Just passed the 7, 66 next week

Been watching on here for quite a while, I would say since about fall of 2015. Reading all the different reactions to the Series 7, ranging from, and I quote here, "If you can fog a mirror, you can pass the 7" to "A decent work ethic and a mediocre amount of time will allow you get a passing score; keep in mind it is one of the harder series tests."
Imagine my discern when I was scoring low 70's on all my practice exams...I guess I wasn't able to fog a mirror...lol.

Regardless, one of the senior brokers told me to just go ahead and schedule an exam for two weeks from that day. Two weeks go by, pass with a 79%, not the highest but I don't mind much as it is only a pass/fail exam.

Going into the 66 next Monday, the 29th of February. Hoping the leap day can help me out with some luck. Any tips from anyone? All input is appreciated, even if you say that even a mouthbreather can pass the 66.


WSO Series 7 Prep Course Here


I got similar advice from vets about the 7. Eventually that is what I resorted to since I didn't think I could read the Kaplan book for the 4th or 5th time.

Will do @blackjack21, thanks.


Used a variety of products. Firm gave me STC practice exams, I had Trivium test prep's book with 2 full-length exams (didn't find these all that helpful. Questions weren't too similar to the actual exam). I had a Kaplan series 7 exam manual (granted, from 2005). Also had a Barron's review supplementary book. Helped explain the exam manual material in layman's terms. And I used Invetopedia.com's quiz's and practice exam's on the 7 since they were free. Also had a study guide but I didn't pay mind to it.


Any chance you can share what materials you used, I have to take the series 7 and 66 exams, to break into the financial industry, so any help would be appreciated. THX

Want to Lose the body fat, keep the muscles, I can help.

I used the Kaplan series 7 exam manual, Barron's series 7 as a supplement, and bought a Trivium test prep book that had 2 full practice exams. For the series 66, I have a Pass the 66 book that I've been using and practice tests from Investopedia and Fire solutions. Good luck. PM me when you have a minute @workrelated1"


Thanks, I am watching their YouTube videos, which is mainly a summary of the classes but a good learning tool.

Want to Lose the body fat, keep the muscles, I can help.

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