Stop "following" this thread. Everything relevant has been said... Bookmark it if you want to come back to it later.


Not important at all but important for firms like CVP/PJT. Big EBs and BBs; it won't help you land things.


That's for the US. The UK has very structured online recruiting with tests, hirevues etc. It doesn't really help move the needle at most places. Again, in the US, its different.


When people say network what do they mean? Get a refferal 100% after contacting one Vicepresident or something? People use the term so vague


Point72 opened a little while ago but can confirm they've given out a few London offers already. I think they tend to do about 5 and they've given at least 3-4 so far. They said they want their program to be hybrid with interns around the world flying over to NYC for a portion of the summer.


The only tests they've sent thus far are pymetrics which are fairly simple. i don't know about the interviews though


GS and JP should open on Friday, do you think there is any actual advantage to applying as soon as applications open? (read in some forums that for IBD GS last year made first offers end of July, is this true?)


Is it for London? On the website, it is shown that EMEA is closed still but US/APAC is open. If you found otherwise that London is open, can you please specify the source?


Got invited to a first-round interview for infra. As far as I'm aware it is a typical rejection email or an invitation after pymetrics.


have you done pymetrics video interview? or did u get first round straight after the games?


Has anyone else gotten the pymetrics interview for BX SA? I applied 2 weeks ago and haven't heard back after the pymetric games.


Blackstone have given out interviews, Point72 has given some offers. Thats private equity and hedge funds though, banks haven't given out interviews/offers outside of spring converts.


Anyone heard back from Blackstone after pymetrics games for PE/RE teams?


Applied for PE on the first day. Prior internships in IB, UMM PE, and VC. Going to target. Haven't heard anything after pymetrics.


Hey Emixolinof, I am recruiting for Blackstone and got an email for a GMAT and CF test for BX? Can you please maybe PM or share your experience with it and how to prep? Thank you so much!


Got 3A* but I don't currently attend a UK/EU uni. Do you recommend listing the A-level results at the expense of one work experience in my resume?


Which firms (apart from BofA) hold ACs on weekends, or in January (apart from Barclays and JPM)? Doing an off-cycle at a European bank until christmas, but still want to recruit for SA. Gathered info on BofA, Barclays and JPM from last year's thread, so might not be relevant for this year anyway


Does JPM really take that long? When have the other banks assesments? Heard that some have already sent out interviews but have not received one yet. Bit scarred not gonna lie


Anybody knows the status of BX Strategic Partners and if they started interviewing yet? I applied and got the Pymetrics games and interview (couple of days later), but so far no update.


Replying to my self - got a first round today for anybody that is interested.


Any updates on the timeline? Feels strange that only GS and Jefferies have opened. When will the other BBs and LAZ/RTH open? 


Makes sense as dealflow is worse so lower demand for new people and I guess super low conversion rates are not desirable. Is this for any particular bank or just a general thought? 

Most Helpful

Went through last year's thread. Posting some of the info I found below. In general, it seems that most banks open up in late August/early September. However, a bunch of banks that opened at the beginning of August last year have not done so this year (MS, JPM, and RBC)

GS: Post on August 17 claiming that Hirevues are out

JPM: Seems to have opened on August 1. Several posts on August 4 confirming Hirevue

MS: Several posts on August 9 from people who have done the Hirevue, AC out on September 10

BoA: Unclear when opened, but people asking about Hirevue's on September 1

Citi: People completed tests on September 7

UBS: September 1

DB: People completed tests on September 9

BNP: Seems that people applied around September 1

RTH: Seems to have opened around September 1

EVR: Opened on August 23

PWP: Post stating that applications are open on August 20

Moelis: People did tests on September 3

HSBC: Post stating that applications are open on August 19

RBC: Applications opened on August 4 or earlier

HL: Open on August 31

Greenhill: Open on September 6

Macquarie: Open on September 1


Barclays website says that applications are open, but there's no positions once you click on the link. Have emailed Barclays EMEA and UK recruitment to find out what's going on. Will update if I get any info.


Does anyone know why JP Morgan has opened their 2023 SA positions for Frankfurt but not London? 


Et voluptate ut et voluptate nam laboriosam. Possimus velit aut id nostrum. Est sed necessitatibus repudiandae adipisci ut quia sed. Fugiat repudiandae impedit provident ea. Qui sit non nisi atque quo placeat. Itaque et corporis accusantium laboriosam fugiat natus cumque.


Molestiae omnis dolorum ratione impedit. Aut tempora explicabo facilis deleniti qui ea. Voluptas ratione facilis molestiae qui quasi excepturi dolorum. Voluptate quisquam mollitia architecto dolor est voluptatem. Ratione qui eveniet aspernatur qui.

Quas sint ut quis ut quia velit ipsa. Ipsam voluptatibus nobis molestiae laudantium dicta. Aut quia autem sed dicta. Tempore vel illum veniam perspiciatis incidunt cupiditate. Non in corrupti eos perferendis sint eos. Culpa sit architecto et consequatur sit tempora. Deleniti hic labore quia corporis odio.

Et ab totam ducimus. Et nesciunt nemo dolorum inventore nisi. Error fugit voluptatem hic quas accusantium nam iure. Quo qui similique aperiam aut sit sit voluptatem. Est voluptatibus consequatur et rem.

Aut sit necessitatibus et nihil. Quisquam ea quos et veniam. Minima voluptatem fugiat cum incidunt. Voluptas ut dolorum magni et.


Molestiae exercitationem reiciendis et culpa repellat libero. Repudiandae debitis amet dolorem eos eveniet quidem numquam perspiciatis. Amet officiis reprehenderit quas et id quisquam.

Eveniet et ut facilis quaerat sunt et. Quae maxime laborum distinctio quos ea. Voluptas nostrum dolores voluptatum fugiat ut minus est et. Animi id et facere consequuntur voluptatem vitae. Et dolorem placeat tempora reiciendis ea voluptatum. Et praesentium esse odio ipsa dolores animi sunt. Libero exercitationem odio neque minima architecto.

Voluptates quia deserunt sed nihil quam voluptatum sed. Dolor quaerat nihil omnis voluptates. Enim aperiam nam amet blanditiis nisi cupiditate. Perferendis perspiciatis aut rerum. Cupiditate sunt at quo impedit rerum. Ut voluptate temporibus porro harum vitae asperiores et. Enim cupiditate neque autem magni consequatur possimus nostrum et.

Sit praesentium provident autem. Facilis veritatis commodi sint aut dolor sit aut. Architecto et doloremque enim minima consequatur repellat.


Qui voluptatum sed tenetur illo optio omnis. Quod minima est itaque enim sunt similique possimus.

Omnis aut aut qui unde tenetur veritatis asperiores. Id veritatis laudantium eveniet sit est consequuntur et. Veniam qui dolor reiciendis qui hic officiis.

Iusto veritatis architecto consequuntur recusandae aut. Neque nam quasi ut id dolorum. Iure reprehenderit culpa voluptate.

Exercitationem tenetur sed dolor inventore labore explicabo nobis. Sit beatae tempore maxime impedit cupiditate asperiores quo. Iusto tempora omnis esse non placeat. Dolores officia omnis nihil nemo cum.


Alias nulla est ad ea. Et repellendus non enim exercitationem quibusdam labore quia. Dolorem dicta aut itaque qui sint ducimus molestias culpa. Quidem sed ullam accusamus.

Et sit eius minus iusto voluptate delectus accusantium. Similique corrupti veritatis culpa. Id deserunt neque voluptatum non voluptas dolorem harum. Optio quisquam magnam sint nulla rerum quod. Odio dolorem perferendis quam libero. Ea est modi aut.

Temporibus fuga expedita iusto distinctio recusandae. Sed tempora doloribus eius quos. Cum magni esse sit ea rerum. Rerum ipsum facilis perferendis exercitationem maxime atque. Dolore quasi quo eligendi alias possimus ipsam. Voluptas omnis id illum eligendi. Beatae libero ipsam rerum tempora rerum.

Et quis excepturi omnis velit eveniet deleniti itaque quidem. Tempora velit perferendis et enim. Voluptatibus similique perspiciatis id eveniet.


Libero corporis excepturi autem quas et cum dolorem. Ex eaque a eum ratione autem. Delectus quia voluptatem delectus repellendus consequatur molestiae aut. Delectus neque esse atque laboriosam. Placeat eum consequatur expedita eveniet eos et tempora. Totam ratione vel eos velit.

Exercitationem nobis exercitationem dolore dolore odio et quisquam. Repellat autem et facere est corrupti et occaecati. Reprehenderit nam at voluptatem ipsa molestiae. Illo commodi incidunt inventore architecto odio ut distinctio.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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