Dick Pic Case: Prank or Creep?

Wow. You guys are a testy bunch. Now that I know how much of a reaction my perspective provoke around here I better keep throwing the fuel on the fire.

So amongst the torrent of abusive comments (love you guys too!) I received for my last post, there were a few questions being thrown around. Namely:
a) Am I hot? (Um, obviously. I couldn’t afford to be such a bitch if I was a fugly slag), and
b) What is it you insufferable HR people actually do?

Okay, I get it. When you’re locked in your little monkey cage 90% of the week it can be hard to grasp the broader world around you. So how about I tell you gents what I got up to last week when I wasn’t culling resumes, on-boarding socially-challenged interns, and debating which MDs I’d fuck, marry, or kill.

Last week I had the wonderful misfortune of mediating a very murky sexual harassment complaint (#blessed). Just two weeks into 2017 and the perverted men in my office are already terrorizing junior female employees. A little taste of what’s to come in Trump’s America I suppose.

Here’s what happened:

A young attractive-ish female monkey received a dick pic in her inbox from a guy in her team at 1am (not a direct shot, but like an “overly excited” guy in his boxers pic). It came from his work email, signature and all. Naturally she lodged a complaint with HR and we were forced to call in the accused (hereafter known as Señor Dick Pic) in for an awkward chat. Señor Dick Pic was super defensive and swore he didn’t send the email. According to him, someone must have jumped on his computer when he was in the restroom, attached the pic, and fired away.

The problem for Señor Dick Pic is that he had zero witnesses to back him up. I questioned every monkey who sits in his area and not one of them said they saw someone else messing around on his computer.

We also got the nerds in IT to see if any of their security cameras could shine a little light, but no dice.

Señor Dick Pic has only been at the company a few months so there’s a good chance he’s telling the truth and this is all part of some newbie hazing prank. Hence why no one in his team is saying anything.

The only thing that makes me and my HR compadres think otherwise was Señor Dick Pic’s behavior at our holiday party last month. He was acting waaaaaay too forward with the ladies e.g. asking girls if they were single before asking their names and openly bragging about his alleged recent sexcapades. It was the typical chauvinistic crap you’d totally expect from an unsolicited dick pic dispatcher.

Regardless of whether this e-penis was sent as a poorly executed sexual advance or as a prank on the new guy, it’s been a pretty humiliating ordeal for the receiver. She even had me, a heartless ice queen, feeling sorry for her.

After four days of time-consuming Sherlock Holmes bullshit it basically came down to Señor Dick Pic’s word against everyone else’s. It was causing tension in the office and the girl who received the pic was worried about there being some backlash against her so she took one for team and dropped the complaint. Classic victim blaming. But I get where she’s coming from.

So the moral of the story is:
1) Don’t be a creep
2) Lock your computer screens (I mean, duh!)
3) Despite what you think, HR does actually serve a purpose. If it weren’t for us, who’d be there to enforce mandatory sexual harassment training on everyone when shit like this goes down?

Until next time,
Your HR Queen


You see this as a binary problem ("Did he or did he not do it?") when you could apply nuances ("There is a considerable risk that he did it") to it, which would give you a solution ("Prepare for the risk that he did it").

In this case you do not have enough evidence to rule out the fact that it is prank or that someone else messed with his compute. His behavior at the party, though rather distasteful, does not prove that he sent that e-mail, though it indicates he was likely to have. There is therefore no evidence proving that he sent the e-mail but there are indications. Acting accordingly, you should keep an eye on this guy and see if there continues to be a pattern. I suggest informing him and his superiors that you are watching him for pattern. Informing serves several purposes.

A. It will keep him on his toes and create an incentive against any further incidents, if it actually was him. Having a positive office culture is something I assume HR cares about, making this a strong reason. B. If he does something again you will likely be faulted for not having flagged this incident and bringing up later without having flagged it earlier, if you want to use it as evidence, will be questioned. C. The girl will feel that you have take her case seriously, which will make her feel better about the incident and mitigate any negative experience she might otherwise have. Again, contributing to a good work environment.

The above actions resolve the situation for you by taking inconclusive measures, reflecting a situation where the evidence is inconclusive. It involves preventing further of the issues that have been indicated as well as preparing you to handle them in case the issues reoccur. Remaining passive is the absolutely worst thing you can do in this situation.

Note: You should arguably be able to ignore the fact she has taken the complaint back, i.e. it is not for her to take it back. She has reported facts to you that are troublesome and need to be adressed. That she has chosen not to complain about anymore it is irrelevant as these are facts that concern the work environment and thus the company. Yet another reason that it is not for her to take back a complaint is that it should not be possible to pressure the victim to close the case.

Best Response

If I had to do stuff like this on a daily basis I would probably choke myself to death (one of the manliest ways to commit suicide).

You should get the picture framed and put it on your office wall to remind everyone of the important work you do.


I understand the inconvenience of receiving dick pics at work. I once received a dick pic from a coworker via text. He sent it to another analyst as well, both of us are men and also were in relationships at the time. We summed it up to sexual identity issues. Long story short, due to being horrible at the job he was fired within a couple days. No reporting necessary!

Only two sources I trust, Glenn Beck and singing woodland creatures.

The universal law for the internet is that anything that you upload/post is like herpes --- assume that shit is permanent and could pop up at any time.

I am amazed over how many people are surprised that the internet is never 100 percent anonymous...time and time again.

Please don't quote Patrick Bateman.

LOL, like the internet doesn't have enough dick pics as it is.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Actually, my key takeaway of this story is... OP contributed absolutely nothing in the whole ordeal - TLDR, someone filed a complaint, HR was useless and couldn't solve it, and the person dropped the complaint. And OP felt she contributed or wanted to use this as some example??

Exactly what I thought - useless


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Non ullam voluptate unde neque tempora tempore quia. Quibusdam veritatis ipsum rem quod est. Ducimus consequuntur qui amet voluptatem est tempore enim. Corrupti in dolores voluptate porro ex quas facilis.

Alias voluptatem dicta nemo in cupiditate facilis. Earum deleniti aperiam velit. Earum ut nisi sed architecto qui sequi. Dolore quibusdam alias magni nemo.

Et modi autem qui. Consequatur hic temporibus consectetur illo quia dolores deleniti magnam. Porro perspiciatis eligendi eum. Illo est voluptas omnis ducimus animi quam.

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