Northwestern vs. Columbia vs. NYU (Stern) vs. UVa (Echol Scholar) vs. UMich (Ross Prefered) vs. Emory

I'm currently a senior in High School. I am trying to pick between the above six schools. I plan to major in finance or economics but I'm not set on working at Wall Street. I may prefer working at smaller consulting firms. So I was wondering which school would have better recruitment, better internship opportunities, and better college experience?

seedy underbelly:
NYU Stern if you want IB. Columbia if you want Consulting.

I go to Columbia, and have applied for transfer to Stern undergrad.

Also, is cost an issue?

I would think no matter what Columbia is better...sure NYU sends a lot of students to IB every year, but there is a lot of competition for IB there with so many students, many who are interested in IB. Columbia is much smaller and is still a great name.

Best Response
seedy underbelly:
NYU Stern if you want IB. Columbia if you want Consulting.

I go to Columbia, and have applied for transfer to Stern undergrad.

Also, is cost an issue?

I would think no matter what Columbia is better...sure NYU sends a lot of students to IB every year, but there is a lot of competition for IB there with so many students, many who are interested in IB. Columbia is much smaller and is still a great name.

More econ majors at Columbia than finance majors at Stern. And you're not taking into account the 3.9/4.0 History/Poli-sci/Asian studies etc. majors who also vie for IB. Columbia is just as, if not more, cut-throat than Stern. And there's no curve to protect you at Columbia in most classes. At Stern, you can often squeak by tough courses with a B+ with minimal effort. Not so at Columbia.

That said, if I had wanted Consulting, I'd stay at Columbia. All three of MBB and numerous 2nd tier firms recruit here that don't go to Stern. But for IB, Stern hands down. Sends a greater percentage of IB hopefuls to Wall Street and doesn't leave you with a generic econ degree (that might as well be from Barnard or General Studies, makes no difference) afterwards.

See this: "But many students also conceded that the episode offered a glimpse into long-running resentments between the schools that are usually hidden from view. Some commenters wrote that Barnard classes are easier and that their own diplomas are devalued by the fact that Barnard’s also say “Columbia.” Barnard’s defenders refuted such claims, arguing that college ranking systems underrate their school because they do not take into account the resources available through Columbia."…

^ Tons of value for a solid, exclusive business school degree. Not much for a generic Econ degree in which it is more difficult to maintain a decent GPA, and yet have no advantage since people from different colleges (Barnard, for example) can just write Columbia on their resumes and get the same job.

Like I said before, if you want finance, don't even think twice, GO TO STERN. Here you have pretty much all the info that I wish I had last year.


To me this is about cost and whether you ever see yourself working outside the US.

If your family is HNW (net liquid wealth in excess of $1,000,000), you want to have the most int'l brand, and you're an urbanite, then Columbia. If you instead are dead-set on Wall Street, then Stern.

If your family is HNW or at least comfortable mass-affluent, you prefer the more typical American college experience over cities, and you are sure you want to work in either the US or Asia, then Northwestern.

If your family is middle class and your loans are going to reach six-figures paying full tuition, then either Ross or UVA. They're both very good, and place well in the job market as well as being respected by admissions officers for b-school later on (should you ever choose that route).

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

Thanks a lot everyone :)

Finance isn't a large issue and I'm probably going to work in the states. I wouldn't mind working in Asia as well. Mostly right now, I'm stuck between Columbia, Northwestern and Stern. I'm concerned with the amount of stress at Columbia, poorer recruitment at northwestern (perhaps) and the lack of a campus at stern. If anyone could expand on these issues (whether they are on target or not) it would be really helpful. Also, when I mentioned consulting firms, I was thinking along the lines of being a financial consultant. I'm not sure if that would change anyone's advice.


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Voluptatum nobis rerum sed saepe. Consequatur sit atque reprehenderit et reprehenderit repellendus. Ea ab rerum et tempora est. Voluptatibus accusamus quis incidunt sit ipsum eius accusamus. Velit voluptate iure sit quis in expedita saepe. Facilis voluptatem molestias quia ea repellendus architecto voluptatem mollitia.

Ad pariatur id eum suscipit. Non laudantium iure ipsa non est. Minima enim labore quam sed eos est.

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