University of Maryland MBA for Investment Banking?

How's The University of Maryland Smith MBA for Investment Banking? I got accepted to UMD Smith (Full Ride) a few months ago and I plan to start in the fall. I know it's not a target school so I expect (and willing) to do tons of networking, whatever the means necessary.  I'm spending this time before starting school to build my networking through LinkedIn and through the UMD alumni page, as well as brushing up on the technical aspects of IB.    How much weight does the Smith School Brand carry on Wallstreet?  The last few years UMD alumni #s have been growing on Wallstreet, which is awesome to see as an incoming MBA student.My ideal goal is to get into Investment Banking (Ideally in NYC, but I'm down to work anywhere else),  but I wouldn't mind Asset Management or Investment Management roles too.  Any advice or comments would be appreciated 


im telling you this right now because nobody else will. 0% of this forum has ever heard of this school. meaning it is a total nontarget. meaning it will be nearly impossible to land at a respectable ASO gig doing IB post-MBA. 

What you should do: (1) get your GMAT 700+ (2) get solid work experience for a few years (3) apply to T15 MBA programs. 

Otherwise it will be incredibly unlikely that you land IB if you don't do something on that level out of UG (i.e consulting/PE/Corp Dev) or MBA at a T20 program. Realistically it should be T15, but it's still doable from a T20. 


you either went to the school and are shilling or you want to see OP's downfall. DO NOT get an MBA at a NONTARGET. This is a super handicap. You get one shot at an MBA, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, do it right. 


There’s definitely a chance to get into IB but why take the chance? The non core recruiting cycle is widely unpredictable and unstructured.

As someone who went to T25 program and got to a BB, I used my undergrad network more than my MBA network. If you’re smart enough to get a full ride you’re smart enough to get to a top 15.

Also, half of banking recruiting is having other peers to support you in the process. Image there isn’t a lot of second years or fellow first years to support you in the process.


ask the schools career center if they’ve ever sent anyone into IB, anyone in IB in NYC, etc. if they have they’ll be throwing those statistics at you. recruiting is an uphill battle from a T20. this would be nearly impossible.


I’m not sure if I met any Maryland MBAs in investment banking but I would think it’s good in my humble opinion

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Okay so you have the GMAT competitive (680+)? Is there some reason you specifically applied to UMD with the goal of IB? Or did the goal come after applications?

If you really want a post MBA IB role don't go to UMD. My guess is you have a less than 10% shot at EB/BB/UMM. It doesn't really matter how much networking you do if your program doesn't have alumni on the street or in the particular banks/groups you are recruiting. Not Maryland undergrad alumni. MBA alumni. If there are 6 super day spots for a group and you don't have a UMD MBA alum at the table saying to invite you, I don't care how nice the Columbia guy was to you, he is pushing for his alumni at the superday.

Stay another year at your job, get the GMAT up to a 700 if you can, go to a T25 at a minimum. Even if you have scholarship elsewhere down the rankings. T25 is kind of the cut off for post MBA IB target schools. If you have a T15 and T25 acceptance and you prefer scholarship, at least you will still get interviews at the T25. Your chances at a T25; Georgetown, Emory, Rice, Vandy, Washington, and even Kelly, will give you at least a 5x better chance than UMD. Outside of Georgetown the rest of those schools primarily place regionally but you still have a good chance at breaking into the industry. If you do get the 700+ and land T15, NYU, Virginia, Cornell, Duke, Michigan, then you have alumni at almost all the banks and groups. Chances are probably 75%+ as long as you talk to every bank and don't do anything stupid.

TLDR: higher the school is on USnews MBA rankings the better your chance at breaking in. 


I think it’s possible, but I don’t think the question is can you get IB, it’s more so what kind of IB role are you getting? It’s probably not a Goldman, BofA, Evercore, etc. it’s probably a small boutique shop in the DC/NoVA or something like a mid size accounting firms investment banking division. I say that to say it’s possible, but you might have to manage expectations a bit.

That said, others’ advice about going to a T15 makes sense in that it gives you the best shot at a more recognizable bank. (Especially with schools like Darden and Duke close by) However, your personal circumstances might not let you wait a year.

Can PM me for more details.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Will Rogers

I think it’s possible, but I don’t think the question is can you get IB, it’s more so what kind of IB role are you getting? It’s probably not a Goldman, BofA, Evercore, etc. it’s probably a small boutique shop in the DC/NoVA or something like a mid size accounting firms investment banking division. I say that to say it’s possible, but you might have to manage expectations a bit.

That said, others’ advice about going to a T15 makes sense in that it gives you the best shot at a more recognizable bank. (Especially with schools like Darden and Duke close by) However, your personal circumstances might not let you wait a year.

Can PM me for more details.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - Will Rogers

Not sure about AM or IM as I don't know those industries. For IB though, it's near impossible. Recruiting as an analyst from a nontarget is possible. I've seen a few people from Smith undergrad end up in IB in NY. But when firms recruit associates, they're looking for people who want to stay on and move up the ladder. And they have thousands of people to chose from from M7 and T15 schools with proven track records of success from those programs. With your MBA, prestige and ranking matter 10x more than your undergrad. And Smith doesn't cut it.



How's The University of Maryland Smith MBA for Investment Banking? I got accepted to UMD Smith (Full Ride) a few months ago and I plan to start in the fall. I know it's not a target school so I expect (and willing) to do tons of networking, whatever the means necessary.  I'm spending this time before starting school to build my networking through LinkedIn and through the UMD alumni page, as well as brushing up on the technical aspects of IB.    How much weight does the Smith School Brand carry on Wallstreet?  The last few years UMD alumni #s have been growing on Wallstreet, which is awesome to see as an incoming MBA student.

My ideal goal is to get into Investment Banking (Ideally in NYC, but I'm down to work anywhere else),  but I wouldn't mind Asset Management or Investment Management roles too.  Any advice or comments would be appreciated 

I honestly think it would be a challenge to even get a F500 job. But sure go ahead and break everyone's skepticism. Tom Brady was selected 199th overall by the Patriots in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL Draft. So good luck ;) 


While it was difficult to break in, I networked like crazy since June to break into IB. So many zoom and phone calls, but it allowed me to sharpen my TMAY and why IB, and the technicals. I grinded and built relationships, starting with alumni and then reaching out to those who have the same background as me. So yeah going to a great school makes things easier, but after you get your foot in the door for an interview, it's all up to you.

Now I don't have to worry about the crazy amount of debt that some of the top MBA guys have to worry about.


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Magnam dicta ullam accusamus in et omnis. Et tempore id qui. Laborum sint dolor qui labore. Aliquid quo cumque eos ut. Voluptatem necessitatibus id natus soluta dignissimos quae. Earum velit delectus quibusdam delectus.

Officiis soluta fugiat enim nihil. Et et nemo vero rerum non voluptatem explicabo. Quisquam nam quia sit fugiat. Est sed qui aspernatur molestiae non voluptates. In accusantium voluptate quo consectetur fuga non reprehenderit.

Fugit molestiae id nesciunt quaerat distinctio nobis. Sint ipsa ut aspernatur. Voluptatibus veritatis dolor sunt dolor sint pariatur deserunt. Laboriosam ratione libero cumque sit et vel distinctio voluptatem. Nihil sit repellat deleniti cum aut. Quis rerum ut ipsam voluptatem exercitationem sunt fuga. Facere est laudantium harum velit.

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

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  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (96) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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