas! 13 bananas taken away from me since yesterday ! I am hungry now.. Lot of haters :( in this world. Why can't we all get along :-)

They just want to find out whether negative banana points are possible :D

Negative points result in an automatic virus being sent out that makes all of your devices lock up with videos of monkeys sodomizing each other. And they're fucking loud capuchins. Beware young monkeys...


Bro, I turned a FOREX account from $50,000 into $400,000 you don't see me trying to become a trader. Just having some results means jack shit. Gotta do it the old fashioned way, networking. Turn that $4000 into $1.2MM and you might have a shot.

EDIT: simualtor account so it doesn't count

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL

Bro, I turned a FOREX account from $50,000 into $400,000 you don't see me trying to become a trader. Just having some results means jack shit. Gotta do it the old fashioned way, networking. Turn that $4000 into $1.2MM and you might have a shot.

EDIT: simualtor account so it doesn't count

Hi, when you go in with 50K half the battle is won specially for retail side. I went with 1K then i had to inject 3K to survive volatility today my account is 61K in less than a month. so you can count my returns in 6100% or 1446% and yes my account is LIVE (not simulator account).

update equity: 61,643

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

OP is right, starting with $50k is for losers. Wimps. For total losers with low energy. Not like the OP. He has a plan. A great plan. You're not going to believe how great his plan is. You'll be amazed. Absolutely amazed. It's so great, it's for winners. Make FOREX great again.

There is a thin line between appreciation & jealousy envy. The sarcasm here only exposes certain personalities a person posses. So, it's courageous of you to show your vulnerabilities like that. As for appreciation, i didn't come to seek that, i came to show my stats and seek advice on how i can make it into world of Hedge Funds, where they respect a trader's talent & worth and compensate them fairly for it. I want to make money for myself & others but my end goal is to make world a better place. I want to share a video that inspire me to carry on the battle youtube-com/watch?v=cZGghmwUcbQ (edit to .com) despite the jealousy & envy i faced from all sides(not just this forum).

It is and industry where our PnL talks. The growth % talks. So here i am talking loud & clear if they could but hear me. Till then, i'll carry the battle on my own, this ones for you Jesse and Richard.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

Forgive me for being blunt, but I think it's sorta necessary...

Your stats are completely worthless and irrelevant - something you should be able to understand yourself with a minimal amount of reflection.

You have no basis for your desire to "go big". Your 1 month worth of gains is not worthy of describing it as PnL.

You have not bothered to obtain the simplest, most basic understanding of what your "strategy" entails. Moreover, you're dismissive of the efforts that other people make to quantify and analyse their methods. This goes beyond inexperience and suggests arrogance, which is a massive red flag. Furthermore, it's insulting, since it belittles the hard work that people such as myself do on a daily basis.

Is it possible that you're some sort of a one-in-a-million trading prodigy, who possesses magical money-making skills? Yes, but the odds of this are vanishingly low. Come back in a few years' time, prove me wrong and I'll be the first to applaud your success.

So my advice to you is the following: tone it down (humility is a massively undervalued asset); accept that you know nothing and are, at best, at the very beginning of a long journey; read some books; continue learning from your own and others' experience; stop exhibiting the attitude of an arrogant prick and maybe then things will work out for you.

Best of luck!


Me & arrogant? furtherest from it. I was seeking advice n pathways into the industry by displaying talent. My stats are worthless & month worth of gains is not worthy of describing it as PnL. hehe what? funny guy here yea producing 1446% monthly is not noteworthy? de-Nile is also a river in Egypt.

I know my strategy, how can you say i dont have the most basic understanding my strategy when i have 7500 trades under my belt (numbers = consistency) with 76% win-rate yielding 1446% in 1 month. Just because i don't write it down/share it for you to copy/code does not give you the right to dismiss my performance & insult my intelligence because I don't give you the permission. Arrogance, never was never will be... I paid my dues for 7 years, to get where i am, not turning back now... Jesus, whats with the hostile folks in here. I feel like a lion surrounded by pack of wolves, waiting to take bite out of me. Is this the wall street culture talking? Well glad, i am not in wall street then, some twisted wolves filled with jealousy and envy. Give me back my bananas!! .. This lion likes his potassium.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

The bottom line is ... if your strategy is that good and risk-free why post here? Why would you want to give it up to a hedge fund? ... why not secretly continue exploiting it yourself, make a fortune and retire in the Fiji islands?

If I had a strategy that I could prove was risk-free I would go far out of my way to HIDE it. How could I be crazy enough to publish it or give others a glimpse? It could jeopardize the profits. It could ruin it.

Why are you taking the risk of ruining it for yourself? You have to be careful.

Now I am more motivated than ever to carefully examine everything you've ever posted, cling on to your every word, and piece together the puzzle. I can find your IP address and go beyond this forum to find everything and anything you've ever posted that may be remotely related to this strategy of yours. I can hire a private detective to keep you under surveillance.

When you go to Starbucks and talk to your friend about this, that blind senior citizen sitting next to you could be my private agent recording your every word, gathering every point and detail I need to decipher your strategy. When you talk on the phone in your car, I will have a PI pointing a laser-microphone at your window from a mile away, which will convert the vibrations on the window caused by your voice into an audible recording.

I can also pay a lot of money retrieve cached data with your IP address. So anything you've publicly posted online and deleted online I can perfectly recover. I can also have a foreign affiliate outside of US Jurisdiction in Estonia to use any methods necessary (which may be perfectly legal under the laws of Estonia) to further gather and collect any electronic information you have stored on your computer that you neglected to encrypt.

How secure is your connection? Do you have a good firewall? Are you using VeraCrypt to create a hidden storage volumes? Do you wipe your RAM with NSA-level free space wipe so that your every keystroke for the past month is clean? It could be too late.

I'm not going to waste my time doing any of this because your strategy sounds like a complete pile of baloney.

But if your strategy is so good, why did you take the risk of posting it here? Why would you do such a careless thing? Why would you take this stupid risk? It is not good to take this risk.

Why would you advertise so much to tempt me? Why not just secretly enjoy the profits yourself? Now you have tempted me.


hehe, Why thank you eric for this interesting response. I didn't know all this spying stuff was achievable. That's quite an interesting way to retrieve data on a person, i never knew such methods existed. Ok great. Now, why did i reveal my strategy in this post? what? who said i revealed the strategy? i touched on some points vaguely without revealing anything and i tell you one more thing the secret is not in strategy because price action strategies are all publically known. It doesn't take much to decipher price action. Everyone has same tools it's just matter of how one interprets them and incorporates them into their while execution (timing it managing it) money managment/position sizing is the "holy grail" you could be wrong 60% of the time and still make money and you can be 90% accurate and still lose money. Also another thing is the power of compound growth. If one learns a basic strategy which works small gains and apply compound formula without increasing/decreasing risk then you'll make history given you start with a decent capitalized account. These are just some components i am hinting at without giving the exact blue print. The blue print is already published on web its just how one recognizes gold when they see it or is it just another shiny object to the beholder. SO, i didnot share my strategy my strategy is already public thousands of killer traders out there in indonesia/malaysia/turkey beat wall street 10x fold on daily basis and they are not even high school graduates. Why are they not millionaires? O i assure they'll be billionaires if they have access to same amount of capital these guys on wall street have. Technical analysis is basis of how market runs & these 3rd world kids have discovered it while our ivy league boys & viceroys are busy trying to squeeze strategies out of their potential candidates.

When a killer trader joins Hedge Fund, he is under no obligation to reveal his strategy/edge as said my mentor whose worked for biggest name in industry. They will try to squeeze your strategy out of you and your job is to stay firm, you are joining the firm to perform and bring results on accounts/portfolios assigned to you. They compensate you for your performance, day ends bye bye. It isn't corporate america where a trader has to brown nose his boss. Rather his boss is one brown-nosing him to retain him because he has got talent and industry is short of talent.

if a trader can produce phenomenal results then his employer should respect the trader's terms and hire him to produce results nothing more/nothing less.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

I've recently heard about fundseeder.com: "FundSeeder provides traders worldwide with the opportunity to get discovered." Maybe it could help you to show your track record.


I don't get why you would come on here, lol. Start putting your plan onto paper if it's actually working and look for the next step. This is an interesting thread, I will check it regularly to see your progress.

Don't blow yourself up again. You seem as though mentally you may be overconfident. I hope you manage size and risk accordingly and learn from your last blowup(s). Being overconfident can lead to taking too much risk.

Do you understand how important the mental aspect of trading is? I would highly recommend you buy and read Trading in the Zone.

My goal is to eventually trade independently as well, so this should be interesting to follow, GL.

twitter: @StoicTrader1 instagram: @StoicTrader1

If you go to Vegas and put $5,000 on 7 at the roulette table, and it hits, you'll be at ~$180k. Wow 3500% rate of return! With 1000's of people day trading, several people will "hit 7" due to survivorship bias, especially in the short-term. The 35 out of 36 people who lost all their money aren't posting.

In one month, and with high leverage, this is bound to happen. It's vastly more likely you "got lucky" than have discovered a new effective trading strategy, which is why everyone is being negative. Your attitude is making it worse for you. I don't know what you hope to accomplish, but this is why a hedge fund won't hire you as is. If you can show a longer track record of high return, especially when markets shift several times, you'll find more receptive audiences.


They are clearly jealous of your abilities here, hence why all the negative comments. Look -- they've been working in the industry for years and are only achieving 20% return, and here comes the prodigy showing off his 1000%. Keep up the work and don't let them tell you otherwise. Never reveal your strategy here. If I were you, I would hide my online identity and just vanish. You're putting yourself (and your strategy) in danger. Stay low.

If I were you, I would hide my online identity and just vanish. You're putting yourself (and your strategy) in danger. Stay low.

Great points here, best plan would be to go underground in a deep hole somewhere to keep the trading strategy safe. Can never be too careful. If you have issues with getting a wifi connection just crawl up to the surface real quick for that sweet sweet signal


4k to 40k? That's nothing. MY name is Tim Sykes and I'm a millionaire. I trade penny stocks, and I turned my $11,000 bar mitzvah money into a million dollars.

Wanna know more? Visit my website!

LOLLL just kidding just kidding... I've paid my dues struggling as a trader but now I've managed to make 1000% ROI but wait, I haven't figured out how to rise above a $60k job thx.


Borat believes you be "great success"

I also noticed the similarities in diction. But I didn't want to be a prick about it. Glad you went first.

Reminds me of Roman Bellic of GTA IV fame. I'm just waiting for him to invite us for a hangout at the billiards hall or the bowling alley.


Hahahaha. Oh man. (And some people are actually taking you slightly seriously (?!)) Where do you come from?
Do they teach Fraud as a subject at school there instead of "all the ivy league BS"? If so their educational program is rather poor as I do not find myself particularly persuaded by your story. Or do you perhaps have schizophrenia and forgot to take the meds? That can always be...annoying.
But perhaps this is the most likely reason as like you(r alternate personality) said "the boy is back". Just like he was back in 2014 eh.

Either you're lying about doing trades manually or your graph is fake.

So you make 284.35 trades each day MANUALLY while trading 2-7? Ok. Sure. About 1 trade every minute.

It's quite obvious from your last posts that this is total tripe.

Did that uh...16,026 from Dec. 2014 also just...disappear too? Lol.

You seem to talk a lot about 'lagging indicators' and the fact that you don't use them. Trendlines are lagging indicators. They are based upon previous price action. Potentially useful for determining future price action. Still a lagging indicator as it will never indicate when a change in trend occurs until after it already has.

"one second dragi opens his mouth your winners can turn into losers in no time and you have to cut your trades & accept losses at times. So you can wait for another day" You would not wait for another day if you are making 284 trades a day. It's spelled Draghi by the way (which you would be able to properly spell should you constantly see his name on the wires if you were actually trading).

For help with treating your condition run a google search on: "schizophrenia treatment".


Hahahaha. Oh man. (And some people are actually taking you slightly seriously (?!))
Where do you come from?
Do they teach Fraud as a subject at school there instead of "all the ivy league BS"? If so their educational program is rather poor as I do not find myself particularly persuaded by your story.
Or do you perhaps have schizophrenia and forgot to take the meds? That can always be...annoying.
But perhaps this is the most likely reason as like you(r alternate personality) said "the boy is back". Just like he was back in 2014 eh.

Either you're lying about doing trades manually or your graph is fake.

So you make 284.35 trades each day MANUALLY while trading 2-7? Ok. Sure. About 1 trade every minute.

It's quite obvious from your last posts that this is total tripe.

Did that uh...16,026 from Dec. 2014 also just...disappear too? Lol.

You seem to talk a lot about 'lagging indicators' and the fact that you don't use them. Trendlines are lagging indicators. They are based upon previous price action. Potentially useful for determining future price action. Still a lagging indicator as it will never indicate when a change in trend occurs until after it already has.

"one second dragi opens his mouth your winners can turn into losers in no time and you have to cut your trades & accept losses at times. So you can wait for another day"
You would not wait for another day if you are making 284 trades a day. It's spelled Draghi by the way.

For help with treating your condition run a google search on: "schizophrenia treatment".

Fuck. Are you saying that his 1000% monthly return isn't real? I gave him $4000 and want $44 quadrillion next year. I was going to fund a space mission to Mars with that money. I'm pissed.


Yep. Sorry to disappoint ya. But I do know of this really great investment that will change the world and could make you a 9999999999999% return after 200 years. Simply first please send a written letter containing your address, bank account details, SSN, online banking username and password and then I will happily reply with how you can take part in this awesome investment.

(Just trying to make the ridiculousness things OP said a little more obvious with numbers for those who are actually taking this at face-value like CFA_CPA opsdude1 Martinghoul etc.)


hehe, didn't notice this thread went active again. Anyhow, looking at everyone comment's i just smile. I hear you 100,000% return guy. The industry is made for those who can make pretty slides & make financial models for sales team. Thats what they are getting paid for? not for trading. So, lets carry on the battles ourselves n defeat wall st. the best way we know how. best of luck.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

K I really don't get why everyone's getting so jealous.

OP, all you have to really do at this point is walk into a hedge fund of your choice and challenge the CIO/ head trader to a trade off. Whoever can generate the highest PnL over 1 week wins and gets the losers capital, loser has to leave town. Its part of the hedge fund code of honour so they have to accept your challenge.


this is a classic case of high leverage trading, and i've seen many instances of this kind of performance. Ive even done it myself a couple times (1st time took 30k into 180k). Unfortunately, with highly leveraged trading, its also very easy to lose the whole thing very quickly. When a range forms and you trade the range will with max leverage, you can make a killing very quickly. However, if you try to fade a breakout just one time...you blow up your account. This happens pretty often to new traders, and it happened to me too. That 180k (took me 4 months to make) became 15k in less than 1 week...lost it all. Making the switch from fading the range into riding the momentum of a breakout is one of the hardest things to do in trading.


one HF CIO also wanted to talk to me, but then i didn't call back After i realize how hedgefunds operate. They want excel gurus and presentation folks to create financial models and all the bull.sh.t. I don't know all of that. I am just a raw trader, i want to stick to trading not draw pictures of financial models, give that work to others. Leave me to trading and making you bucks, is all i am saying. They wanna be in board room meeting for hours talking this strategy that strategy, i say shut up give me the trading account, watch me make it rain.

Keep on sucking till you succeed, Curley.

favorite part of this OP: "my friends, if I had any,"

nearly spewed coffee on my monitor.

in all seriousness, if you're making these returns, you don't need advice, you need to keep doing what you're doing. but if you're fabricating/exaggerating your results like I'm pretty sure you are (maybe you got lucky a couple months, but I doubt it's consistent), then you need a lesson in humility like martinghoul suggested (and by the way, he works at a HF).

also, get some friends dude. if you're making the returns you're talking about you'll have 9 figures soon. would you rather be worth 200mm and be lonely all the time or less money and more happiness?


Est voluptas et magni animi qui. Officiis voluptas atque possimus. Inventore in in quis numquam. Explicabo et voluptatem repellendus adipisci voluptatum reprehenderit magni culpa.

Dolorem molestiae iste possimus sed. In labore exercitationem quis animi incidunt aspernatur.


Tempore doloremque ut autem eaque. Perspiciatis non enim enim aspernatur. Sed doloribus beatae deserunt officiis ex magni eum.

Eaque qui quis iure doloremque vel. Amet suscipit repudiandae id necessitatibus et dolores. Nemo id sed nisi sunt unde.

Est quod enim autem in molestias atque laboriosam. Quis consequatur modi sed minima. Et nemo eius error illo ab et nihil. Maxime cupiditate autem rem. Explicabo harum ut voluptate animi quod fugit fugiat. Fuga ut alias ad asperiores fuga sed.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Point72 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.9%
  • Citadel Investment Group 96.8%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • AQR Capital Management 94.7%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Magnetar Capital 98.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 97.8%
  • Blackstone Group 96.8%
  • Two Sigma Investments 95.7%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.6%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • AQR Capital Management 99.0%
  • Point72 97.9%
  • D.E. Shaw 96.9%
  • Magnetar Capital 95.8%
  • Citadel Investment Group 94.8%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Portfolio Manager (9) $1,648
  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (25) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (228) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (254) $90
16 IB Interviews Notes

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