HBS Admissions Differientiation from MBB

Hi everyone,

I am recently considering business school and will have the following stats at the time of application, although I still have some time to look into extracurricular and other things if you guys can suggest any:

Undergrad Experience:
Double major Computer/Business from UC Berkeley
Leadership roles in non-profit consulting club
~3.8 GPA, 750 GMAT

Intern Experience:
Worked with large tech startup (500+ people) in business development
Other less prestigious consulting firm with focus in sales/IT

Work Experience:
2 years MBB with focus in tech solutions

Stanford/Harvard Business School WITHOUT TAKING 3rd YEAR to do other activities to differentiate self

Potential Issues: I am essentially a pretty common applicant. Asian, male, IB/Consulting experience with some leadership in undergrad, but few other outstanding factors. Tech is also pretty common for applicants. I do not think I stand out whatsoever. I believe my stats and experience are good enough to fit in, but will not get me in alone.

Asking for help: How do I differentiate myself at this point? (While working for MBB) Hours aren't the best, so it has to be time efficient if possible. What tips are there for essay, getting recommendations, etc that you guys can offer? I am particularly seeking advice from those in MBB who know what one can do during work to help the firm or the community while gaining experience outside of the typical analyst/associate route.

Thanks for your help!


it seems you understand the situation well - you're a great applicant in many ways, but the asian male thing does play against you to some degree... you'd have a much better chance to get in after 1-2 years of some sort of cool experience, but I'd say you've still got a good chance now... Do you have long enough before you want to apply to do something "awesome" like start a global charitable organization, etc?


I still am within my first year so have a lot of time. However, I am hoping to apply to Bschool after 2 years of working and do not want to take that extra 3rd year. The question is how can I differentiate myself in the essay, experience, interview etc, without spending that extra 1-2 years?

In terms of "cool experiences," getting that "cool experience" would certainly make me a better candidate, but I would prefer not to spend that extra 1 year. What suggestions and recommendations do you have for finding better experiences while I am consulting both within and out of the firm? I'd definitely be interested in doing charity work, but am worried that I will not have considerable time with travel, work, and family. (Maybe 10-20 hours tops if that)

Best Response

Omnis eos et qui nisi necessitatibus. Qui quam dolore perferendis distinctio sunt ad. Non id molestiae voluptas quia sit.

Eum vel exercitationem aut atque. Qui omnis eius reprehenderit earum perspiciatis nihil tempore. Earum praesentium natus vero nostrum nobis iure esse. Excepturi quam accusamus sit tenetur aut. Necessitatibus reiciendis impedit aliquam sint. Ea deleniti excepturi quia ipsam.

Consequuntur nobis incidunt commodi expedita. Est dolorem neque ab voluptatem dolorem. Sunt omnis neque deserunt dicta tempora error sit. Consectetur dolorem qui reprehenderit qui. Voluptatibus ea necessitatibus id.

Dolore ex rem qui ad ut. Veniam rem tempore et illo non. Sed molestias maxime qui porro iusto omnis.

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

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