Is Columbia MBA worth it for me ?

Hey guys, I'm an expatriate living in the US who is planning to apply for Columbia MBA for the January term. I work in Finance currently but I want to get out into Corp Strat at a large firm after B-School.

As I've been preparing for the GMAT, I've been getting cold feet, mainly at the prospect of the $160,000 in estimated costs for the degree.

I would have to dip into my savings and possibly take on a loan in my home country to finance this education. My parents paid for my undergrad here in the US so asking them to pony up the dough is something I'm not sure I have the stomach for.

On the flipside, I've had 3 jobs since graduating 4 years ago, so the branding of an MBA and time to think about next steps is maybe exactly what I need.

What do you guys think ? More specifically, is the January tern too risky since there's no time to do a summer internship ?


Why not start in the fall like a NORMAL person. Keep at the job for a few months longer and put away as much cash as possible. Why are you changing jobs so much? Doesn't look good. Common sense you are lacking. Got Brain Moran?

Why not start in the fall like a NORMAL person. Keep at the job for a few months longer and put away as much cash as possible. Why are you changing jobs so much? Doesn't look good. Common sense you are lacking. Got Brain Moran?

Because I can't take it in this job for another year. Its sucking the life out of me. The job hopping was due to the terrible economy.


Man you gotta suck it up it would be an extra eight months. Just think of the two year vacation your gonna have And another thing you're not even accepted yet, what are you're backup plans. You gotta make the decision when the time comes. Im done here, NEEEXXXT

PS it is worth it, as is any other top bschool


it is worth it, even more so if you can get your company to pay for part of it. (maybe not in short run of 5 or 10 years, but in long run it should pay off), and how are you so sure you can get into columbia? if you are that sure about columbia, your chances for harvard must be decent...


You guys are right, I'm getting ahead of myself, the reason I think I have is a good shot is because my boss at my previous job has contacts within the admissions office, and we're on great terms so I know he'll put in a good word for me. That + good undergrad GPA at a good school.


Itaque corrupti autem sed qui debitis accusamus. Ducimus aut sapiente numquam iste eum nesciunt culpa. Dolores dolor et voluptatum nisi similique.

Ut ipsa ex necessitatibus dolorum dolores quam sapiente. Et est consectetur rerum quae ea vel. Neque commodi sed voluptatibus esse corrupti.

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