WSO Testimonials

Filter and read 500+ verified reviews on WSO courses, services and the community platform.

Most comprehensive course It teaches you everything from basics to advance,
In this course, you will be guided step-by-step through the process of understanding each and every single thing on a financial statement modeling and creating a comprehensive model. The Wall Street Oasis community is wonderful because you can ask…
Great Modeling class. Easy to follow videos and knowledgable teacher
Great Modeling class. Easy to follow videos and knowledgable teacher
M&A First Year at MM
Practical course!
Great practical course! Proper language skills. Great DIY at the end of each chapter to hone skills!
1,257 Testimonials
This course was incredibly helpful
This course was incredibly helpful. Understanding the fundamentals of evaluating an early-stage company and the industry terminologies came in handy during my interviews.
Got a lot of advice and a full great revamp of my resume. The new one look much better. I had a lot of feedback from the resume expert during the process.
Got a lot of advice and a full great revamp of my resume. The new one look much better. I had a lot of feedback from the resume expert during the process.
100% recommended for careers in finance
Super useful site where you can find massive info about careers in finance. Despite most users and info is US-related, most of the content is applicable to EU. I purchased the most basic online Excel course (the one thar is ca. 20$) and value for money could not be better. Good job and carry on!
Had a great conversation with Nick…
Had a great conversation with Nick regarding my direction after MBA.
He was so knowledgeable and offered some great advice that will definitely help me progress in my internship search.
The interview guide is simply Amazing!
The interview guide is extremely helpful and simplified to the point that even a monkey can grasp the concepts. Rather than memorizing how to answer, you can learn the logic behind the answers.
WSO Monkey
LinkedIn Profile Audit
Very helpful and wish that communication was a little better as well as receptiveness during the call
WSO Academy Student
Build out separate VC / growth / startup community beyond the PE umbrella
Over the past few years, I’ve found myself using WSO less. Not because I think the quality has dipped - in fact, I feel the WSO is very thoughtful about how they want to grow over time. But it’s because I’ve made the move over to venture / growth equity in the past 3-5 years, and WSO is less relevant in this sector. Comparatively, there are a lot of adjacent / competing sources (VC / tech blogs, news subscriptions, tech/VC/Fintech podcasts, etc) that are more relevant and can command a fair bit of time.

In addition, as I’m currently in a principal-equivalent role, where I need most help from a guidance/advice standpoint is 1) how do I make partner, 2) how do I move to a different VC (lateral recruiting) + navigate negotiations, 3) how do I build relationships, and/or 4) how do I think about maybe joining a startup or my next phase of growth. I’m not really seeing that advice + exposure at WSO (given it’s more IB/PE focused, and naturally more geared towards advice for analysts/associates).

I think it would be great if WSO makes a separate VC/growth/startup section - and enable WSOers that belong in that community (or want to be part of it) to find each other. Right now, a lot of that gets lost in the PE bucket.

Also - is there a ways to bring more senior WSO members (people that have made principal/partner) to the platform? That will help provide value-add to your mid/Sr members, and encourage them to pay it forward as they grow. Finally, if you’re able to do this, I think it also allows members to potentially get to know each other beyond their WSO user name and get past the anonymity, enabling relationship building + stronger feelings / ties to the WSO community.
walks you through every step of the process in a straight forward fashion
walks you through every step of the process in a straight forward fashion
Extremely helpful
Henrique was extremely helpful in helping me structure my thoughts, offering to review iterations offline, and polish the final pitch. Thank you!
WSO Academy Student
Everything was great and super helpful
Everything was great and super helpful
WSO Academy Student
Great site
Great site. Learned about industries where there is not alot of information.
Played a huge part of my journey
I have not been an active user on your site for a decade plus however I am immensely grateful for the part it played in my career journey. I am now a Partner at a VC firm and this site has been an invaluable resource.

I grew up in an inner city neighbourhood and did not have a network to guide me so having access to so many people on the same journey was invaluable.