What do you see yourself doing in 3 years?

Working in IB
18% (128 votes)
Working in PE
11% (78 votes)
Working in HF
11% (80 votes)
Working in ER
4% (28 votes)
Working in AM
5% (36 votes)
Working in S&T
7% (48 votes)
Working in VC
2% (14 votes)
Working in RE
2% (14 votes)
Big 4 / Accounting
4% (26 votes)
PWM / Investment Advisor
1% (6 votes)
Financial Engineering
1% (9 votes)
Corporate Finance
4% (28 votes)
Management Consulting
7% (49 votes)
Trading on my own / full-time day trading
1% (9 votes)
In Grad school (MBA, MSF, etc)
9% (63 votes)
Entrepreneur, finance-related
2% (12 votes)
Entrepreneur, non-finance related
7% (46 votes)
Other Job (finance-related)
1% (10 votes)
Other Job (non-finance)
2% (16 votes)
Total votes: 700

How is FT recruiting going for you?

Got the exact offer I wanted
18% (71 votes)
Took an offer, but not ecstatic about it
9% (37 votes)
Nothing for sure yet, but feel confident
8% (33 votes)
Some prospects, but feel a little worried
14% (55 votes)
Little to no prospects, but not giving up
10% (40 votes)
Little to no prospects, want to give up
5% (18 votes)
What/when is FT recruiting??
5% (20 votes)
Screw finance, I'm switching career paths
9% (36 votes)
N/A, I didn't do FT recruiting
22% (85 votes)
Total votes: 395

What was the #1 factor in getting your current/upcoming finance-related job or internship?

Networking through colleague/boss/friend/alumni
24% (107 votes)
Cold Networking
9% (41 votes)
In-house promotion / lateral / transfer
0% (2 votes)
Past internship lead to job offer with same firm
4% (19 votes)
8% (35 votes)
Interview skills
13% (59 votes)
Advanced academic degree (MBA, MSF, or similar)
2% (9 votes)
Advanced certification (CFA, or similar)
2% (8 votes)
Grades / test scores
2% (8 votes)
7% (32 votes)
Kissed a lot of ass
3% (15 votes)
School I currently attend, or attended in the past
4% (17 votes)
5% (21 votes)
Recruited (by firm directly or a recruiter)
4% (17 votes)
Lied / cheated
2% (7 votes)
N/A I don't have a finance job/internship now, nor upcoming for the future
10% (45 votes)
Total votes: 442

Those in the NYC area: on a scale of 1-5, how much has Sandy affected your life?

N/A - I do not live in the area
48% (48 votes)
5 - Greatly affected my life, and continues to
14% (14 votes)
4 - Greatly affected my life, but things are getting back to normal
8% (8 votes)
3 - Mildly affected my life
11% (11 votes)
2 - Small affect on my life
13% (13 votes)
1 - Didn't affect my life whatsoever
6% (6 votes)
Total votes: 100

Why would you NOT pay for a professional resume review from the WSO Resume Review Service?

Too expensive
52% (215 votes)
My resume already is perfect / I know best
21% (85 votes)
I am not applying to jobs right now and don't expect to any time soon
10% (40 votes)
I don't comprehend ROI and figure $199 to help land an interview is not worth it when I spend $1,000s on my education :)
8% (35 votes)
Already used an inferior service and don't want to pay twice
3% (11 votes)
Other (please comment)
5% (19 votes)
N/A, already have purchased
2% (8 votes)
Total votes: 413

Where do you keep your phone when you sleep? [Poll sponsored by ThePillowPocket.com]

Under my pillow - Like-a-boss
15% (38 votes)
In my hand - I craft e-mails and check wso in my sleep
5% (12 votes)
Nightstand - I'm just a regular-everyday-normal-guy
56% (147 votes)
Other side of the room - F*ck PDT emails
13% (33 votes)
N/A - I don't sleep (all-nighters 'til I die)
7% (18 votes)
Other (please comment)
5% (14 votes)
Total votes: 262

Why would you NOT buy an earlybird ticket ($79) to the WSO conference?

I'm scared of the monkey mascot
18% (29 votes)
I can't / don't want to attend
20% (32 votes)
I plan to go but will wait until the last possible second to buy because I always procrastinate on things
7% (11 votes)
Cant afford it (live outside of NYC area and would have to pay for travel expenses)
28% (45 votes)
Too far into the future - I'm interested but unsure if I'll be able to go
17% (27 votes)
N/A - I already bought my ticket, see you there!
8% (12 votes)
Other (please comment)
2% (3 votes)
Total votes: 159

What are your holiday plans?

What holiday? I'll be working
17% (70 votes)
My body will be in the office, but not much will be getting done
8% (33 votes)
Vacation to somewhere exotic/fun/relaxing
9% (35 votes)
Taking time off but staying home
10% (43 votes)
Part-time work / part-time vacation
6% (26 votes)
Traveling back home to see family/friends
20% (80 votes)
Absolutely nothing, too burnt out from school/work
10% (40 votes)
Preparing for SA recruiting / upcoming interviews
20% (83 votes)
Total votes: 410

Who is the 2012 WSO Member of the Year? (Poll ends Jan 20th)

In The Flesh
24% (85 votes)
9% (33 votes)
10% (34 votes)
7% (23 votes)
20% (70 votes)
12% (43 votes)
4% (15 votes)
10% (34 votes)
other (please comment)
5% (16 votes)
Total votes: 353

What is the 2012 Forum Post of the Year? (Links for each post are in comments)

My not-so-secrets to success
14% (22 votes)
WSO, It Is Time To Talk
5% (8 votes)
Life after Investment Banking
9% (15 votes)
Silly Shit Interns Do
16% (25 votes)
Hedge Fund: The Investment Life Cycle
3% (5 votes)
The Drunk MD Story
13% (20 votes)
How to negotiate for more money during the interview process
3% (5 votes)
Target vs. Non-Target
8% (12 votes)
Cold-Emailing Guide.
6% (9 votes)
What You Should've Done by 21: a Controversial Guide to a Realistic Outlook
8% (13 votes)
Transitioning from IB to HF Series - Part 1: Getting the Interview
9% (14 votes)
Putting It Out There - the story
3% (4 votes)
other (please comment)
4% (7 votes)
Total votes: 159

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101


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