I think Barclays has taken down their analyst positions for some reason. All the 2023 analyst listings that come up on google bring you to a page that says "the page is not available". If you go to their job search, they only have 2023 analyst for Atlanta. These were on here yesterday, so I am unsure why they are down today. 


Took the online assessments and got a video interview shortly after I submitted the assessments. The cognitive ability assessment is hard af. Definitely one of the hardest if not the hardest one I've seen so far. 

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Did diversity recruiting for Barclays earlier this year their system is very weird, me and 3 other ppl at my school got rejection emails/did not finish video interview then got invitations to first round a couple weeks later, you might not actually be completely dinged


I definitely did worse than you on assessment lol it killed me. But why would they send an invite for virtual interview before rejecting? Makes no sense.

Also did you receive 2 rejections or 1?


lmao also got the two rejection emails. Was planning to do the assessments later today since its the 4th day since I applied, should I not bother now or still do them anyways (if it was a mistake on their part)?


Nevermind…. Just saw that I got 4 rejection emails for all 4 positions.

So strange how they sent me an invite to complete the virtual interview, but then rejected me before I even did it lol


I only applied to NY location and got the rejection email but haven't received the recall/error email yet? Does that mean I'm legitimately rejected? I think it might be cuz I'm an international student. 

Edit: nvm, just received the recall email as well


Analyst in Houston told me that the process is nearing the back end? What's up with that, apps opened not even 2 weeks ago for non-div and haven't seen any people saying they've gotten r1's yet.


For non-div? Damn, I didn't realize that. I figured I was right on track because applications didn't open until April.


Have heard that the "Expert Summer Intern" application that is live for IB at Barclays is specifically for target schools. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Has anybody gotten superday invite or offer for Houston? Please specify if you are diversity or not


Regarding the HR issues, I heard they are having a whole new group working on it this year which is why a lot of things are seem a bit inexperienced, but by the end of the day they get things fixed and done


Friend had a first round on 4/27 second round on 4/28 and has not heard back. You have any updates? 

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anyone have a superday coming up or any communication after the hirevue?


Every school has their own recruiting timeline. I'm at target and they just started phone screening


Nope lmfao, I’m just bouncing around talking to hella alumni bc they keep giving me more contacts (talked w 8 ppl so far) and saying interviews should be starting soon


this recruiting cycle has been dragging my balls across shards of glass. can i catch one fucking break already


I interviewed last year.

We ask technicals and market based questions. Associates / VP's and under will ask more technicals, MD's will be more market based (although I know a few who will definitely ask technicals).

Bottom line, you'll need to know your shit, but not to the level of an EB or something. Study the guides and you'll be fine.

Technicals are always asked most when the conversation isn't strong. As always, behaviorals are most important.


Networked pretty heavily with my school recruiting team but still have not received an interview. How should I proceed? Is it worth it to email my contacts? How would I even phrase the email, don’t have any competing offers right now?


does anyone know if cornell started their process? harvard analyst told me some ivies do it first asap and then some do it august/september.


I completed my video interview last week, but have not heard back. I heard from a friend that BC may be done, but do not quote me on that.


I'm not sure if it was accelerated, but I am not diversity. I received an email two weeks ago from two junior members on the UVA team to set up coffee chats that were informal with one or two basic behavioral questions. After that I was passed onto a VP who then passed me onto two 30 minute interviews each with an MD for my super day. Not a lot of technicals and all of my interviewers were UVA alum.


Any word on the process for Wharton/Penn? Has it finished? I’ve got a superday for a different bank tomorrow but I really enjoyed my convos with Barclays, updated some contacts and they said to let them know if I got an offer.


not 100% sure, I got my offer around the first week of June, but I heard that last year they were going till around september at Penn


Hmm, thanks for the info. Looks like you also got a Nomura offer, congrats on that! Which one did you end up taking? I just had a Nomura superday recently so hoping to hear back soon.


Any news on S&T NYC? Are they done for S&T at Boston College as well? 


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Est et ipsa rerum atque quia dolores. Pariatur in suscipit consequatur consequatur voluptatem odit neque. Sint ut molestiae quia est dolorem pariatur.

Cumque impedit possimus quia in ut. Explicabo doloribus quisquam et dolores molestiae ex. Earum ducimus commodi error quidem ea omnis. Velit modi quis ab asperiores quam nesciunt. Neque adipisci modi sit praesentium et et tenetur.

Magnam et illo explicabo aut rerum voluptatem dignissimos. Sit deserunt dolores dolorum officiis soluta perferendis aliquam. Nobis et enim quam praesentium soluta unde. Asperiores totam totam non omnis rerum pariatur. Distinctio minima dignissimos et tenetur sed mollitia eaque.


Error omnis nihil ab quam. Sunt enim ullam ad quis.

Est vero nam error vitae. Odit enim est hic nihil enim quo voluptas.

Eligendi dolorem fugit itaque. Est odit aut nesciunt et labore iusto. Corrupti eius maxime consequatur quibusdam eius et nihil. Magnam voluptatem sit rerum omnis magnam consequuntur inventore pariatur. Impedit nemo ducimus sit dolore sequi. Autem voluptatem quia rerum et.

Velit et qui voluptatem sit nam odit. Voluptas repudiandae ut dolorum. Sit quo distinctio voluptatem et nostrum.


Nesciunt praesentium aut saepe et. Sunt ab eligendi exercitationem at aut voluptatem et. Doloremque quo enim non id at harum. Necessitatibus dolore explicabo sed modi.

Numquam ea corrupti dignissimos quos maxime et. Eveniet laboriosam aut consectetur adipisci optio est optio. Dolor quidem ab veniam perspiciatis nostrum consequatur nobis. Fugiat ab consectetur voluptas dolorum aut provident sit. Non et et autem natus. Amet id voluptas est nam.


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Sequi voluptatem autem natus voluptas ut itaque nam. Atque sunt nam et eos. Cumque accusamus nisi sunt ipsa aut et. Rerum iure laboriosam sunt quo quia facilis. Quo blanditiis repudiandae est esse.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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