Who is 2011 WSO Member of the Year?

49% (138 votes)
51% (143 votes)
Total votes: 281

What is 2011 Finance-related Thread of the year?

a) Why do ppl choose megafunds over MM?
13% (27 votes)
b) Corporate Development Associate Fielding Questions
12% (24 votes)
c) UG Recruiting Part I: How a resume becomes an interview
20% (42 votes)
d) Hedge Fund Guru Answering Inbox Questions Here.
10% (20 votes)
e) So you want to cold email me? Here's how you do it right.
14% (29 votes)
f) Occupy Wall Street
12% (25 votes)
g) Graduating into a Bad Economy
14% (29 votes)
h) Best Proprietary Trading Firms
5% (10 votes)
Total votes: 206

What is 2011 non-finance-related thread of the year?

Too muscular for the office?
22% (55 votes)
Do you know algebra?
3% (8 votes)
Need a Job - Will take Anything
4% (10 votes)
Random things that piss you off
3% (8 votes)
Jedi looking to Lateral into IBanking
20% (50 votes)
48÷2(9+3) = ???
14% (35 votes)
Girl trouble - am I being petty?
2% (6 votes)
Why is drunk driving illegal?
2% (5 votes)
My dad has a mistress. Should I tell my mom?
14% (34 votes)
Beautiful 25 Year Old Girl
15% (36 votes)
Total votes: 247

Students: how are your job/intern prospects for this summer?

Money in the bag
35% (239 votes)
Nothing fur sure yet, but feel confident
9% (63 votes)
Some prospects, but feel a little worried
21% (148 votes)
Little to no prospects, but not giving up
16% (108 votes)
Little to no prospects, want to give up
7% (48 votes)
Haven't started looking yet
3% (24 votes)
Screw finance, i'm switching career paths
9% (60 votes)
Total votes: 690

Were you happy with your 2011 bonu$?

Yeah, definitely
15% (46 votes)
Lower than expected, but fair
20% (62 votes)
Lower than expected and pissed off
21% (65 votes)
What bonus?!
45% (144 votes)
Total votes: 317

What's your current monkey status?

Current ugrad - finance/econ/acct-related
38% (426 votes)
Current ugrad - non-finance / undecided
7% (76 votes)
Recent finance/econ/acct grad and looking for work
4% (50 votes)
Current grad student - MBA/MSF or equiv
9% (102 votes)
Recent MBA/MSF or equiv graduate, looking for work
2% (21 votes)
Currently work in finance/banking, 0-5 years
28% (312 votes)
Currently work in finance/banking, 5+ years
3% (36 votes)
Quit / left finance/banking by choice / retired
2% (19 votes)
Recently laid-off from finance/banking
1% (13 votes)
None of the above, finance/wso is just a hobby
2% (27 votes)
Other (k-12, actual monkey, etc)
4% (41 votes)
Total votes: 1123

How much do you owe on your student loans?

8% (58 votes)
15% (110 votes)
14% (100 votes)
12% (91 votes)
10% (72 votes)
2% (14 votes)
More than Bernanke's son ($400k+)
2% (13 votes)
$0 (never took out student loans)
31% (229 votes)
$0 (paid in full)
6% (44 votes)
Total votes: 731

For those who haven't taken out student loans, why?

N/A - I did take out student loans
23% (55 votes)
Family is paying / did pay
46% (108 votes)
Currently pay / paid it myself
3% (8 votes)
My school is/was free
4% (10 votes)
11% (25 votes)
Government Grant
1% (2 votes)
GI Bill
2% (4 votes)
Mix of above
8% (18 votes)
Haven't started college yet
3% (7 votes)
Total votes: 237

Have you / would you move for school/work?

No, I have / want to / plan to stay in my city
12% (25 votes)
Yes, I have / want to / plan to move to another city in my state
7% (16 votes)
Yes, I have / want to / plan to move to another state
43% (93 votes)
Yes, I have / want to / plan to move internationally
38% (81 votes)
Total votes: 215

What is your #1 motivation for wanting to work in finance / similar field

Passion - I truly love doing it
17% (133 votes)
28% (217 votes)
Exit opps / career growth
20% (151 votes)
Power & prestige
13% (101 votes)
Don't like it, but I'm damn good at it, & don't know what else to do
5% (36 votes)
Intellectual stimulation
7% (57 votes)
Make my parents/family proud
2% (18 votes)
Lifestyle / models & bottles
3% (25 votes)
N/A - I don't want to work in finance
3% (25 votes)
Total votes: 763

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
