What should I do over the next 3-5 years to improve my chances of an M7 B-School Admit?

I'm in my final year of my undergrad at one of the Indian Institutes of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
My profile:
GPA: 8.3/10 (not really sure how that scales into the US 4.0 GPA system)
GRE 335/340

I'll be joining a tier 2 consulting firm in July this year.

Unilever (2 months): Supply Chain Management, Factory Engineering

Extra Curriculars:
I've held a few positions of responsibility at college and school
I am a Trinity college certified Pianist
I'm a regular volunteer at an NGO that works with underprivileged women.

I have to be honest here, and say that I'm genuinely not sure what I really want to do in 5 years time. Ideally, I would really fall in love with the consulting field, work my way up and make partner in time. But, I consider joining a B-school as the ideal way to exit, in case I feel like I need to. I'm really confused and dont really know much about how all this works. I'd really appreciate any advice.


Sounds like you’re ahead of the game. With the test score out of the way, you should focus on making an impact at work, getting a promotion or two, and making sure you find mentors who can given you good recommendations when needed. You can also increase the amount of volunteering you do - not sure the extent of what you’re doing now. Also, if you feel like taking the GMAT it couldn’t hurt. Schools definitely prefer it, but a 335 GRE is very solid and should be good enough.


Hi there!

Mostly focus on being a top performer at work, taking on as much leadership as possible, and securing a promotion before you apply. Gaining exposure to different clients and industries will help you discover what you're passionate about doing long-term, in case you don't fall in love with consulting forever :)

Otherwise, I would amp up your extra curricular involvement -- do more than just volunteer a few hours.

I would also try to gain any international exposure you can -- work projects, conferences, service trips, personal travel, etc.

Your GPA is strong by the way! Good luck!

Kate Richardson Senior Consultant, mbaMission www.mbamission.com Sign up for a free phone consultation: https://www.mbamission.com/consult/

It doesn't work to translate the GPA that way. In fact, when you apply you will report your GPA as is on the 10 point scale. If you want a more accurate (but still not perfect) way to see how your GPA stacks up, check out this WES tool: https://applications.wes.org/igpa-calculator/

I have always heard that GPAs over 8 are considered strong, especially when coming from one of the IITs. So I don't think you need to worry much about it!

Kate Richardson Senior Consultant, mbaMission www.mbamission.com Sign up for a free phone consultation: https://www.mbamission.com/consult/

first the main IITs are feeders to all MBA business schools">M7 equivalents. you don't NEED it to survive. second, if you got no idea, then ask the world out there by building experiences. definitely meet people from a wide range of industries @ your work, and develop a taste of what you like/not. third, do a kickass job until you resign.

Best Response

An 8.3 from an IIT is a strong, and highly competitive, GPA. for top MBA programs Your GRE scores are also excellent.

If you want to position yourself for an MBA, if you need it, I have a few suggestions:

  1. Leadership, leadership, leadership. If you can assume roles of responsibility either on the job or off, do so. Schools will want to see growth.
  2. if you can work abroad, do so, international and multi-cultural exposure is valued.
  3. Make time for other interests and/or community service. Bschools want multi-dimensional students.

For more suggestions, please see:

Best, Linda

Linda Abraham President, Accepted | Contact Me | Admissions Consulting

oo so if you have to repeat courses than you cant get in a MBA program for sure even if you had a proper reason why you screwed up. It was my first year and i had alot of things happening that time so yea


oo so if you have to repeat courses than you cant get in a MBA program for sure even if you had a proper reason why you screwed up. It was my first year and i had alot of things happening that time so yea


Most b-schools don't have a "formula" where if you tick all these boxes, or have certain #s, you'll get admitted. Frankly, your bigger challenge (and more immediate) will be getting a stellar job out of UG, which really counts for a lot more than your GPA. It's not a problem if you want to spend a few years in software, but if you want to go to a top program you should be aiming for the Microsoft/Google/Oracle/SAP/Facebook bracket rather than some unknown shop.


ohh okay thanks, i spoke to someone and they said that mostly business school look at your 3rd and 4th year gpa how true is this?


Are you looking at attending an MBA program in the States? Don’t forget to look for accredited programs. Also, before you enroll in a college, do the research. When I was looking into California College of San Diego, I read many California College of San Diego student reviews, testimonials and even exactly which courses are included in their programs. Doing this research into any college will help you to not make the same mistakes again.


An upward trend in GPA always helps and certainly a good GMAT score can counterbalance a lower GPA to a certain degree. Computer Science is no cakewalk, even at a "not so reputed" institution, and the adcoms will take the rigor of your program into account. In the end, a bad grade here and there should't inhibit you.

Bryant Michaels Veritas Prep Consulting

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