Tired of this "personal hour" work life balance initiative talk

Wow, thanks Bank management for giving me an hr of free time a day.  So progressive.  Maybe I'll use that time to take a dump and brush my teeth because the other 23 hours of the day are spent churning comments, skipping lunch and sometimes dinner, and answering pings from seniors of "whats the status" every 30 mins. Such a cool initiative thanks!

Pretty sure in Federal supermaxes they get like an hr of yard time a day.  We don't sit around and jerk off the prison warden for caring so much about the work life balance of prisoners.

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Associate 1 in PE - Other

I don’t understand why this is people’s argument back. Yeah it’s true, junior staff are always replaceable, but OP makes a valid point. Why would anyone be against improving banking industry culture / morale? Do you want to be as miserable as possible?

Because people who are miserable in this industry largely bring it upon themselves by chasing prestige and a fictitious, romantic idea of what working in finance entails. And because a lot of people shit on groups known for being being a better work/life balance because they aren’t as prestigious. It’s like well okay if you can’t be caught dead working in ECM because it isn’t as prestigious as M&A, then don’t bitch about the M&A hours, that’s the choice you made.


Howard Hughes

You can be pissed off about something and vent and not want to quit, pointless argument. I can’t imagine everyone in everyone job is 100% happy 100% of the time

I’m not saying this is OP’s situation but I agree it’s silly how some hardos in this industry shit on groups known for being better culturally while simultaneously venting about how much they hate their own job. There is a better option but most are too proud to take it.


This isn't true.  There are less and less QUALIFIED and talented people willing to do IB every year.  Go look at what is happening at M7 Biz schools.  If you are at HBS and end up doing IB people essentially think you screwed up.  

When tech offers so much more (in work life balance, less toxicity, and arguably higher comp) we are seeing the top talent head there.  Same with MBB which has a better reputation.

There may be plenty who are willing to take my seat - but its absolutely a fact that the talent level is lower and its harder for banks to recruit the people they actually want.  Why do you think all the BBs have so many non-target school initiatives now to boost hiring? 


Why don't they cut down the recruiting numbers and take the few that are actually qualified, talented and willing to do the work? 

Also would like to add that in the business world, you never know who is really ready until they are put under fire. Some are actually talented with upside but not willing to work as hard as the guy from a state-school who with one shot at IB could surpass ivy kids with an intense work ethic and drive. With this in mind, companies in business tend to take more gambles - sometimes it pays off and more often than not, it don't. Think of Mark Cuban, plenty more talented than him but any I-Banker would recruit a guy from Indiana with that willingness to work hard to see his business come to fruition. 


This isn't true.  There are less and less QUALIFIED and talented people willing to do IB every year.  Go look at what is happening at M7 Biz schools.  If you are at HBS and end up doing IB people essentially think you screwed up.  

When tech offers so much more (in work life balance, less toxicity, and arguably higher comp) we are seeing the top talent head there.  Same with MBB which has a better reputation.

There may be plenty who are willing to take my seat - but its absolutely a fact that the talent level is lower and its harder for banks to recruit the people they actually want.  Why do you think all the BBs have so many non-target school initiatives now to boost hiring? 

This is correct. As someone who hires multiple analysts per year, the quality is degrading because of IB’s bad reputation. The smartest people go to tech. Thanks everyone who says “there’s a line out the door” and doesn’t want to fix any of the massive issues IB has


Agree. What people don't get is that it's not about a special one hour of time. The ethos should be to treat your employees like human beings. A monster who gives you one hour of free time is still a monster after that hour is up.  IB analysts are ambitious kids willing to work all day and night.  That doesn't mean that they should be treated with the moral equivalency of the F9 button on Excel at your bidding.


I said this before in a different thread but giving "personal hours" is absolutely not the solution. We need to stop criminalizing those who are "away" over Teams or Skype and those who aren't optically "at the desk" 24/7. If people need to get a few hours to take care of the house just as daily course of business, they shouldn't have to wait till their "protected time" to do so. As long as the work is getting done and people are responsive, the idea of online face-time just perpetuates a shitty work culture which can often times be even worse than what happens in person. It's important to instill a sense of trust in the junior bankers which allows them to operated autonomously. If you're in the middle of an important deal then you can generally count on the fact that the deal team will be there and ready to tackle whatever comes their way. But if you're in a period between client work, there is no need to subject or enforce any kind of mentality where people feel they need to consistently appear online


Yes and I tell that to the junior guys who have complained to me about what I said. But my comment is more pertinent to the underlying culture of even having to do so - especially during the pandemic.


nothing will change until those that are initiating the work (MDs I guess) change the way they work. my $0.02, never been in banking but deal with plenty of higher ups at companies that deal with bankers and have friends that are/were in banking so I've only got limited data

not every pitch is urgent

no pitchbook alone will win you a relationship, so stop chasing perfection at the expense of team health

it's a waste of time spending hours on a low probability win

if something doesn't get done until Monday instead of Friday night and you lose the deal as a result, you never really had the deal to begin with

you don't need ANYTHING after 9pm except sleep and maybe a hummer, that goes for everyone (analysts and MDs)

stop treating PE firms like they're prom queen (see Apollo thread for what I mean)

if your pitchbook is more than 10 slides of substance, it's not getting read

unfortunately my words will fall on deaf ears because MDs and the people that made them MDs were used to this culture and likely see nothing wrong with it. IB at the top is sales, I'm in sales too, and I am consistently shocked at the level of bending over backwards IB folks do for clients. despite the culture you've been introduced into, not everything is urgent, and most of your pitchbooks likely never get read. you absolutely should work yourselves over the top to be prepared for a real deal, finals presentations, something like that, kinda like you should prepare before you pitch game 7, but turning comments at midnight just because the MD happens to be awake and is a sociopath that wants to perfect slide 37 of a bake off bullshit that won't be won anyway? that's dumb and a poor use of time and moneuy


At ubs and have never heard of this period. Getting crushed all year too. 


Rem atque nemo tempora repellendus et ipsum voluptatum. Sunt illo dignissimos praesentium nihil nisi fugiat. Expedita exercitationem accusantium voluptatem molestiae eos dignissimos. Voluptatem qui ut rerum est voluptas dicta.

Deleniti fugiat sed suscipit excepturi dolorem. Tempore sint consectetur ut tempora et laborum.

Ut voluptas aut quia quaerat rerum tenetur harum. Dolorem quia accusamus nihil incidunt. Iure et explicabo temporibus expedita cum. Aut quibusdam illo sint. Assumenda eaque voluptatem et dolor delectus voluptate quo magnam. Et rerum provident eum exercitationem non perferendis suscipit. Velit quis laudantium alias commodi.

Autem eaque dignissimos consequatur non modi qui. Illum ipsum perspiciatis quasi sed hic. Fugit et quo commodi et sequi nostrum ipsam. Rem fuga non aut explicabo recusandae.


Commodi temporibus omnis minima ad. Quis voluptas repellat sunt praesentium. Quo ut ex vel quibusdam voluptatem laudantium magni. Quia maiores illo quia sed neque repudiandae eos. Placeat sapiente eos aliquid dolor. Aperiam rem deserunt modi at id.

Hic optio sit aliquam repellat nihil et ut. Et error et veniam minima nihil laudantium dolor expedita.


Sed rerum reiciendis et et et in doloremque. Praesentium et sed rerum distinctio quos. Recusandae reprehenderit fuga molestiae.

Omnis earum similique nihil officiis numquam aut corporis. Ut non nobis eius qui voluptatem ut. Alias ad cupiditate qui animi aut quos.

Blanditiis est ut reprehenderit magnam aut. Dignissimos sed quia eius a molestiae.

Consectetur voluptatem ducimus illum voluptatem sunt. Voluptatem ut dolores consequatur harum nobis debitis aperiam non. Quia voluptas consequuntur ut qui iusto. Tenetur nisi aut cum omnis exercitationem voluptas accusamus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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