BBA program at UMich Ross is rapidly growing, am I justified in being upset?

When I applied the class profile said 500 students per year. Well, there are 644 BBAs in the class of 2021 and people are saying there could be nearly 700 BBAs in my class of 2022 after cross-campus transfers next summer. I feel like this dramatic growth diminishes the cachet. And doesn't this extra competition make an already cutthroat place even worse as more bodies gun for the most selective internships and FT jobs? A bit unsettling tbh.


Chill out, uMich is a state school, designed to educate the residents of Michigan. Take pride in what you accomplished w/o worrying about the larger class size. The extra competition is also a total non-factor if you are smart and network.


Pretty sure Michigan has added like 5,000 undergrads last few years bringing total to over 30,000. Even just 100 extra out of state kids in Ross business college at $55,000 in oos tuition each a year is a nice $5.5mm.


I’m class of 2021 and yes it’s bullshit how big these incoming classes are but no you shouldn’t complain that these bottom 200 students are taking your internships. There are too many ducking opportunities here at Ross no one can limit you.

"Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry."

>yes it's bullsh-- how big these new classes are

>you shouldn't complain

lol. complaining will solve nothing. op should just transfer out. after enough top kids transfer, maybe they'll tamp down the cash grab growth.

lol no "top" kid needs to transfer out. this is bad news bears for kids who were cuspy for avg mm banking gigs and I doubt those kids can transfer to better universities. pretty sure HYPS don't take transfers and if it's past your freshman year Wharton will be incredibly difficult too

Nobody calls their baby ugly. Rising sophomores leave every summer, as Ross doesn’t technically begin until fall of sophomore year. Penn’s SAS is more prestigious than Ross. Every Ivy is. Notre Dame, Northwestern and Chicago. Duke obviously. Sounds like Ross is turning into a BBA diploma mill.


U Michigan is a STEM power. If business college is growing rapidly you can and should differentiate yourself from classmates with a double major from College of Engineering (e.g. EECS) or liberal arts college (e.g. computer science, stats, financial math).


Kelley admitted 1800+ direct admits this year and considering over 200-300 standard admits will also board the train, there's over 2000 there and then - Ross may have a better and more selective program but the trend suggests all state schools have growing numbers so there's nothing you can do about it. Besides 700 is still a better number than 2000+ gunning for the 70-80 OCR SA/FT spots.


Kelley is really concerning but at least they keep raising their standards every year for minimum SAT for admission. I know UT Austin has a similar size business school so as long as they keep rasing their standards and people are getting jobs it shouldn’t be that big of a deal unless they increase to like 10,000 undergrads


ross student--you need to chill. its a great school, with more than enough resources to go around. crazy amount of funding and programs to take advantage of. and yeah the program is expanding, but so is the size of the faculty and the entire building itself. early recruiting (off-campus) doesn't increase in-class competition, and is making it easier for ross to expand its breadth of enrollees because not everyone is recruiting for junior internships in the same semester. plus, so many kids are looking at tech and entrepreneurship that it seems like fewer are going into finance/consulting roles than I ever expected.

stop getting your panties in a wad, and focus on getting the best grades in your section. you'll be fine, you are a freshman and you need to chill tf out and pray you don't get sorted to the bottom of the curve and leave with a 3.2 and an offer for regional wealth management in Cincinnati or some shithole because you spent all your time blaming your lack of recruiting on the number of smart kids around you.

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Wow. You're a Freshman. Seriously, just relax. If you didn't know that other students could transfer into Ross, then shame on you for not knowing that's what happens at a school the size of UMich. This happens at every school - people transfer into different colleges at a given school provided they meet the criteria. In reality, it doesn't mean anything, so stop worrying.

Anyways, why are you worrying about what other folks are doing. Just enjoy your time on campus, learn to love Big 10 Football (and why TSUN is no longer the real rival for Ohio State University), learn how to drown your sorrows from having a crappy football team by drinking them away (Seriously, how the fuck did Michigan lose to a mediocre South Carolina in the Outback Bowl and ruining the potentially perfect bowl season that the Big 10 almost had, especially when the SEC went 4-5 Net - the National Championship Game is a wash on record since it was a forced 1-1 situation - in their bowl record), read up on the importance of the Ten Year War and the history of Hayes and Schembechler, and focus on doing well. The fact that you are obsessing about this means you will lose sight of the other experiences you can have in College. So worry about that and not the size of your class.


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