WSO Testimonials

Filter and read 500+ verified reviews on WSO courses, services and the community platform.

Super helpful informational interview
Super helpful – will meet again on Friday
WSO Academy Student
A must take for IB or career in finance
A must take for IB or career in finance, 10/10 would recommend!
Helpful for PE Interviews
I used the guide to help prep for PE associate interviews. The guide has all the relevant information needed.
1,246 Testimonials

Great site. Lots of useful information and generally friendly community. Some members like to give back to the community and it helps countless of aspiring finance professionals.

From basic to advanced, no fuss.
From basic to advanced, no fuss. Complete and with the best practices that I see in everyday work.
I used to consider myself to be pretty good at Excel
Working for 5 years in finance and strategy, I used to consider myself to be pretty good at Excel. But what Zach the instructor and the WSO team (including the monkey) have put together makes me look like an amateur. My target since completing this course is to get a stage where I can model without using the mouse (not yet there but getting there). I love the fact that they have put together excel sheets on which you can practice the shortcuts you learn. Started out at 3-4 mins on my first and ended taking less than 40 secs.
I've done Excel courses before like this but with no practice, so only little of what I learned actually stuck. Practice makes perfect so I'm gonna head back to that :D
Nabil Hanif
People who really know the industry…
People who really know the industry helped display real world operations to help understand these concepts.
Very helpful and insightful…
Very helpful and insightful information/community when I was starting my career in finance.
Through the service, you have guided my resume in the right direction - in terms...
Through the service, you have guided my resume in the right direction - in terms of which points to elaborate on and which ones to exclude. The resume looks more professional and structured now.

Initially, I was a bit underwhelmed as I expected a full butchering of my resume, but I guess my resume was not as bad as I thought.
This mentor was immensely helpful and provided a thoughtful overview of the inve...
This mentor was immensely helpful and provided a thoughtful overview of the investment management research and recruiting process. We discussed the nuances of valuation in his sector coverage and the overall approach that he took towards diligence. In addition, he boiled down the investment thesis writeup into a very clear and actionable set of steps.

I appreciate his articulate and patient communication and would consult with him again in the future.
Great forum but software application…
Great forum but software application keep failing on Android phone, so cannot alway type responses to questions.
Looking forward to booking more behavioral/technical prep sessions in the future
Looking forward to booking more behavioral/technical prep sessions in the future
WSO Academy Student
Will schedule more mock interviews in the near future
Will schedule more mock interviews in the near future
WSO Academy Student
Reliable source of information
Quality of information is pretty high (and remarkably good considering its coming from anonymous internet sources), second only to personally knowing someone in the industry and asking them yourself.

In the end, its basically Reddit but specifically for the high finance industry - and then on top of that, it has courses, guides, and more.
The course was very informative
The course was very informative, easy to understand, and helped me transition to IB in less than a year out of undergrad from an Ops role. It also saved me $200k+ on a top MBA and hundreds of hours studying for the GMAT.

Thank you, Patrick, and the whole team at WSO,