Chance at NYU Stern MBA or similar

Wondering what my chances are for Stern (or other tier 1 MBA) with these creds


I'm sure you have an idea where you stand: your GMAT is the only clear hinderance....will be tough if you are coming from a highly represented group

And anything short of the charter won't help too much

How is your GMAT split? You can boost the score substantially with just slight improvements to your verbal

Its still worth applying, but if you don't get it a bit higher, then it's worth looking at quality programs with slightly lower median gmats: uva, duke, Cornell, unc etc is going to have far better answers for you than the mass of college kids here will...

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.
Best Response
Wondering what my chances are for Stern (or other tier 1 MBA) with these creds
  • 1.5 years at a smaller but somewhat reputable brokerage firm as a sales and trading analyst -2 years at a large "brand name" AM firm in portfolio management -650 GMAT -3.75 UG gpa from a good school
  • bunch of ECs and clubs

Hello there

Based on the available profile information we can say that as you are aiming for top schools then a score above 700 is desirable. However GMAT alone won’t determine your chances of admission; beyond the academics will also help you in determining your candidature and your work experience plays a vital role as well.

Beyond academics plays an equally important role so make sure you showcase it well. Generally most of the applicants have a good 4-5 years of work experience. Although it is not just the work experience that counts but also what you did there like-what were your achievements, what initiative you took, what changes you drove in your workplace etc. So to leverage this if you can show that in 4 years you have demonstrated the skills business schools are looking for you could put in a strong set of essays.

Hence the quality of your work, your academics and beyond academics will play an important role in determining your candidature.

For any further details feel free to mail me at [email protected]


Kavita Sinng FutureWorks Consulting


Hi sntsnt,

If you are aiming for Stern and similar top programs, I would recommend that you take the GMAT again. The reason is because your score is currently in a very low percentile. For example with Chicago Booth, the 80% GMAT score range is 660 to 760. This would mean that if you applied to this program, your score would be in the bottom 10%. This does not mean you would not be accepted, but the rest of your application would need to be particularly strong.

The GMAT score is self-reported on your application, so admissions teams will only be focusing on your highest score.

I hope this was of help.


Conrad and the Stacy Blackman Team

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