LONDON experienced Buy side equity analyst comp benchmark

Hi everyone,

I saw quite a fair bit on this forum about comp for equity analyst roles on the buy-side in the US but not so much in London. Feels to me that the market here is less transparent (speaking also with headhunters, numbers I get can vary a lot). Hence would be curious to have your thoughts/numbers (with role, AuM, performance fees structure to put things in context).

About me: about 10 years of experience as an equity analyst (first in the sell-side for the first two years then in buy-side since), working with a long-only fund focused on European equities (generalist but more on the consumer side), AuM around GPB3bn, no perf fees, normal fees around 1%, fairly small investment team of 5. 

-> current base GBP145k + bonus give or take between 50% of base as a min to 150% of base as a max (all in cash and non-deferred)

Is it in line with market? How does that compare with package in large institutional funds (Fidelity, TRP, JH..): never worked for the big guys so I have no idea where the market is there (I suspect they have more of a salary grid template like in IB contrary to small shops like min).

Thanks in advance!


I don't think pay varies much in small and big shops when it comes to AM. It's weird, for me we just recently had a big pay bump but I don't know if it's going to stay like that. I'd say 10 years in, clearing 300kish in London is good, and roughly what I'd expect. I'm 5 years in at a semi-large AM and on somewhat of a trajectory but I guess it depends if you become a very dependable Senior Analyst or a Portfolio Manager where the firm can't lose you, then I'd say 600k+ would be more standard. 



I m not based in London but in Paris. Also, just a 2nd year analyst so not sure if this would help (but with 3 yrs of industry experience). I work in a long-only fund which is a specialist focused on European equities (Real Estate and Infrastructure). Current base EUR70k + bonus min 25% (was just hired last year, which was not a good year for the sector. PM says this bonus does go higher normally - i am assuming a max of 100%).

Would love to know if there is a salary grid or something similar too. 


I work for a LO in London. (£100bn+AUM) (£3bn fund). No performance fee 

3 and half years experience (Generalist but mostly Industrials (85% of my research) 

£67k base £28k bonus. 

My company is known to be on the low end of the spectrum so i know in slightly underpaid. Looking to move to another LO at year 5 for £100-£130k range and 100% bonus 


I'll add a datapoint. Work in the London office of a large global asset owner (>$300bn AUM) on the in-house fundamental equities team doing L/S. ~10 years of experience (3 sell-side, 7 buy-side. Mix of generalist and sector specialist experience). "Senior analyst" type role - next step would be a PM with a sizeable book to run.

Salary ~£170k and bonus typically 140-225% of that although a big chunk is deferred. Would caveat that team has had v strong performance the last few years and in a % of P&L type arrangement we would get at a MMHF we would be paid a lot more (albeit would not be allowed to run the kind of book we run at most of those shops).


Sorry was just surprised because I was quoted a wildly different number for MM analysts (BAM, Citadel etc) doing L/S. 

e.g. in your first year, your all in is £250k (£100k base, £150k bonus) and then its a free for all after. 

I've heard from multiple sources, that an analyst with 5 years of experience got £1mm in total comp in between 20 - 22 (forgot which year). 

I guess the question is whether you work as hard as those (they're in the office Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm and Sunday 9am to 6pm).

I think their base is capped at £300k (as a PM). 

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