Tyra Banks at HBS?

So I can't sleep tonight and flipped on Jimmy Fallon - Tyra Banks is tonight's guest. I'm kind of zoned out until I hear Jimmy ask "So Tyra, I hear you're back in school?" Tyra responds "OMG yes! I'm a student at the Harvard Business School!"

My jaw hit the floor. I know top schools of all kinds typically admit a handful of celebrities, but come on Harvard - Tyra Banks? Really? America's Next Top MBA?

If I were one of those 4.0 Ivy league megafund guys that got rejected this year, I'd be jumping off a bridge right about now...


I wonder if she even took GMAT. I think someone has at least get 600 on GMAT to get in H/S/W regardless his/her social status. Unfortunately, life isn't always fair.

Ya I know someone who actually is best friends with Tyra
oh do you now?

Very true story...Also, note who Tyra is (Utandhal at DB)... She is as good as in IBD post graduation.


So what the fuck is it, a brunch bunch for people to talk about...I have no idea what they would talk about

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Best Response

FT commented on this some time back - she is registered for something called "Owner/President Management Program" http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1af71f8e-3b96-11e0-a96d-00144feabdc0.html#axz…

Aiming to be America’s Next Top Student By Lucy Kellaway Published: February 20 2011 18:43 | Last updated: February 20 2011 18:43 She is beautiful, rich and famous. She has two television shows, one of which is named after her. She’s got her own foundation that helps deprived girls. She’s been to bed with Barack Obama. She is taking a course at Harvard Business School on how to be an entrepreneur.

All morning I’ve been attempting to make sense of Tyra Banks’ achievements, but there is one detail that keeps tripping me up. It’s not the fact that the supermodel bedded the president – as in truth, she only went to bed with someone pretending to be him while she pretended to be Michelle for a photo shoot in Harper’s Bazaar. The bit that I can’t make any sense of is the news that she has enrolled at HBS.

There are three reasons people pay through the nose to go there. Some want to learn how to make money. But Tyra knows how to do that already. Some want to meet people who will help them make money. But Tyra’s dance card is already full enough with business contacts – her boyfriend has been called the most successful black investment banker in the US. And some go because they hope employers will think the Harvard badge is worth paying extra for. But Tyra is not going to be applying for any job, so this doesn’t apply either.

Tyra may be doing something entirely novel. She may have enrolled purely and simply because she believes she will learn something.

The course she has registered on is the Owner/President Management Program, which consists of a mere three weeks a year for three years at a total cost of almost $100,000 – or about $2,000 per day. To get an idea what this buys, I watched a video in which one of the professors, Lynda Applegate, drones on in front of a flow chart on which arrows representing “Strategy”, “Value” and “Capabilities” are linked together in a circle. I sincerely hope Tyra will have the wit to see that such things are more vacuous than virtuous.

To get this dreary prof out of my mind, I then watched a clip on YouTube of Tyra herself in action on America’s Next Top Model. To one contestant she says in a voice like honey: “I admire your emotion right now.” To another she lets rip: “How dare you! Stop it! Learn something from this!” Both carrots and sticks are things of beauty. She is sweet and terrifying and entirely charismatic. Tyra should be teaching Lynda something about leadership – not vice versa.

At the very least, the model will have the chance to learn a whole new language. Here is how she currently expresses herself on Twitter, talk sufficiently engaging to have got more than 2.6m followers: “BellyButton talk time! I used to be outtie, now I’m innie. Weird. Maybe I am an alien ... U outtie or innie? N how often u clean it?”

It’s quite a stretch from bellybuttons to the language spoken by her classmates. One alumnus is quoted on HBS’s website saying: “The interaction with fellow attendees on a personal level ... facilitated powerful interlearning.” Another attests that it helped him see his business from a “globalistic point of view”.

Even if Tyra can pick up the argot in a few weeks, I’m worried what will happen as a result. If she tries talking on TV about globalistic views and facilitating powerful interlearning she may find ratings collapse and that she is out on her pretty ear.

There is only one way in which Tyra’s trip to Harvard makes any sense. She never went to college and it’s possible that, like many self-made people, she feels that there is something she’s missed out on. In the Harper’s Bazaar shoot both members of the faux First Couple were wearing Harvard sweatshirts. Maybe Tyra just longs for one for real. Going to HBS puts Polyfilla in that chip on her shoulder.

In the end, this story is about brands. While nothing tangible has been created, everyone’s brand gets miraculously enhanced. A model sits in a classroom for a few weeks while people talk tediously, and thus she extends her brand of beauty to include brains, too. Harvard Business School’s fusty brand, meanwhile, gets a frosting of glamour – while it pockets cash from another sucker.

And what of Tyra’s coursemates, who are mostly male and mostly plain? She has posted a picture of them on Twitter and written: “Enriching my mind with these amazing buddies! They are sooooo intelligent! Geniuses!!!” The geniuses are smiling more broadly than is normal in class photos. Value appears to have been created for them too. Tyra at Harvard is win-win-win, all the way.

She’s been to bed with Barack Obama.

Wait, what?

millionaire model and entrepreneur??? pshhhh she didn't even work at GS TMT or TPG !!! What good is she??
Are you fucking retarded? she's worth more than you'll ever see. MONEY is what this is about, if you want real prestige then go get adopted by some European royal family you tool.
Get busy living

brilliant. i mean, she is a much better choice than some boring career-blind megafund nerd. way more successful, way broader experience, way better network than any of these losers that we admire.. how is this even a reason to be pissed? i would love to be enrolled the same year.. might even give you a once-in-a-lifetime shot to bang her.. would certainly be my priority during those 2 years. no matter how fucking annoying she might be.


[quote=PeterN.]brilliant. i mean, she is a much better choice than some boring career-blind megafund nerd. way more successful, way broader experience, way better network than any of these losers that we admire.. quote]


"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

honestly, she has built a career and a brand name. i dont see a problem with this at all

"Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way. In twenty years, if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games, still workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill you. That's not a threat, that's a fact.
She isn't doing an MBA though, dude.
So she's doing undergrad?
You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

i'm not suprised, look at all the stuff she's done. Her own talk show, and she started a couple of foundations. She probably could have made a 500 on the GMAT and got in.

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

"Tyra’s taking an executive education class at Harvard Business School specifically for entrepreneurs!" quote from a boston newspaper.

So she's taking A CLASS, shes not a full time HBS student.......

You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

Even if she was doing MBA, whats the problem? As long as she can articulate why she wants an MBA and how it will help her career, I don't see the problem. HBS admits kids with lower GMAT's. I don't know about her educational background or grades so I can't comment on that.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?
<span class=keyword_link><a href=/finance-dictionary/what-is-london-interbank-offer-rate-libor>LIBOR</a></span>:
Even if she was doing MBA, whats the problem? As long as she can articulate why she wants an MBA and how it will help her career, I don't see the problem. HBS admits kids with lower GMAT's. I don't know about her educational background or grades so I can't comment on that.
She doesn't have an undergrad. Was accepted to USC and UCLA but decided to pursure modeling.
You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

I love when I read posts such as, "I bet she didn't even take the GMAT..."

She's self made and she's worth > $100 MM. Fuck the GMAT...

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

Ah, relieved to hear it's just a class/program for rich people and not the "standard" MBA. Agree she's been very successful, but that definitely doesn't correlate with smart or savvy - looks and a big personality can (and do) get you very far in this world. Have you ever heard the woman speak?

So really she should stop going around and tell people "I am enrolled in the MBA program at HBS", which was her quote on Jimmy Fallon last night.

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham
you guys need to stop "playa hating". In my book, if she makes $30 million a year, shes a fkin genius.
The argument isn't about whether she's a success or not, because nobody can argue that. Its simply if she's attending HBS or not.
You give me a gift? *BAM* Thank you note! You invite me somewhere? *POW* RSVP! You do me a favor? *WHAM* Favor returned! Do not test my politeness.

If I looked like her, I would be making that money too...from extorting those dudes at KKR (you all love to beat off to) after they banged me and I 'forgot' my pill that week.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
If I looked like her, I would be making that money too...from extorting those dudes at KKR (you all love to beat off to) after they banged me and I 'forgot' my pill that week.

wait. so anyone know how these extortion calls go?


Sunt est quia provident iusto. Quia sit minus a tempore facere laborum atque. Nemo voluptatem voluptatem itaque totam quaerat sequi qui rerum. Quaerat ea repudiandae aliquam consequatur vitae sed dicta officia. Consequuntur suscipit nulla maiores quisquam quas aut hic. Dolor delectus ipsum enim earum a odit dolorum.

Excepturi sint omnis perferendis quos sint. Sapiente voluptatem dolores at id enim. Dolorem aut nam beatae sunt aut ad explicabo. Et eum fugit eaque est sed.

Get busy living

Praesentium ipsam ad voluptate provident sed excepturi. Voluptatem quae omnis culpa.

Aut autem dolorem qui. Nostrum aut est voluptatum ea. Consectetur at rerum qui voluptas. Aut est autem voluptatibus ipsa. Nihil odio veniam maiores quaerat at.

Occaecati ea enim labore vel et id aspernatur rerum. Itaque aut necessitatibus natus tempore iste.

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