Biden just screwed his own party

Biden has crippled the democratic party. His delusion and ego have taken him to demand that he is the democratic candidate to face Donald Trump. He faces two problems: he is not polling well against Trump and also if he did win, there is no way his mental competence gets him to 86 years old in his final term. How delusional do you have to be to think you're actually good. I don't understand Biden. He should just bow out, but refuses. 


Was also seeing some news that Biden staying in was the best thing for Trump. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
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This isn't a "just". It's been getting pointed out for years at this point. The DNC and legacy leftwing media establishment deliberately did this to themselves though, I don't think you can blame it all on the Biden family. I hope the irony of the party that's always going on about saving democracy having for over a decade at this point systematically made pointed efforts to disenfranchise large parts of their own voter base is not lost on people.

In 2016, it is a fact that the DNC primary was rigged to prevent Bernie, a leftwing populist, from winning, and collusion installed Hilary as she was the heir apparent to win after Obama. Her campaign even went so far as to promote media coverage and indirect support to Trump vs other RNC candidates because his campaign at the start was seen as a big joke and easier to beat in the general if he got the nomination. That burned them BAD and as a result had them desperate to take even more extreme measures leading up to 2020 (e.g. funding of the Steele dossier to inspire multiple years of the Russia collusion hoax).

In 2020, they had an entire field of other younger candidates not to mention Bernie, who once again polled better vs Trump than literally every other Democrat running because of their populist overlap (a good portion of Bernie supporters actually flipped to Trump in 2016 after they saw what happened to their guy). Lo and behold Iowa Caucus comes along and almost all of the other notable candidates drop to align behind Biden (despite him not even being top 2 going into the caucus). He then proceeds to pick a VP who was so bad she had to drop out before said caucus because she couldn't win a single delegate (and she's polling worse as VP than Cheney did after he literally shot a guy in the face and started multiple wars under false pretenses).

Now we're in 2024. They had 2 other younger (but still old, both in their 70s), viable candidates in RFK (literal Democrat royalty) and Marianne Williamson (comparable in many ways to Bernie) who were systematically excluded from significant legacy media coverage and opportunities to address the public through debates or town halls because they both showed open discontent towards the establishment. RFK went so far as to now split off as an independent which undoubtedly hurts Biden more than it hurts Trump. All the while these past 4 years every gaff, every fall, every reading of the cue cards, has been played off as right wing propaganda. The Press Sec went so far as to make up a new term, "cheapfakes", to try and reclassify the seemingly endless pieces of footage that show Biden in a bad light that aren't manipulated in any way as misinformation due to "missing context". It's a shock the politically ignorant (majority of voters) to have seen his debate performance and all the press suddenly turn against him when not even a month ago you could've made compilations of all the talking heads discussing how "sharp" and "insightful" Biden was behind closed doors (when a more likely reality is he was probably sleeping through meetings and soiling himself). How does anyone save face in such an absurd scenario? 

Now the party is rightly fucked. Biden can't be removed unless he willingly leaves, keels over, or gets hit with the 25th Amendment (not a 0% chance). If he does somehow leave the field they face 2 massive issues. 

  • 1) Kamala Harris is 2nd on the ticket and as a "woman of color" basically sits atop the grievance hierarchy that leftists worship. Problem she palpably fake, has a terrible record, and the charisma of a rotting fish head. She runs, they lose, no ifs ands or buts.
  • 2) There is genuinely no other candidate available to them. Ask yourself, who has the national name recognition even 50% of what Biden does? What Democrat is their up and coming star? It ain't AOC or any of the squad. Passing over Kamala for someone like Gavin Newsom (arguably the "best" the party has to offer) would cause half their base to implode, not to mention he doesn't play well outside west coast. They won't crawl back to RFK or MW who built their entire campaigns around being antithetical to most of the major foreign policy positions of the current administration.

So what is there? I'm genuinely asking someone who follows Democrat politics to chime in here. Biden seems noticeably weaker and more incoherent in recent appearances than he did 6 months ago, and he was already bad. It's accelerating, as anyone with family members suffering from dementia can tell you it will. What does he look like in another 3-4 months? My money is on not very good.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Newsom is already addressed above, he's arguably the "best" option for Democrats but wouldn't play well for a multitude of reasons. Chief of which is how will it look to see the "black" woman on the current ticket get passed over for a rich white guy from CA political royalty that owns vineyards and literally looks like someone who would've owned slaves back in the day (ignoring that Harris's family actually did lol). 

Everyone who keeps saying Michelle Obama is a serious player is IMO delusional. It's easy to "say" someone is popular without having to actually back it up. She's never held any office. She's never done anything of note aside from be married to Obama and is a nobody without his name. The one "push" she tried to make as First Lady to address the obesity epidemic was completely subverted by Big Food - it started out as addressing healthy eating practices and promoting reform to FDA policy then morphed into the Let's Move campaign, which completely ignored that the overwhelming majority of obesity is diet-related and pretended as if breaking a sweat for a half hour was some massive revelation (it wasn't), and subsequently faded into complete obscurity within a few years. Obama himself isn't looked back on as particularly favorable right now either and given his name is all she has, some of that same animosity would undoubtedly be levied her way as well. Oprah would be a better candidate if you really want to lean into the whole black woman theme, and she would not be a good candidate.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
Pussy galore

Newsom, Michelle Obama?

She would be great on the ticket, as she is very well liked, very intelligent, and was in the White House for 8 years.  With that said, there is no indication, she wants the job.  She would have to take one for the team and accept a role.  Her lack of experience does not matter.  If experience mattered, Trump was never have become POTUS.


Polling seems to indicate that RFK draws slightly more support from Republican-leaning voters than Democrats (with women being more likely to vote for him, funnily enough), so it would seem he's likely to hurt Trump more than Biden. Which is unsurprising, considering that, while he started out as a Dem, he quickly pivoted to conspiracy theories and anti-establishment populist kookiness. Biden's still losing this election, of course, regardless of what RFK does.

To infinity... and beyond!

Polling seems to indicate that RFK draws slightly more support from Republican-leaning voters than Democrats (with women being more likely to vote for him, funnily enough), so it would seem he's likely to hurt Trump more than Biden. Which is unsurprising, considering that, while he started out as a Dem, he quickly pivoted to conspiracy theories and anti-establishment populist kookiness. Biden's still losing this election, of course, regardless of what RFK does.

I don't know what polling you're looking at so will have to take your word for it. RFK's positions on abortion, gun rights, and support for DEI initiatives completely eliminate him from contention in the majority of red states so I'm quite confident whatever you're looking at is just Democrat cope to try and downplay his threat to Biden. He's a completely superior value prop for the average Democrat - decades of professional experience as a lawyer fighting for the environment and against big corporations, agrees with all their key ideological positions, toss in some populism/anti-war sentiment which has majority support from both constituencies, add a dash of wow factor coming from a legendary blue family vs the sleezy old pedo from Delaware who fought for credit card companies, against racial desegregation, partnered with Strom Thurmond and helped write the '94 Crime Bill, and has only ever worked in politics. The idea RFK pivoted to conspiracy theories is propagated by the same people who claimed the lab leak theory was a conspiracy, that the MRNA vaccines were 100% safe & effective, and who are eager to continue pumping money into the infinite pit that is Ukraine so I think we can safely disregard those assertions entirely. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

You're thinking about it the wrong way. This isn't part of some grand Dem strategy. It's just politics. Biden is too stubborn to withdraw and nobody of note in the party is willing to challenge him openly (for now), lest they be branded as traitors. Everybody's looking out for their own career while the ship is slowly sinking. Tragedy of the commons, in a way.

I also wouldn't say Biden has done nothing of note. He has passed several major bills, among other things. He and his team are just terrible at advertising it.

To infinity... and beyond!

You're thinking about it the wrong way. This isn't part of some grand Dem strategy. It's just politics. Biden is too stubborn to withdraw and nobody of note in the party is willing to challenge him openly (for now), lest they be branded as traitors. Everybody's looking out for their own career while the ship is slowly sinking. Tragedy of the commons, in a way.

I also wouldn't say Biden has done nothing of note. He has passed several major bills, among other things. He and his team are just terrible at advertising it.

I am 90% sure Biden will not be on the ticket in November.  He can't withdraw unless they have a plan in place to replace him and I am sure that is what the dems are working on as I write this comment. 


Can't blame Biden at all tbh

He was forced to step aside in 2016 so Hillary could have her moment and she ultimately brought about the biggest failure for Democrats in decades by being such a bad candidate that Trump won 

He was able to fight off younger candidates, fairly, in 2020 and be the one to beat the Don

Why would you step aside now after you proved you can secure the W and in the past you stepping aside just led to disaster?

Intrestingly enough if anyone else was running for Republicans I think Biden has dropped by now. A candidate like DeSantis or Haley would be polling +12pts better than Biden. But Trump has so much baggage that even with Biden being damn near senile he can still stay at arms length in the ring

Trump NEEDS Biden to stay in the race. It is telling for as loud and brash as he is, that there is no dog pilling going on with Biden at the moment. You can talk about current polling with him against Harris all you want, or Harris being unlikeable. But if you put Harris and Trump both on stage moderates will defect to the one presenting themselves as the adult in the room en masse. 


It is only a matter of time before he is forced out.  This is the way it works in the dem party. Once a few people take a stand and call someone out, the dominoes start to fall, which is something I like about dems. On republican side, you practically have to be a terrorist and even then, if they feel you can win, you get to stay.


I hope he keeps running, so the Republicans win.

Yeah I completely agree.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Laudantium ut eos ipsum harum minima porro. Quam ut nam ab modi aut est. Earum odit ea aut impedit reprehenderit iusto. Amet et tenetur et aliquam. Quas hic laboriosam recusandae est. In qui aliquid praesentium ratione.

Ex quaerat enim ut enim reiciendis. Accusantium eligendi est necessitatibus est a nihil est deserunt. Sunt minima earum itaque aliquam quasi aut soluta quasi. Animi voluptatem totam dolor dolores velit.

Ut eveniet nam distinctio iure exercitationem ad saepe dolore. Ipsum voluptas aut commodi quidem repudiandae eos totam. Ipsa sint mollitia magnam. Error dolores in quis qui voluptatem.

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