do I have a shot at Harvard MBA?

-Just finished up my undergrad education at UC Berkeley. Majors: Economics and Business Administration
-Overall gpa: 3.401, major gpa: 3.962
-Will work as an analyst at BB

I would love to get my MBA at Harvard and build the ivy league network. What does it take to get me there? I know my overall GPA is lower than Harvard's median (3.6) but obviously I can't raise my GPA anymore. Please advise. Thanks.

Best Response


How do you expect someone to tell you whether you can get into Harvard MBA by giving your GPA? Yes, with that GPA you are not out of the running by any means...but a lot depends on essays, recommendations, GMAT, extra currics, sex, race, etc.

have you started your own business? can you demonstrate leadership? do you have connections? will an MD pull for you? getting into business school is more than just undergrad GPA and whether you work at a BB ibank. given the information provided, there is very little way for anyone to guess at your chances. HBS is extremely competitive to get into...but if you have a few amazing things about your application or you have something that they are looking for, then you might just "fit."

a few of my friends are going there next year...they did the IB, PE route, but about 80% of the class got there some other way.


Berkeley is known as one of the most difficult schools grading wise, because it's hard and competitive and there's no grade inflation. If you graduate with a 3.4 and 3.9 major GPA, you're set. Keep in mind the average GPA for HBS includes all kinds of easy schools, and including the private schools with grade inflation.

Put it this way, your GPA is not a problem. however to get into HBS you gotta work on lots of otehr stuff, so that's what you should focus on.


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