Finance people know nothing about UW Madison

I don't get how finance people on these threads define target non-target schools. They'll say it's about academics, but then put schools like Southern Methodist University or Indiana University above a school like UW Madison. They'll also put a school like UNC and UVA above UW Madison. However, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that the assertion that UNC or UVA is better academically than UW Madison is just complete b.s. First of all, take the academic peer reputation score of the universities. As of 2023, UNC gets a 4.0/5, UW gets a 4.2/5, and UVA gets a 4.3/5. This is certainly not how finance people on here would rate these universities, so why is this?? Clearly somebody has to be wrong here: either academics don't know which universities are academically strong or finance people don't know which universities are academically strong.

Basically, I think it's pretty clear finance people on this thread are just ignorant when they called UW Madison an "average party state school." If it's so average, how does it have 26 Nobel laureates?? Including the only man to win the Nobel prize in physics twice, John Bardeen. In addition, UW discovered vitamins A, B, C, D, the transistor used in all electronic devices (Bardeen again), magnetism (John Van Vleck), wrote the social security bill (John R Commons), and have been instrumental in the humanities (especially John Searle and the philosophy of mind. What have the supposedly better publics (UNC, UVA, Umich) been doing to match this? UNC and UVA's alumni are joke; in fact, if these universities never existed literally nothing would change about American or world history (maybe reddit wouldn't exist, but that may be a good thing. 

In short, you can UW Madison a lot of things, a party school, a non-target etc, but you cannot with integrity call it "average" or "unacademic." Historically, UW has been the second most important public university in the country, even coining and defining the term "public university" in the first place (Charles R Van Hise and the "Wisconsin Idea"). It is clearly still producing talent, however that talent simply does not wish to go into finance and has not historically.

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Dude I stopped reading when you said UVA and UNC aren’t as good as UW

2/10 shitpost


So why do academics rate UW as highly as UNC and UVA while finance people don't. I never said UVA and UNC weren't good, just that UW is easily the same level. The fact that people constantly call UW worse (that is lay people of course) prove that there is a stigma against the university, probably because it provides an excellent education to rural people.


Dude’s post history went from 

UW struggles  -> Help, how reputable is UW

-> Finance people know nothing about UW

I would like to preface by saying that Idk wtf is UW. 

That said, majority of people on this site are college and high school students (sometimes even if they have Analyst 1 in IB, you can tell).

Few finance folks actually have the time to open this on a weekly basis and have enough energy to care about the prestige of universities.

Stop valuing yourself based on the perceived value from others.

If you believe you have the ability to work hard and get shit done, doesn’t matter if you go to Cornhusky State Nebraska or Dickinson North Dakota. You get shit done.

Stop associating your identity to external factors. Work hard and get shit done. Stop crying like a baby.


Also the people who don't want to admit UW is at UVA and UNC just prove there's a conscious effort to downgrade the university. It's an indisputable fact in academia that UW is at the level of UVA and UNC, whether finance bros want to admit it or not


this reminds me of how cornell kids on tiktok love saying they go to an ivy league school and try to dick measure with hyp. Nobody really gives a shit, and it’s just awkward for everyone listening. Be proud of your achievement; it’s a good, fun school, and it can get you where you wanna go. It’s not that deep. Enjoy madison because i can promise you that kids at “prestigious” schools cannot have as much fun as you can


“cannot have as much fun” never said you would i said you could if you want. you have the option to go out on a tuesday…ivy kids don’t really cuz nobody else is going out. enjoy what you worked hard for in hs and lose the insecurity dude. i promise you that nobody cares as much as you do, and anyone who does is just insecure themself. and for what it’s worth the smartest kids i know at my school w 3.9+ gpas, multiple research publications, etc etc. all go out at least once a week — gotta stay sane somehow. find the balance that works for you and focus on being successful instead of other ppls opinions — you can always go to HBS later to feed your ego / satisfy your family and friends if need be.


Why are you trying to measure finance industry perception using unrelated academics and Nobel laureates. You do know people in this industry could give less of a shit about how many physics papers a school pumps out right. By that reasoning Caltech should be a super target for banking lol.


Et quos totam quia voluptates sunt. Consequatur sed ut sed est eum. Sit qui laboriosam ducimus voluptas.

Ea sunt corporis est ea officia voluptas et et. In necessitatibus quasi quos quam quo aut.

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