Racism at Banks

I was recently interviewing for an entry level analyst position through on-campus recruiting and felt like couple firms were profiling due to my race. As i digged a little deeper, i realized that some of the boutiques (Greenhill, GCA Savvian, Evercore, and Moelis) hardly had any blacks, indians and asians. Is this a common theme for the firms mentioned above?

Best Response

Always easy to cry "racist"! but the fact is that African Americans make up like 13% of the U.S. population, Hispanics 16%, and all Asian races 5%. Are we to assume that there would be a ton of minorities in a boutique of 150 people? And of those percentages (excluding Asian) minorities tend to have been more disadvantaged, and attain a lower rate of continuance to higher education. So no, I wouldn't expect there to be a ton of minorities in the smaller banks. Hell, I was surprised there were so few black people in the North when I first came up here. I def could have believed that black people were 40% of the U.S.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
Bruce Wayne:
i realized that some of the boutiques (Greenhill, GCA Savvian, Evercore, and Moelis) hardly had any blacks, indians and asians.

I challenge you to find me a major investment bank that doesn't have any Asians.

Exactly. How can you say there's no big bank where at least 40% of its incoming analyst class is Asian. A better argument to make would be to challenge how the promotion system is and why most MD's are white. That's more valid.

I was recently interviewing for an entry level analyst position through on-campus recruiting and felt like couple firms were profiling due to my race. As i digged a little deeper, i realized that some of the boutiques (Greenhill, GCA Savvian, Evercore, and Moelis) hardly had any blacks, indians and asians. Is this a common theme for the firms mentioned above?

Of course, firms were profiling because you're black. What a cop-out.

Maybe you should sue them?

Blue Baller:
Unqualified doesn't mean that the employer is racist. It just means you lack self-awareness.

Plenty of diversity on wall street - but those jobs aren't just handed out like Columbia degrees and Harvard law degrees for simply being black.


C'mon man, don't say that. I mean everyone has seen Obama's college transcripts so we know he aced his classes.

Oh wait...


Thought provoking man...

I do think that in general as Americans we tend to have a superiority complex embedded in us. The fact that its coming to a point where we make fun of the dead is sad.

I'm not anywhere close to be able to say how the 80's were like, but its obvious from my other travels across the globe that America, especially New York, is full of some of the most ice cold hearted people I've met. Not to be a baby or complain in any way... NY and Wall Streets environment just produces people who tend to be more aggressive but its sad to see where we've come.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.
brandon st randy:

Do people actually believe that gselevator is legit and not some mockery produced by a wannabe comedy writer?

that'd be messed up.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.

I appreciate your last few paragraphs, because yes, this does glamorize, intentionally or otherwise, certain behavior. Yes, it's from the "ha ha, that's wrong, ha ha" perspective, but I agree with your decision to draw the line with the Trayvon "jokes." And I enjoy GSElevator, so I'm no prude.

I couldn't posibly care less about anyone's opinion one way or another on the verdict. If you can look at that picture of a dead teenager placed into a Where's Waldo poster, man, makes me want to throw the smartass who made that down a flight of stairs or two.


Nemo est necessitatibus error nemo quibusdam. Doloribus quibusdam quod aut unde blanditiis error. Amet et voluptates debitis eligendi non nam dolores. Vel aspernatur voluptatibus omnis quisquam. Est voluptate inventore ea sequi.

Qui eveniet voluptatem ut sit quia vero unde architecto. Debitis temporibus iure quod dolorum iusto. Modi et omnis asperiores.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.

Atque facere eos quia eius fugiat atque aut asperiores. Libero ab consequatur cum et minus. Et qui maiores natus sequi voluptates. Mollitia recusandae voluptate tempore reprehenderit quia.

Maiores temporibus suscipit a omnis optio dolores sint. Error in aperiam quo explicabo officiis mollitia eum. Ipsa voluptatem reiciendis quaerat nesciunt ducimus est. Est eum animi qui dolorum. Modi magnam ut ut illo iusto.

Aut corporis maxime natus aperiam quisquam aspernatur. Et modi illo beatae et repellendus ducimus. Delectus aut sequi ullam dolorem. Deleniti sit soluta est laborum similique est rerum.

Dolores nihil sed sed sapiente facere voluptates et. Minus cumque quas illum nihil doloremque ipsa hic.

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
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  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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